174看到好多人在背单词,背新概念,背语法,啰嗦几句,清喷 本人英语专业,毕业十几年了,专四专八都没过但是口语还不错,在机构也当过几年的英语老师(专四专八都没过,敢去当老师就能说明还是有点东西) 言归正传,单词是基础,但不是背出来的,你要是能静下心来研究一部比较生活化的电影你就知道了,对话无非就那么些词,所有语法时态就是不停在重复,换几个场景换几个动词名词啥的。所以你要真想学好英语,别背了,没卵用,背了就
4例如steam stiːm[rbk]这个地方ea就发i:这个长元音吗?这种。有没有表格类似的感觉自己总结有点杂乱
1Water is a vital resource for our survival. It is essential for daily activities such as brushing our teeth, washing our faces, and cooking. Our bodies need plenty of water every day to function properly. If there is no water, life on earth would cease to exist. Therefore, it is crucial that we save and reuse water. We can start by turning off the tap while we are brushing our teeth or washing our faces. Additionally, we can use rice water to wash dishes and then flush the toilet. In a word, water is the most important thing in our life, and we must all work together to conserve it.
16这句话语法是正确的吗? 其中 that I can't help you 是充当什么从句?
4广东省高三考生,在线求一名能帮我看应用文和读后续写作文的英语老师。(有偿)应用文平时7分8分 读后续写也是这个样。
1pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 看似很长,但是实际上 pneumono ultra microscopic silico volcano coniosis 关于肺的 空 极小的 硅(矽) 火山 吸附 连起来就是:肺部吸附极小的硅质粉尘的疾病 这也就是矽肺病 (为什么有火山?因为火山喷发往往伴随着大量的火山灰,这些火山灰的成分往往是硅酸盐,大量吸入火山灰的人患有矽肺病) 解析完了,这个单词实际上有很高的孤立语词汇的特征。是一个组合词。
65Please___ your book to class. 请把你的书带到教室. A. bring B. take 说话者和听话者 说此句时的位置未知 请问根据英文语法和英文母语者的表达习惯用"bring" or "take"及语法依据、理由
314【1】Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. 如果学习是一根蜡烛,那好奇心就是烛芯。 Curiosity:kjʊəriˈɒsəti/ n.好奇心;求知欲; wick:/wɪk/ n.烛芯;灯芯
8原句 It's the least I could do since you saved me 这里的least I为什么不用t说成tai,却用s去连读
6英文流行歌曲,中间有一段是好像是电子伴奏(也许全程是电子音乐),是女声,在电子伴奏那一部分女声声音挺低,在直播间听到的,隐约中记得好像有 "down" or "dawn"的之类歌词(不是几个"down",好像只有一个"dawn"),这首歌不是Taylor Swift唱的)信息比较少,但这首歌很流行,而且那那一段伴奏声音也挺特别
2My favorite season is spring. After the cold and dark winter, spring brings new life and hope. The flowers start to bloom, and the trees turn green again. The weather gets warmer, and I can spend more time outside. I love going for walks in the park and enjoying the beautiful cherry blossoms. Spring is a time of renewal and growth, and it always puts me in a good mood.
6请看这一句: A week before we arrived on this island you murdered the owner of the island, Mimasaka. 出自Kindaichi V6 P134. Mimasaka是人名。 这种有两个时间的从句应该怎么理解?是“我们到达小岛之前的一个星期前?”还是“我们到达小岛之前,也就是一星期前?”感觉不好理解呀。
10They operate as underwater architects, transforming the seascape for numerous other forms of underwater life, rather than just residing there.中They operate as underwater architects怎么翻译信达雅
40我看很多人都说这是个无效的方法。 但是我对着英文字幕,努力听懂他念出来的每一个单词 这样也不行吗?