I am surprised how little credit has been given to Leslie Cheung*s role as Po Wing. Tony Leung*s performance as Yiu Fai is excellent but comparing to him, Leslie Cheung is simply better. He is the soul of the film and many scenes would lose its impact if it is done by a less charming and charismatic actor (with the scenes of Po Wing hassling Yiu Fai to cook in the middle of the night, the tango dance in the kitchen, and where Po Wing showing his vulnerability after being beaten by his client). Knowing he is homosexual in real life does not take away any of his achievement of playing Po Wing exactly like it should be. His performance here is arguably as well as he did in "Farewell My Concubine".
It makes me want to see the Iguaçu Fall.——devil_bkoo from United Kingdom
”我很惊讶张国荣演何这个角色为何赞誉声比较小。梁朝伟的黎耀辉很棒,当时相比之下,张的表演更棒一些。他是电影的灵魂,很多镜头如果没有他的存在将失去魅力(比如他叫黎耀辉做饭以及两人跳舞的场景等)就算他本人现实中是同性恋也丝毫不会抹杀他在这部电影里的成就,他在这的表演和在《霸王别姬》里一样引起了争议。 电影让我想去看看伊瓜苏瀑布“——英国影迷