湾岸3dx吧 关注:2,112贴子:18,384
  • 8回复贴,共1

湾岸3DX+ 称号大全(转)


Story Mode Titles - 故事称号
First Loop - 第一周目
Stage 5- Beginner racer
Stage 10- Mid-level racer
Stage 15- Wangan Racer
Stage 20- Once in a Lifetime Night
Stage 30- The Fastest Genes
Stage 40- Chase Impossible Dreams
Stage 50- Living Headstrong
Stage 60- The One and Only
Stage 70- Perfect Tuning Ideals
Stage 80- Howling exhaust
Stage 85- Racing Etched on the Heart
Stage 90- Inherited Ideology
Stage 100- Stood in the Entrance
Odd Numbered Loop (1xx, 3xx, 5xx, 7xx, etc) - 一百周目以后单数故事称号
Stage 1- Local Tuner
Stage 2- Boast of Top Speed
Stage 3- Cool Beauty
Stage 4- Reliable Older Brother
Stage 5- Cohesiveness
Stage 6- One Life, One Car
Stage 7- Private
Stage 8- Spirit of a True Artisan
Stage 9- Racing Gang
Stage 10- Grand Finale
Stage 11- Car > Family
Stage 12- I was a bully in the Past
Stage 13- Got Confidence
Stage 14- Passenger Side
Stage 15- Real Team
Stage 16- Like a Gigolo
Stage 17- Date at Odaiba
Stage 18- Its Stress!
Stage 19- Ultimate Combo!
Stage 20- Desert the Team
Stage 21- Racing Gene
Stage 22- Step on it!
Stage 23- Roppongi Ruler
Stage 24- Good Model
Stage 25- High Pride
Stage 26- Super Celsior
Stage 27- Over-the-hull Runners
Stage 28- Adjusting Settings
Stage 29- Taking Lessons
Stage 30- Legendary Racer
Stage 31- Great Actor
Stage 32- Outer Limit
Stage 33- Super Jet
Stage 34- Dandy Yamamoto Speed
Stage 35- Floor It
Stage 36- R200 Club
Stage 37- Regret
Stage 38- Kitami Tune
Stage 39- Ground Fighter
Stage 40- Keep On Running
Stage 41- Go To Osaka
Stage 42- Hanshin Line's Fastest Runner
Stage 43- Successful Intercept
Stage 44- Rally 4wd
Stage 45- High Motivation
Stage 46- Imperial
Stage 47- How Come?
Stage 48- Winner's Side
Stage 49- Enemy Lock-On
Stage 50- Osaka Driver
Stage 51- Drive Go Go
Stage 52- No air condition
Stage 53- ACE Demo Car
Stage 54- Morning Racer
Stage 55- Racer of the Hill
Stage 56- Aristocratic Bachelor
Stage 57- Clutch Player
Stage 58- Setting Maniac
Stage 59- FC' Phantom
Stage 60- One Shot OK
Stage 61- FF Fan
Stage 62- R Slayer
Stage 63- R Special
Stage 64- ACE Pride
Stage 65- Exquisite Balance
Stage 66- Hidden Capacity
Stage 67- Come On!
Stage 68- Mutual Infatuation
Stage 69- Beautiful Traction
Stage 70- Beginning a Life Alone
Stage 71- Readers Model
Stage 72- Wangan Queen
Stage 73- Rich Guy
Stage 74- Flying Car
Stage 75- Comfortable
Stage 76- 1000HP
Stage 77- Springtime of Life
Stage 78- Behind The Wall
Stage 79- Can't Hide The Beating Heart
Stage 80- Nighttime Formation Flight
Stage 81- Insatiable Thirst
Stage 82- Budget for a Fast Car
Stage 83- Those Captivated By The Devil
Stage 84- Running With My Life
Stage 85- Fast, If Only for An Instant
Stage 86- A6M Zero
Stage 87- Double-Edged Sword
Stage 88- Idealistic Running
Stage 89- So If You Can Know How To Drive
Stage 90- Restaurant
Stage 91- Former Editor
Stage 92- Triumphant Homecoming
Stage 93- Car Called Extraordinary
Stage 94- Warp Sensation
Stage 95- Racing In Another Dimension
Stage 96- Aim High
Stage 97- Weak And Strong
Stage 98- Running With No Blind Spots
Stage 99- Seeing The Fastest Line
Stage 100- Looking Back, Becomes a Road

