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    【通知】2017-2018-1 第三届S.E.S英语综合能力竞赛 安排 教学周第十周,本周S.E.S英语综合能力竞赛活动如下: 【活动1:】11月7日起至11月20日止,开启“我最喜欢的S.E.S英语学习小团队”网选活动。通过同学们网选将评出最受同学们喜爱的S.E.S英语团队一组。(如该组未能成功入围则复活,直接晋级决赛。) 【活动2:】本周内所有参赛小组提交小组宣传照一张,原则上要求全身站立照,所有参赛组均入影作为纪念,制作精美纪念合影每人一份。 【活动3
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    2016级英语2班 GROUP 7 Team Members : 胡兴钰 刘玉洁 王岚 李玥 龚星林 Huxingyu Last week,we held a party.I think it is very colorful and meaningful.In this activity we took some tasty food to share with others andtook some drink pretend it is wine.I think it is very good for us to get along well with our classmates. In this party,who play Ukuleleleft me a deeply impression. The tune is soft and gentle.It is my pleasureto take part in this party. Liyue It was a wonderful pub experience with all the classmates there. We pretended our drinking to some wines, for instance, Whisky, V
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    members;李施 陈梦雪 朱文文 黄秋霞
    炫酷李1 10-16
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    2016级英语本科一班第三组 Our class hosted a party:pub culture. We just took five kinds of drinks, bought some paper drinking cups,and a cute doll. Our group invited three boy honored guests.one of the guests who can play the guitar,so he sung and played the guitar face all the people,and everyone applauded! The other two people,one is want to study English,and another is humorous. It was a meaningful activity!
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    This is our first English pub .We.all play games , communicate in English and enjoy ourselves. It was a great party and a wonderful memory. Our group playd wolfking ,everyone had a good time . Think you for our English teacher Mr Yin . He is a wonderful teacher , all of us love him . The Grews : 何磊 201604010296 李琎 281604010292 黄李梅 201604010178 张敏 201604010312 万航 201604010314
    吾本流枫 10-16
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    Welcome to our pub! Bar name: happy house DO YOU WANT HAVE A LIGHT DAY! If you answer is YES ! SO join us! There is a relaxing and happy bar and we can chat with each other, we can talking anything we want. Especially, there is a game, named chinese string up puzzle. If someone's answer is falsa we will punish her. And she will tell us some secret about her, hahaha...... we prepared some snacks and drinks and some air balloon to decorate the bar. BUT nothing can take the place of ourenthusiasm! 刘倩:201604010255 马利:201604010309 杨盛艳:201604010299 陈召敏:201604010317
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    a little poem : One Class One class a special class have candle ,flowers,chocolates,and guitar you and me he and her fantasting, interesting and romantic one people hands up , all hands up one singing, all singing for you ,for me, for us no books ,exams,pens and mission but delicious food and beer would you want a bar? would you want games? join us ! cheering and applausing~~ 梁素容 201604010060 唐艺岑 201604010094 曾钰婷 201604010061 刘潇 201604010054 程霞 201604010124
    要有光oo 10-14
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    【活动目的】为了营造良好的英语学习氛围,响应学院创新,实践课程号召,坚持以培养应用型人才为教学目标,检验各阶段学学英语学习水平,第三届【S.E.S英语综合能力竞赛】如期与大家见面了,本次竞赛内容包括以下三部分,各组按要求规定,在下层回帖参赛,最后将在全校内评选出一等奖一名,二等奖两名,三等奖三名,最佳人气奖、最佳小组奖。 【活动流程】 10月16日-10月29日在本帖下回帖,进行网投海选。 11月初公布入围小组名单,并组
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    2016级英语本科2班 英美国家概括 第五组 There are some introduction of our group and the bar activity. Bar Name: simple Kinds: books bar / soft bar Specials: "Rum " "brandy " " vodka " "wine " ; pile of cups ; little toys (yokelele ,toys ,balloons ) music-background music Welcome to our books bar ,drinking ,reading , chatting ,or Listen to music ,it's up to You
    我的秘密 12-20
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    There are some introduction of our group and the bar activity. Bar Name: simple Kinds: books bar / soft bar Specials: "Rum " "brandy " " vodka " "wine " ; pile of cups ; little toys (yokelele ,toys ,balloons ) music-background music Welcome to our books bar ,drinking ,reading , chatting ,or Listen to music ,it's up to You
    蓂荚 10-12
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    英语2班第四小组 组长:尹茜201604010207 组员:温穗东201604010293 徐卓 201604010305 陈宣米201604010170 张婧娴201604010100 活动:Bar game
    skyJessie122 10-12
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    2016级英语2班 英美国家概况课程group 5 The thoughts about the course and the "bar "activity . First There are some notions i synthesis from our group about the course: 1.It give a introduction of the major English-speaking countries ,and we can learn about a lot of customs 、culture、basis society conditions and politicals and so on .it's beneficial and very suit for we who are English major. 2.It's a innovation make some students learning by themselves then teaching the other students , which can improve students learning by himself ability and teaching ability very wel
    我的秘密 10-13
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    组长:陈颖 学号:201602010197 组员: 陈仁浩 学号:201603011075 胡宏杰 学号:201602010242 吴雅琴 学号:201602010237 孙莺 学号:201501010076
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    组长: 伏佳丽 201502010405 组员: 陈蒲 201502010421 寇倪华 201502010434 何继丽 201502010153 李舒蕾 201502010546
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    【17181XXK】有爱的学习小组 蔡亚利 张娜 杨敏 马光旭 李天鑫 大家因一起学习英语结识,今后多多关照,共同加油努力💪
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    【17181XXK】The expedition
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    组长: 杨子建201502010142 组员: 杨汶松201502010137 杨梦萱201502010139 戴紫薇201502010136 叶云霞201502010154
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    今天,注定是个特殊的日子,对于今天的他们来说,今天是迈出人生学习之路重要一步的日子,让我们一起见证! 一个月,两个月。。。一个学期,这群人的进步!
