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IP属地:北京1楼2017-12-30 11:53回复
    Q:Is there any plan to complete akizuki line toT10 in 2018?
    A:We are looking at the ship projects to finishthe line, but this is far from the easiest line in historical sense, so itmight take considerable time. Therefore we can’t quite confirm it for 2018, butwe’ll make sure to do our best.
    A: 没办法找历史船所以我们只能脑洞了,这需要一定的时间,我们会尽力做的,不过2018年做完不太现实。

    IP属地:北京2楼2017-12-30 11:54
      Q: Prinz Eugen and AdmiralHipper-do you think these ships need a buff? Even with the german cruiser buff,these two ships are still on the low end of the branch. They have terrible DPMand don't have exceptionally outstanding features.
      A: You are not the first topoint out their seeming deficiencies, yet the win rate of both is quite on parwith competing ships of the same tier. Moreover, their range and ballistics arevery much fine, and citadels are decently protected, so these cruisers don’tlook bad per se. However, since it seems to be a concern among the players, wewill give the ships a closer look next year, but please don’t take it as aguarantee that they will receive any buffs.

      IP属地:北京4楼2017-12-30 11:54

        IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端5楼2017-12-30 11:54
          Q:A few weeks ago Sub_Octavian did a Map Feedback Thread.Now that you (WG) had a chance of work through all that feedback? Any news onwhat's your (WG) view on that is, or what you can pull from that for futuremaps?
          A: What I can share fornow, is that Tears of the players Desert is getting the much needed rework prettysoon* (this is stretchable), while several other maps are going to followshortly after. Sorry for teasing (or am I?), but that's all I can give you.

          IP属地:北京6楼2017-12-30 11:54
            Q: Regarding the plannedShimakaze changes, the 20km DW torps changes are too niche imo, because ifyou're in a match with only 3 BBs and the rest are cruisers and DDs, Shimakazeis basically a useless piece of dead weight to the team, even more as it iscurrently now. The addition of TRB is a welcome change even if everyone willscream "Muh Torpedo soup, IJN DD OP, WG NERF!!" Instead of fixing theoverly-nerfed T93 torps, why not just remove it entirely and adjust the othertorp's ranges (T93 mod3 to be 15km and F3 be 9.5km)?
            Also,why not buff Shimakaze's concealment? Having the same concealment as Gearingmade sense when there's only the IJN and USN DD lines in the game, but now thatthere's a lot of other lines, and a Pan-Asian GUNBOAT that has betterconcealment than the supposed "stealth torpedoboat" line, Shimakaze'scurrent concealment doesn't make sense anymore.
            A: I’m going to have stopyou right there, at the “planned changes” wording. Those changes are notnecessarily planned, they were indeed just a test, so it doesn’t mean they arefinal at all. Just take it as one of (perhaps several) tests. Regarding theDWT, we’re going to wait and see before we make any concrete decisions. When itcomes to concealment, Shimakaze is of the similar size as Gearing. Of course wecould play a little with concealment within a certain limit, but ~200m wouldn’tchange much, and any more would be far too steep.

            IP属地:北京7楼2017-12-30 11:54
              Q:Any chance will we seeanother Pre-Dreadnought like the SMS Schwig Holstein of the Deutschland Class?
              A: Very little - the Mikasa doesnot look too convincing and we would likely need to come up with a differentmechanic, as with the current game mechanics the "few big guns and strongmixed secondary battery" is not too easy to make engaging. Or, on theother hand, not promoting botting :)
              And fornew mechanics development we'd rather have a look at something that can come inhandy at higher tiers.

              IP属地:北京8楼2017-12-30 11:54

                IP属地:广西来自Android客户端9楼2017-12-30 11:55
                  Q: Are you planing on makingit posible to get rewards from PvE scenarios more than one time? When you get 5stars on a PvE scenario there is no reason to play it again. Maybe make it soyou can get rewards from the operation of the week.
                  A:That's a decent idea, for sure. We’rethinking of ways to add some replayability to the scenarios, and there may besome changes in one of the following updates.

                  IP属地:北京10楼2017-12-30 11:55
                    Q:My most improtant question:
                    Any idea on a Izumo’smodel rework? Her being a paper ship isn’t exactly the excuse since many moreships in the game are even more fictional than her. And her model is reallybad.
                    I have done a post onIzumo's ship model and have received lots of support from both Reddit and theforums:https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/73e1km/a_detailed_analysis_of_the_problem_with_izumos/
                    please look into it.Thanks
                    A:We’re definitely impressed by the work you’vedone regarding all the research, but unfortunately the model improvement cycleusually goes from the oldest to the newest ships. Izumo is far from being theoldest, so she’s not in any immediate plans. I forwarded your report to ourmodeling team, so if they come to Izumo, you work wouldn’t be for nothing.Thank you!

                    IP属地:北京11楼2017-12-30 11:55
                      Q: The current rankedseason is shorter than previous ones by 2-3 weeks and it started quite suddenly- right after the end of CW and we only know the date ~3 days before theopening. Is there any special reason for this haste?
                      A: We had some fine-tuningdone to the final format of the battles, and since the changes weren’t major,we hadn’t had a reason to put it on the public test. When it comes to duration,it’s pretty much the same as the previous season (38 days vs. 39), so if youcould, please point us to where you found the info of the season lasting 2-3weeks less than before.

                      IP属地:北京12楼2017-12-30 11:55

                        IP属地:越南来自Android客户端13楼2017-12-30 11:56

                          IP属地:北京14楼2017-12-30 11:57
                            Q: Considering WG hasteased personal insignias, does WG plan on implementing clan emblems sometimein the near future?
                            A: Can’t say, we dislikethe idea, however, please allow some time for insignias to “mature” first. Westill have to decide where we want to go with them eventually, and Clan Emblemsdo seem logical, but I wouldn’t be so optimistic, as to say that “near future”projections are accurate.

                            IP属地:北京15楼2017-12-30 11:57
                              Q: Will the Salem be ourOil-ship, eg a ship aquired by accumulating a crtain number of Oil for ourclan(s)?
                              A: I really-really-really(really!) want to tell you all the details, but as I type this Avrora’s gunsare slowly turning my way.

                              IP属地:北京17楼2017-12-30 11:58