IP属地:山东1楼2014-04-07 14:18回复
    FAIL Story Loop Titles - 故事落败称号
    Odd Numbered Loop (1xx, 3xx, 5xx, 7xx, etc) - 一百周目以后单数落败称号
    Fail stage 5- So Tiring!
    Fail stage 9- Work Remembered by Watching
    Fail stage 18- Absurd Theory
    Fail stage 74- Worlds Best, Visuals
    Fail stage 82- Y 10,000,000
    Fail stage 83- High Adult
    Fail stage 90- Father
    Fail stage 91- Its Initial N!
    Fail stage 92- Reimportation From America
    Fail stage 93- Bumping into Your Rival
    Fail stage 94- A Car that Makes Time Fly
    Fail stage 98- My Special
    Fail Stage 100- Terror!Poser★Runners
    Even Numbered Loop (2xx, 4xx, 6xx, 8xx, etc) - 二百周目以后单数落败称号
    Fail Stage 4- Jetfighter Mania
    Fail Stage 10- Namco Museum
    Fail Stage 11- No Driving?
    Fail Stage 23- Un Cool
    Fail Stage 37- Insulting Driver
    Fail Stage 44- Daredevil
    Fail Stage 60- Can Push Harder
    Fail Stage 77- Hope
    Fail Stage 90- Life reset button
    Fail Stage 91- Swords Hurt More Than Pens

    IP属地:山东3楼2014-04-07 14:19
      NBL Counter Clockwise - 新环左
      Morning 日
      14.4km- Broker
      14.0km- Avoid Ginza
      13.1km- Anti Tsukiji diversion
      13.0km- Silver Bra
      12.0~11.0km- Shiodome Redevelopper
      9.0~8.3km- Odaiba traveler
      4.4km- Aguri
      4.2km- Mouse Land
      1.9km- Toyosu Reconstruction
      Night 夜
      14.4km- Broker
      14.0km- Avoid Ginza
      13.1km- Gallery Point
      13.0km- Adult Reception
      12.0~11.0km- Shiodome Redevelopper
      9.0~8.3km- Fireworks
      4.4km- Aguri
      4.2km- Avoid Urayasu
      1.9km- Overnight Game development
      NBL Clockwise - 新环右
      Morning 日
      22.0~21.9km- Kokusai Tenji
      21.0~ 20.9km- Wangan Ferris Wheel
      20.2~20.1km- Adventurer of 13th place
      19.7km- Tokyo Onsen Story
      19.1km- Under Water
      17.8km- I don』t go to Yokohama
      16.5km- Shinagawa Future lab
      15.2km- Monorail
      14.9km- Wangan Sailor
      10.8km- Avoid Shinbashi
      10.6km- Shiodome Redevelopper
      9.8km- Anti Tsukiji diversion
      9.6km- Silver Bra
      8.1km- Broker
      7.1km- Orange colored Bus
      7.0km- Tohoku Exploding Run
      Night 夜
      21.0~ 20.9km- Wangan Ferris Wheel
      20.2~20.1km- Feast at Odaiba
      19.7km- Tokyo Onsen Story
      19.1km- Tunnel developer
      17.8km- I don』t go to Yokohama
      16.5km- Shinagawa Future lab
      15.2km- Monorail
      14.9km- Pirate king of the neon
      10.8km- Avoid Shinbashi
      10.6km- Shiodome Redevelopper
      9.8km- Gallery Point
      9.6km- Adult Reception
      8.1km- Broker
      7.1km- Jyodanbo Exploding Run
      7.0km- Tohoku Exploding Run
      Wangan Eastbound - 湾岸线东行
      20.5~20.1km- Ball is friend
      14.5km- Avoid Kisarazu
      13.6km- Under the river
      10.7km- Domestic Traveler
      7.6km- Early market worker
      6.2km- Toilet on the left up the stairs
      4.2~4.0km- Under water
      2.7km- Ogura san』s long story
      Night 夜
      20.5~20.1km- Give me Wings
      14.5km- Aqualine to Chiba
      10.7km- Overnight Traveler
      7.6km- Truck Driver
      6.2km- Toilet on the left up the stairs
      4.2~4.0km- Tunnel developer
      2.7km- Tell me Crystal
      810~800m- Tennis Lover
      Wangan Westbound - 湾岸线西行
      Morning 日
      21.6km- Kokusai Tenji
      20.5km- Wangan Ferris wheel
      19.9~19.8km- Adventurer of 13th place
      19.4~19.3m-Tokyo Onsen Story
      18.8km- Under water
      16.2~16.1km- Nozomi, Hikari, Kodama
      14.8km- Early market worker
      11.5km- Domestic Traveler
      8.4km- Avoid Kisarazu
      4.0~3.9km- Ocean Fishing day
      2.3km- Ball is friend
      1.3km- Cant Enter Bay Bridge
      1.1km- Avoid Yokosuka
      360~340m- Car Exporter
      Night 夜
      20.5km- Wangan Ferris wheel
      19.9~19.8km- Feast at Odaiba
      19.4~19.3m- Tokyo Onsen Story
      18.8km- Tunnel developer
      16.2~16.1km- Nozomi, Hikari, Kodama
      14.8km- Truck Driver
      11.5km- Overnight Traveler Traveler
      11.1km- Under the Airport
      8.4km- Aqualine to Chiba
      8.3km- Can』t Use Highway Card
      7.6km- Beware of West Sun of Night
      6.0km- Namco Warehouse
      4.0~3.9km- Huge Tank
      2.3km- Give me Wings
      1.3km- Every night drum beats
      1.1km- Avoid Yokosuka
      360~340m- Car Exporter
      Yokohane Downwards - 横羽线下行

