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Q: Is Asashio a premium ora tech tree ship and if she's a premium why Asashio instead of Shigure,Yuudachi, Yukikaze, Hibiki, T8 Fubuki ?
A: 私たちはすぐに知るでしょう!

IP属地:北京19楼2017-12-30 11:58
    Q: Sincethe Kii was released I've been wondering about her torpedoes. They haveidentical stats to the ones used by the Yubari, called Type8, except on the Kiithey are instead called Type93 mod. 2 despite having almost nothing in commonwith the Type93 mod. 2 torpedoes already on other ships (Akizuki, Kagero, Ibukietc).
    Whythis strange naming decision?
    A: Forwarded this to theright people(®), they’ll give it a look, if it turns out to be an error, expectit to be fixed in one of the coming updates.

    IP属地:北京20楼2017-12-30 11:58
      Q: Any progress on BB AP vs DDs and whatkind of solution are you guys looking at for the issue?
      Thisisn't a question but thanks for T8 ranked and smoke changes. Its much more funthis season thanks to these 2 changes.
      A: The work is being done as we speak and we hope to keep the2018 timeline.

      IP属地:北京22楼2017-12-30 11:59
        Q:Is there areason why the flag reward for “First Blood” is only 1 flag, where it is 10 forall the other (epic) achievements.
        A: That’s because of the nature of achievement.99,9999999(999999)% of battles will have it happen, therefore it’s nearly guaranteed,hence the lower reward.

        IP属地:北京23楼2017-12-30 11:59
          Q: Hi , It’s good to see you. Since S_Odidn't answer my questions last time, I would ask it again this time.
          The problem of those“Cancer” players. We all know that there are some players who only care abouttheir own damage and never help their teammates. I know you have done a lot tostop this. But these days I found another way from The WOWP 2.0. In the WOWP2.0 there is a rating system for every battle. You can promote your grade bydoing specific work differed by your aircraft type. For example the mission ofthe fighters is to destroy aerial targets, defend the sectors and gain capturepoints. For me, once I caused 14k damage but only to get a grade 3, anothertime I caused 10K but I got a Grade 1. The difference is just whether I did mywork. And this do influence the income(actually, a very strong influence). Ithink this mechanic is very suitable for the WOWS. With the spotting and takingdamage ribbon system you are working on, it can make the players more willingto do their own jobs, cooperate with teammates, and become less “cancer”. Iknow this will take time but can you tell the Dev to consider this idea?
          And, asusual, I will translate it as soon as possible, so more people can know this ;)
          A: Damage does not necessarily equate directly with XP in ourgame. Capturing points, defending them, spotting are good ways to earn as well.However, there will always be those who need to demonstrate their superiority,independent of whether they earn much for it or not. What I’m saying is, thegame does reward working towards a win, but some individuals are still going tobe peacocking, and while that’s annoying, we don’t feel that behavior should bepunished as lack of reward seems to be an adequate measure. Otherwise we’d movetowards naval communism.

          IP属地:北京24楼2017-12-30 11:59
            Q: I didn't mean a specific single playermode.
            What I meant are some trainingscenarios that give the players maybe a one-time reward as a incentive to playthem. I forgot to mention the one-time part.
            This is rather common also inMMOs. And these should explain core game mechanics to them by playing them.
            Viewingsome youtube vid or reading some text about game mechanics is a whole differentthing as to play it in game. WoWs currently lacks good tutorials. In my opinionthe training room would be a good platform to offer the players some pre-madescenarios. For the single purpose of teaching them how to play.
            A: Ah,tutorials. Now I see your point. This is a painful topic internally. We'vetried different prototypes and haven't seen a good lift in onboarding stats.Sometimes the stats were even damaged. In the best cases, we saw no impact. Sowe eventually decided to focus on other areas of game improvement, where ROI ismore obvious. We'll definitely get back to this topic at some point because theproblem of the first impression and learning curve still exists.

            IP属地:北京25楼2017-12-30 11:59
              Q: Regarding the ‘collector club’ in RU server, last time youguys said that: ‘So the best solution I can offer is that I will take thisquestion to regional teams, help with sharing this idea and they willinvestigate whether collectors are needed, viable and how it can be done, ifneeded.’ However, I think this should be brought to all servers to make it morefair, don’t you think? Also unlike NA’s developers, EU and ASIA devs don’t havevery good communication between them and their playerbase, which makes yoursuggestion-where you suggested to brought this up with regional teams-reallydifficult to do in reality.
              A: No worries, /u/HarunaKai, thesuggestion was brought up on our radar. We know the RU Collectors Club causes adisparity between servers, which we prefer to avoid and will address it in thenext year. Same way, as we already addressed some other unfair disparities:in-game missions, premium ship offerings, contributors program, supertestprogram, etc.

              IP属地:北京26楼2017-12-30 11:59
                Q: Hi,
                When can we expect to have allthe ships and gun infos/stats ingame?
                I find it really bothering thati don't get Penetration values, Overmatch values, HE blast radius, He Penthresholds , Sigma and the like inside the client.
                I should be able to see ,insidethe game client, that German CA HE is 1/4 of caliber and not 1/6th, That US APhas improved penetration angles etc.
                Because without that we have noway, from the game client, to see that musashi has poorer gun characteristicsthan yamato.
                Or thatAkizuki HE is useless without IFHE because it will shatter on everything.
                A: Hey there. We hear you and mostly agree with your pointhere. I can’t tell you when exactly, but is something that we want to implement(hopefully).

                IP属地:北京27楼2017-12-30 11:59

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