pixelmon吧 关注:5,114贴子:40,274
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一楼喂度娘- -

IP属地:湖北1楼2019-02-23 19:29回复
    - 加了一堆新功能。现在在pixelmon的wiki上可以看到了
    - 为宝可梦刷怪箱添加了可设定宝可梦各项指数与标签的功能
    - 添加了两种只有创造模式可获得的作弊物品: Hiroku的金眼镜和Hiroku的银眼镜。手持该物品右键野生精灵可以看到他们的属性标签

    IP属地:湖北2楼2019-02-23 19:31
      - 爆肌蚊现在可以生成在树的顶端了。毕竟它太大了,树下根本撑不开所以无法生成
      - 删除了/pokegiveegg指令。现在用/pokegive <Pokemon> egg指令替代
      -删除了config的allowRandomSpawnedEggsToBeLegendary选项,因为它是给/pokegiveegg指令用的。现在这个条目变更为给/pokegive random指令使用的allowRandomPokemonToBeLegendary条目

      IP属地:湖北3楼2019-02-23 19:32
        - Fixed a crash from external moves if an invalid move was in the Pokémon's data.
        - 修复了宝可梦使用无效的场外技能会造成崩溃的问题
        - Fixed a bug where setting your number of PC boxes to 256 caused PCs to not open.
        - 修复了如果你把PC的最大页数设定为256的话就无法打开PC的问题
        - Fixed some issues with non-English languages causing overlapping text in some GUIs.
        - 修复了某些页面的非英语的内容造成内容叠加的问题
        - Fixed the inventory open key not closing the ranch block screen like it does with the PC.
        - 修复了按背包按钮时不会关掉牧场界面的问题
        - Fixed statues being really, really good at staying still, making it impossible to move them to where you actually wanted them to be in the first place.
        - 这次让雕像真的真的真的没法再转动了,就定那儿不动了就,再也不可能转了。不会像以前一样你在哪儿放的雕像就会朝哪
        - Fixed the Soft-Boiled TM saying that it's corrupted for some reason. A bad egg. Haha. Please don't fire me this is the only job I could get.
        - 修复了生蛋这个技能在使用时提示错误的问题。(其实是蛋坏了23333。这是我唯一能完成的工作了,别喷我!快停火是友军!)
        - Fixed you not being able to delete an egg from your party if there was only one non-egg Pokémon in your party.
        - 修复了如果你携带精灵里只有一个非蛋精灵时无法直接从携带精灵中扔掉精灵蛋的问题
        - Fixed Ranch Blocks not sending out the Pokémon immediately after you added it. Also fixes the Pokémon sometimes not updating the interact message for the second Pokémon in the ranch.
        - 修复了牧场方块不会立刻出现你放入的精灵的问题。并且修复了宝可梦有时不会更新生蛋的亲密度信息的问题
        - Fixed the trainer card using the dollar symbol instead of the Pokédollar symbol. Unforgivable.
        - 修复了训练师卡片中使用的美元$符号而不是宝可梦宝可梦金币符号的问题。值得纪念
        - Fixed shiny particles not working. You got us. We tried getting rid of those with the Pokémon cries. There's no fooling you guys.
        - 修复了闪光宝可梦的闪光粒子无效的问题。你们找到我们反馈,而我们尽力除掉了令宝可梦伤心的那些玩意。这次真的没骗你们
        - Fixed the Gracidea flower having a 1024x1024 size texture... Sandile doesn't even deserve that high a resolution. Ok, maybe Sandile does.
        - 修复了葛拉西蒂亚之花有一个1024*1024大小的材质…甚至连黑眼鳄都没有这么大这么精细的材质!黑眼鳄配吗?黑眼鳄不配!好吧,黑眼鳄可能配
        - Fixed bad /pokegives being able to cause errors in all sorts of sidemods/plugins.
        - 修复了/pokegives指令会造成错误的问题
        - Fixed NPC Trainers Pokémon levels being all over the place instead of the trainers level.
        - 修复了NPC训练师的宝可梦等级高于训练师等级的问题
        - Fixed NPC Trainers levels always being really low and not scaling to player level.
        - 修复了NPC训练师的等级总是很低、无法匹配玩家等级的问题

        IP属地:湖北5楼2019-02-23 19:33
          - Fixed more battle issues since battles always have issues:
          - 修复了很多战斗问题(都是战斗的错!)
          Fixed battles being updated twice as fast as we wanted, causing some lag when a lot of battles are happening.
          Fixed Baneful Bunker not having a Priority of +4.
          Fixed the move Transform being able to transform into a Pokémon behind a substitute or a Pokémon that is currently transformed. That last one is really funny in Ditto v Ditto.
          Fixed the Impostor ability not copying the target's moves.
          Fixed a race condition that caused temporary levels to not show correctly on the first Pokémon in battle.
          Fixed Pokémon coming out at the end of a battle due to Exp. Shares.
          Fixed Strength Sap being a Ground-type move.
          Fixed Belch, Brutal Swing, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Dual Chop, Infestation, Night Shade, Outrage, Power-Up Punch, Roar of Time, Seismic Toss, Spacial Rend, Steam Eruption, and Twister not being able to become Z-Moves.
          Fixed Beast Boost raising the wrong stat. Again. Someone at some point will test their fixes.
          Fixed not being able to Mega-Evolve Rayquaza.
          Fixed incorrect effects with Lunge and Trop Kick.
          Fixed incorrect accuracy on Smart Strike.
          Fixed some battle issues caused by stat changes when they aren't caused by moves.

          IP属地:湖北6楼2019-02-23 19:34
            - Fixed a lot of Pokémon Editor issues:
            - 修复了一堆宝可梦编辑器棒棒的问题:
            Fixed not being able to import an entire team.
            Fixed not importing items and Poké Balls if they were in another language and other bad language handling.
            Fixed the Pokémon Editor exporting in non-English, breaking compatibility with Pokémon Showdown.
            Fixed not being able to import Battle Bond Greninja.
            Fixed natures not importing if there was a space after the word "Nature".
            Fixed Z-Crystals and Silvally's Memories being removable by things like Thief.

            IP属地:湖北7楼2019-02-23 19:34
              - Fixed Magician not being completely translated.
              - 修复了特性魔术师没有被完全翻译的问题
              - Fixed an absolute TON of language translation issues with battles on servers, like it not translating things to your native language and instead using the server's language.
              - 修复了成吨成吨的服务器战斗信息翻译错误,比如它并不会给你把语言翻译成你所选的语言而是翻译成英语

              IP属地:湖北8楼2019-02-23 19:34

                IP属地:湖北9楼2019-02-23 19:35