      IP属地:山东5楼2014-04-07 14:19
        Morning 日
        13.2km – Wangan Sailor
        13.1~12.9km – Monorail
        9.9~9.2km – Get Rich Quick
        8.6~8.5km – I』m about to bust
        5.3~5.2km – The huge shrine Hepburn
        5.0km – Drinking green liquid
        4.3~4.2km – Happy New Years!
        4.0km – Can』t use highway card
        3.0km – Shopping at the Door
        2.2km – Factory Mania
        Night 夜
        13.2km – Pirate king of the neon
        13.1~12.9km – Monorail
        9.9~9.2km – The night horse race
        8.6~8.5km – I』m about to bust
        5.3~5.2km – Pickup girlfriend at Haneda
        5.0km – Need Supplement
        4.3~4.2km – Happy New Years!
        4.0km – Can』t use highway card
        3.8km – Bowling Lover
        3.0km – Delivery without PO
        2.2km – Factory Mania
        Yokohane Upwards - 横羽线上行
        12.3km – Shopping at the Door
        10.4km – The huge shrine Hepburn
        9.5km – Get Rich Quick
        6.4km – Monkey Turn
        5.9km – Works Tune (Nissan Only)
        5.3km – Tokyo License renewal
        5.0km – Drinking Green Liquid
        4.2km – Happy New Years!
        3.6km – Shinagawa Future lab
        2.3~2.2km – Monorail
        2.0km – Wangan Sailor
        Night 夜
        12.3km – Delivery without PO
        10.4km –Pickup girlfriend at Haneda
        9.5km – The Night Horse Race
        6.4km – The night Aquarium date
        5.9km – Works Tune (Nissan Only)
        5.3km – Tokyo License renewal
        5.0km – Need Supplement
        4.2km – Happy New Years!
        3.6km – Shinagawa Future lab
        2.3~2.2km – Monorail
        2.0km – Pirate king of the neon
        Nagoya - 名古屋
        Morning 日
        8.7km- I'm Going to Airport
        2.0km- I'm an Aristocrate
        1.6km- How Do You Read This?
        Night 夜
        10.9km- Yea Yea Yea
        9.6km- Probability to Convert To Yen!!!
        7.2km- Nighttime Date Spot
        6.2km- Bang! Bang! Bang!
        3.2km- Night-Midnight Battle Starter
        2.9km- FD Master
        2.2km- I slept in the Taxi
        Hanshin Expressway Loop Line - 阪神高速环状线 (大阪)
        17.1~16.9km- Tsutenkaku Tower
        15.6km- Gag Gang
        15.0km- Java Sparrow
        14.7km- Lets go to America Village
        13.2km- Electronical BBS
        12.9km- Waste Not
        11.7km- Master of reform
        9.4km- Lets play Maximum Tune 3
        9.3km- Point Card
        8.7km- Requesting
        5.5km- Hideyoshi and Nene
        Night 夜
        18.6km- Double Booking
        17.1~16.9km- Tsutenkaku Tower
        15.6km- Girl hunting at Nanba
        15.0km- Java Sparrow
        14.7km- Black Rain
        13.2km- No Electrical BBS
        12.9km- Night hanger
        11.7km- Master of reform
        10.4km- Neat Freak Cleaning
        9.9km- Osaka Acting School Team
        9.8km- Osaka driving school
        9.4km- A night at the Capsule hotel
        9.3km- Discount Available
        8.7km- Test Study Buddy
        5.5km- Yododono