    蓂荚 9-14
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    本期开始 我们将与各位一起分享 读书心得 旨在提高口语、阅读能力。 欢迎大家在下面进行心得交流分享:) =================== 第二章
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    信息的发源地,最早开始的交流互动平台,每学期学生作业反馈,小组任务发布以及实践课,实训课,赛事通知的发布平台。 中期增加的 视频媒体交互平台,由于课程设置原因暂时只有每周不定期开放一次,多用于会议通知和要点问题阐述讲解。 近期公众号推送的音频声源地,很好用的一个平台,更多音频文件欢迎大家一起分享:) 最早开通,最少使用,怪我实在不太会用微博。。。 不过大家也可以进行互动,有问题别客气 欢迎一起学习:)
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    A special letter Dear World: My son starts schooltoday. It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wishyou would sort of treat him gently. You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost and boss of the backyard. I have always been around to repair hiswounds, and to soothe his feelings. But now--things are going to be different. This morning, he's going to walk down the front steps, wave hishand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars andtragedy and sorrow. To live his life in the world he has to live in will require faithand love and courag
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    为了营造良好的英语学习氛围,相应学院创新,实践课程号召,坚持以培养应用型人才为教学目标,检验各阶段学学英语学习水平,第二届【S.E.S英语综合能力竞赛】如期与大家见面了,本次竞赛内容包括以下三部分,各组按要求规定,在下层回帖参赛,最后将在全校内评选出一等奖一名,二等奖两名,三等奖三名,优秀奖若干(本次竞赛参赛选手将不局限于实践课班级,实践课班同学本次参赛即为一次实践课作业。) 【项目一】 5分钟时限 Conversation
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    1. ledge 暗礁 2. oasis 绿洲 3. longitude经度 4. latitude纬度 5. meridian子午线正午 6. subsidiary支流 branch 7. sediment沉淀物沉积 8. elevation高地正面图海拔 9. quartz石英 10. marble 大理石 11. limestone 石灰石 12. lava 熔岩火山岩 13. seismology 地震学 14. magnitude 震级 15. gregarious 群居的 16. carnivore 食肉动物 17. herbivorous 食草的 18. omnivorous 杂食的什么都吃的 19. predator 掠夺者食肉动物 20. poikilotherm 变温动物冷血动物 21. rodent 啮齿动物 22. scavenger 清道夫食腐动物 23. microbe 微生物细菌 2
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    2017年4月26日,教学周第9周,下午在E207教室,2016级英语专业本科2班的同学在尹老师的组织下,开展了S.E.S英语学习拓展项目的训练。 班级以第四课Man and Technology 为题展开辩论,班级同学积极辩论,各抒己见,在辩论中尝试使用英语进行表达,尹老师在每位同学发言后进行语句分析及需要表达技巧讲解,把实际应用与口语讲解巧妙结合在一起。 从2015年学院号召教师教学向实用型转型以来,我院教师先后组织多种多样的教学改革,将应用型教学融入课
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    欢迎大家 每日在公众号内的 每日一练 作文指引下 进行写作练习,如有需要 可以发截图 到公众号,或者 在本帖下回复,老师会及时给大家进行作文批改:)
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    请以下班级的各组小组长在本帖下回帖领取任务单词。 【实践课对象】 ★1. 高级听力II(12节)E幢5-2 2014级英语专业本科2班 ★2. 高级听力II(12节)E幢5-2 2014级英语专业本科1班 ★3. 英语中级听力II(56节)E幢5-2 2015级英语专业本科1班 ★4. 英美文学(910) C幢2-3 2015级英语专业本科1班 ★5. 英美文学(12节)E幢3-2 2014级汉语国际教育专业本科1班 ★6.英美文学(34节)E幢3-2 2014级汉语国际教育专业本科1班 ★7.英语初级听力与口语(二)(56节) E幢5-2 2015级汉语国际教育专业本
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    2016级英语本科一班(口语第六组) 组长:谭小华 组员:刘星池 王湘瑜 Love is the spring of charming flower. Love is the summer of cool wind. Love is the autumn of falling leaves. Love is the winter of warm sunshine. Love is the kind smile of grandparents. Love is the thick palm of father. Love is the gentle appearance of mother. Love is the trust eyes of lover,when we are misunderstood. Love is the ambrace of good friends, when we are sad. Love is the greeting from a stranger. Love is the truth of the people. Love is the peace of the countries. Love is the best things
