真是讽刺呀,我自己找到了= =
Thou hast nor youth nor age
But as it were an after dinner sleep
Dreaming of both.
Here I am, an old man in a dry month,这就是我,干旱月份里的一个老头,
Being read to by a boy, waiting for rain.听着书童替我读报,等待雨水降临
I was neither at the hot gates我不曾去过火热的门
Nor fought in the warm rain也不曾沐着暖雨战斗
Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass,更不曾在没膝的盐沼中,挥舞弯刀 5
Bitten by flies, fought.被蚊虫叮咬,苦战
My house is a decayed house,我的房间破败
And the jew squats on the window sill, the owner,房东,一个犹太人蹲在窗台上
Spawned in some estaminet of Antwerp,在安特卫普的某个咖啡馆滋生
Blistered in Brussels, patched and peeled in London.在布鲁塞尔长水泡,在伦敦长斑剥落 10
The goat coughs at night in the field overhead;夜里山羊在屋后的田野咳嗽
Rocks, moss, stonecrop, iron, merds.岩石、青苔、景天、烙铁、粪球
The woman keeps the kitchen, makes tea,女人在厨房忙碌,沏茶
Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.晚上打着喷嚏,掏着堵塞的下水道
I an old man, 我,一个老头 15
A dull head among windy spaces.
Signs are taken for wonders. “We would see a sign!”奇迹总有征兆,“显个征兆给我们看吧”
The word within a word, unable to speak a word,道中之道,说不出一个字
Swaddled with darkness. In the juvescence of the year裹在黑暗中。在一年的春季
Came Christ the tiger基督老虎来了 20
Thou hast nor youth nor age
But as it were an after dinner sleep
Dreaming of both.
Here I am, an old man in a dry month,这就是我,干旱月份里的一个老头,
Being read to by a boy, waiting for rain.听着书童替我读报,等待雨水降临
I was neither at the hot gates我不曾去过火热的门
Nor fought in the warm rain也不曾沐着暖雨战斗
Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass,更不曾在没膝的盐沼中,挥舞弯刀 5
Bitten by flies, fought.被蚊虫叮咬,苦战
My house is a decayed house,我的房间破败
And the jew squats on the window sill, the owner,房东,一个犹太人蹲在窗台上
Spawned in some estaminet of Antwerp,在安特卫普的某个咖啡馆滋生
Blistered in Brussels, patched and peeled in London.在布鲁塞尔长水泡,在伦敦长斑剥落 10
The goat coughs at night in the field overhead;夜里山羊在屋后的田野咳嗽
Rocks, moss, stonecrop, iron, merds.岩石、青苔、景天、烙铁、粪球
The woman keeps the kitchen, makes tea,女人在厨房忙碌,沏茶
Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.晚上打着喷嚏,掏着堵塞的下水道
I an old man, 我,一个老头 15
A dull head among windy spaces.
Signs are taken for wonders. “We would see a sign!”奇迹总有征兆,“显个征兆给我们看吧”
The word within a word, unable to speak a word,道中之道,说不出一个字
Swaddled with darkness. In the juvescence of the year裹在黑暗中。在一年的春季
Came Christ the tiger基督老虎来了 20