Nature can seem cruel, but at the same time only the strongest and most adaptable survive.
Pictures do contain graphic images of dead animals.
Recently Spurwing Game guides Cliffy, Tarryn and Jasper came across this phenomenal sighting which they have been watching for a week now and an amazing story unfolded.
A unfortunate hippo met its fait on the shoreline we believe from a altercation with another bull, the lions came across the carcass and happily fed on it for days allowing some great sightings from both the boats and cars. These cunning lions however surprised us all when we arrived in the morning to find that they had actually taken advantage of the hundreds of crocodiles feeding on the same hippo and managed to catch themselves a massive crocodile and drag it up into the trees hidden from the vultures.
This amazing tale unfolded before our eyes and just shows how wildlife learn and adapt where need be to survive.
Book a game drive with us next time your out on the island and who knows what you could come across.
Photo Credit: Tarryn Pollock