9China has great hardware, but lacks software, and that's harder to develop. Please see the whole article in La Repubblica where my opinion has been quoted here.
45Starting a New Project 开始一个新项目 Overview 概述 The basic tracking workflow in our tools is: 我们工具的基础跟踪流程是: 1. Import your footage 导入素材 2. Draw a loose spline around the shape you want to track. Track the spline 在你要跟踪的形状轮廓周围绘制松散的曲线,跟踪曲线 3. Set the ‘Surface’, or corner pin where you want the inserted image 设置曲面,在你要潜入图像的区域边角固定 4. Adjust track if necessary 必要的时候调整跟踪 5. Export the completed track 导出完成的跟踪 The basic rotoscoping workfl
0判断一个数是否是整数 if(x%1==0){ true }else{ false }
5Huayanhuihai firmly believe that talent is the strategic business resources of development, emphasis on the position of human resources management in the business development strategy, and deep concern about the career development of employees. Huayanhuihai adhere to "people-oriented, person to win you win" management philosophy, pay attention to the ability upgrade and quality training. For training the workers with excellent technology and rich management knowledge, the company regularly organize related training and seminars, enhance the staff skills and learning awareness roundly. Under th
170Welcome to the world’s most powerful color correction on Linux, Mac and Windows! The new DaVinci Resolve 9 includes a massive number of powerful features as well as a new user interface for even faster grading and job setup! DaVinci color correctors have been the standard in post production since 1984 and there are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci. With DaVinci Resolve, you can be assured you are getting cutting edge quality and creativity thats behind more feature films, television commercials, documentaries, television product
41 Introduction 1.1 Welcome to CineCAT The CineCAT Cinema 4D plugin offers a full automatic and robust solution for camera tracking. CineCAT estimates camera parameters and reconstructs 3D points of the scene from image sequences. The estimated camera parameters and 3D points are inserted into the Cinema 4D scene. The CineCAT plugin is running on Windows and Mac OS X systems. 1.2 How CineCAT Works The process of camera parameter estimation, which is also known as match moving, can be divided into two steps: feature tracking and camera tracking. The automatic feature tracking consists of detecti
2表达式简介 在详细讲解表达式之前,我们先总体了解一下AE中元素之间的关系,据我所知在AE中主要有五种方法建立元素之间的关系: 关键帧:即使元素间没有必然的连接关系,你也可以通过设置关键帧来为它们建立联系。这是最普通的一种连接关系,这种方法也是最灵活的,但是很不利于修改和调试。 合并嵌套: 你可以将几个图层一起放置于一个新合成中,这很像其他应用程序中的成组操作,一种将多层素材元素作为单独素材处理设置的方法。 父子
2Porter-Duff 混合在一个象素的颜色属性中增加一个名为“alpha”的不透明值。
521 PREFACE Nuke is an Academy Award® winning compositor. It has been used to create extraordinary images on scores of feature films, including Avatar, District 9, Australia, The Dark Knight, Quantum of Solace, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Iron Man, Transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, and countless commercials and music videos. About this User Guide This User Guide consists of the following sections: 1.Nuke, which describes key features of Nuke in more detail. You can dip in and out of this section depending on what you’re interested in. 2.NukeX, which desc
1表示不间断的或空白的空格。当你键入一些连续的空格的时候,只有第一个空格被承认所有后面的空格都被忽略。但是你能藉由为每个你想要在页面上显示的空白空格键入" "(没有引号) 把空白空格强行显示在页面内 。
1Formatting characters and the Character panel 格式化字符和字符面板 Use the Character panel to format characters. If text is selected, changes you make in the Character panel affect only the selected text. If no text is selected, changes you make in the Character panel affect the selected text layers and the text layer’s selected Source Text keyframes, if any exist. If no text is selected and no text layers are selected, the changes you make in the Character panel become the new defaults for the next text entry. To display the Character panel, choose Window > Character; or, with
0seed决定使用哪个随机数表 timeless决定是否每帧生成一个随机数,true为只生产一个随机数 默认值false则每帧生成一个随机数,该值在整个时间线内有效
0center=this_comp.layer("Center").position; radius= 300; angle=time*2; x=radius*Math.cos(angle); y=radius*Math.sin(angle); add(center, [x,y]);
0Parallel(平行光):从一个点发射一束光线向目标点。 平行光提供一个无限远的 光照范围,可以照亮场景中处于目标点上的所有对象。光线不会因为距离而衰减。 Spot(聚光):从一个点向前方以圆锥形发射光线。根据圆锥角度确定照射面积。 Point(点光):从一个点向四周发射光线。随着对象离光源的距离不同,受光程度 也不同。光线由近至远衰减。 Ambient(环境光):没有光线发射点。它可以照亮场景中所有对象。但是环境光无 法产生光线。 【投射阴
5系统时间设置不正确会使sapphire transitions插件黑屏
0回深圳的时候班机再次晚点,晚上十点才到达黄田机场 地铁只剩下1号线在运行了,在会展中心战转线的时候,整个回旋着“线路已停,转乘其他交通工具”的声音,只好怏怏然拖着行李出到地铁口 在地铁口,我又看到了那个庞大类似水塔的建筑,仿佛散发出能把人吞噬入黑夜的力量,让人恐惧踌躇,不敢前行 这个巨硕的筑物,只是喜来登酒店门前的一个造型,把酒店之气塑造地尊贵庄严豪华,白日里看此大厦气势恢弘富丽堂皇,夜色中呈显之威仪
6遇到编码错误,无法复原画面等问题,首先观察渲染到百分之几的时候出现编码错误,找到时间线具体位置,研究一下所运用的素材所加的特效是否特别复杂,删除特效或单独渲染再导入时间线 然后检查内存是否不足,重启电脑再渲染