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    朱容雪 201404010173 张敏  201404010161 李倩  201404010152 郑红娟 201404010156
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    组员:丁月201404010052 周越亚201404010036 杨亚201404010031 钟倩201404010047 贝奥武甫 荒野的薄雾弥漫之时,格伦德尔悍然降临 他早已劣迹斑斑 他的到来是为了抢走高墙之内的一些人类 他穿过云幕,终于看清那个人类神圣的殿堂 金碟中盛放着美酒 这不是他第一次造访并对丹麦霍格国王 降下启示 他从未也再不会遭逢厄运 天生好战的怪兽慢慢走近城墙 城门像是被用钢铁加固在无数双手的推阻下 残骸爱好者怒气冲天他破开门加速前行 很快这个宿敌踏上了光洁
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    Hello , everyone Nice to introduce we new group and new members for you First , we are four students of English department , Cheng Mingfeng ,Wu Junrong, Wu Shiyu , Zeng Tingting. Second , the following are the contemporary college English homeworks: 1.简言之,每个人都是有自己个性特征的,而不是集合所有人的特点的,大家都会同意这个观点的。 2.我们之所以认为这是伟大的,是因为我们站在自己的膝盖上。 3.伟大不是指强壮,而是能正确的运用力量。 4.给我一个英雄,我能谱写一个悲剧。 5.窃钩者诛,窃钩
    蓂荚 3-4
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    组长 王兰201504010207 薛倩201504010180 张娜201504010190 陈婷立201504010175
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    name 建建的后宫 朱建民 201504010099 周颖 201504010078 罗羲 201504010100 杨柳筠 201504010107
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    HOMEWORK: 1.Withdraw 拿走; 撤退; 取钱 2.Sirloin 牛里脊肉; 3.Stain 弄脏; 污染;著色 4.Deposit 存款; 保证金; 沉淀物; 寄存品 5.Tender 纤弱的; 温柔的; 疼痛的;提出; 照看者 6.Peculiar 奇怪的; 异常的; 特有的;专有特权 7.Account 账目; 报告; 理由;解释; 导致; 认为 8.Sponge 海绵; 海绵状物;骗取; 敲詐 9.Flavor 韵味; 特点; 香料; 给…增添风趣
    如芃 3-3
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    组长:宋明201404010045 组员:姜虹201404010035 任兰兰201404010058 邓海霞201404010038 Beowulf翻译 第一段 走出荒原,在薄雾笼罩的山中,潜逃的格伦德尔打算在大厅中夺取一些人。他在云下窥探,人类的金色大厅,蜜酒般的大殿,清清楚楚呈现在他眼前。他并非第一次拜访丹麦人的宫廷,他从来没有,也在不会,像这一次倒霉,他被守在大厅的警卫发现了。 第二段 被定罪的好战的怪物,他的手撕开了大门,他怒火冲天,凶性大发,一下撕碎大厅的狭口处,踏上
    miya299 3-2
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    组长 汪小琪:201404010168 组员 李 洁:201404010174 组员 闫 倩:201404010154 组员 贾情情:201404010171
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    withdraw 退出,取消 sirloin 牛里脊肉stain 弄污 deposit 订金,预付款 tender 温柔的 peculiar 奇怪的 account 计算 sponge 海绵 flavor 情味 sign 标记 apologize 道歉 Brenda apart from 除……之外 @sckyee
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    Withdraw v . 使撤回,撤离;停止提供 sirloin n.牛里脊肉,牛上腰肉。 stain v.玷污,留下污渍;n.污渍 deposit:n 订金;存款;v沉积物;放下;寄存。 tender adj.和善的;v.提议 n.投标 peculiar: adj.怪异的;不舒服;特殊的。’ account: n.账户;老主顾;描述;赊购;账目。v.认为是 sponge n.海绵块;海绵动物。 flavor:n. 味道;情味 v.给…添加 sign:n.迹象,符号;手势。v.签字 apologize:v 道歉 Brenda; 布伦达(人名)。 apart from :除了,,,之外 @sckyee
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    'up up' there are four members in this group,they are Gao Lu,Lu Huanhuan,He Menglan,Li Jin.We use 'up up'as our team name.As a captain,I wish we would like the name. @尹老师【图片】

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