4. clothes horse过分讲究穿着打扮的人,衣冠楚楚的人(尤指盲目赶时髦时装式样变换的人) My little sister is such a clothes horse. She spends all of her money on shoes. 我妹妹是个特别爱打扮的人。她把所有钱都花在买鞋子上了。
6. one-horse town 落后的小地方,偏远的地方 Then Beijing was a gray, drab, one-horse town where the main means of transportation was the bicycle. 那时的北京是一个灰暗、乏味、设施简陋的小地方,主要交通工具是自行车。
8. a willing horse 孺子牛,心甘情愿努力干活的人 John's a willing horse, but he always seems to get the rotten jobs. 约翰是个乐于帮忙的人,可是他似乎总是做倒霉的事情。 All lay loads on a willing horse. (谚)好马重负。