        IP属地:山东6楼2014-04-07 14:20
          Miscellaneous Titles - 过卡称号及其他
          Transfer WMMT3 car to WMMT3DX/+: Wangan Beginner
          Start a new car: Wangan Beginner
          Continuing King: Continue 10x
          Iron Man: Continue 20x
          Super Man: Continue 30x
          Durable Body: Continue 40x
          Painful Butt?: Continue 50x
          Daily Titles - 限定每日称号
          1 . 入卡后在车辆选项画面按下闪灯按钮 -
          次数为 : 18、27、36 (每按9次将出现车辆选项首页)
          2. 任意进行一场游戏(任何模式、赛道)
          3. 完成后可得该称号。
          Odd Numbered Year (2009,2011,2013..etc) - 单数年份
          1/1 :Specification at New Year / Congratulating respectfully new year / Wangan runner at New Year
          1/2 :[Itsufuji] [**takamai] eggplant / Space alien / First in Wangan sales thanks day
          1/3 :Cat's-eye / Being able.. [ururun] / Escape of love
          1/4 :Running of [bankoku] / ..going this year... / Is it this time Nagoya?
          1/5 :Strawberry / Buyer / Cinderella lady
          1/6 :Color master / Dharma / Custom color life
          1/7 :Weed spirit / Black [sagi] / First of all exchange
          1/8 :Rice power / Gambler / Russian roulette
          1/9 :Wangan King quiz / Cold [] [piki] / Wangan Wit king
          1/10 :White, black pursuit machine / Traffic safety / Pursuit machine of panda color
          1/11 :Possession crusher / Business prosperity / Sprinkle with salt to the enemy
          1/12 :Alpine racer / It is an anxiety / Air trick
          1/13 :Love & peace / Room none / No smoking declaration
          1/14 :Fiery spirit brave man / Loincloth / Corps of Wangan passing the winter
          1/15 :Congratulations. New Year's card winner / Adult charm / Strawberry love
          1/16 :It is not when drinking ..getting on.. / Yama engine / It is not ..getting on.. if it drinks
          1/17 :Philanthropy spirit / Star in local / Horizontal wing volunteer
          1/18 :The capital bus flies / Rice large vigor / Wangan Velocity bus
          1/19 :Female professional singer of karaoke / Karaoke love / Queen of enka
          1/20 :This week's turn to serve school lunches / President / Wangan celebrity
          1/21 :[mittsudesu] / Eternal rival / Poppy flower
          1/22 :Couple harmoniousness / Curry pole [tsura] / Velocity Blue Note
          1/23 :Wangan E-pal / Love letter / ..jumping over.. [janpuman]
          1/24 :Gold rush / Golden boy / Above all money
          1/25 :[Ryuukami] of Chinatown / Delinquent youth / Pancake love
          1/26 :300 for one hour / Koala bear / Hand in garage
          1/27 :Tulip / The marriage partner is being recruited / Please marry
          1/28 :wangan 1829gou / Risking One's Life / Itoi's Buried Gold
          1/29 :TeeHee ♪ / Sukiyaki / Downtown Runner
          1/30 :Self-flattery / Noodies with Bean Paste Stew / I Need Miso!
          1/31 :Wangan Trolley / Buckwheat Thresher / Just in Case
          2/1 :Plasma / Camp Inn / Elder sister of good smell
          2/2 :Wangan Bus Guide / Dramatic Living / Got a Headache
          2/3 :Demon Exterminator / Rolled Sushi /Wangan Shogun
          2/4 :Go West! / Exploding Turbo / I know , let's go to Kyoto!
          2/5 :Pops! / Baseball Commentator / Kids' Baseball
          2/6 :Spastic Rascal / Snow Festival / Roll Kappa Sushi

          IP属地:山东8楼2014-04-07 14:20
            2/7 :North Sea Devil / Nina / Nothern Gulf Coast
            2/8 :Hedgehog / Furity / Wangan Cowboy
            2/9 :Fashionable / Charisma Brothers / Crazy over Manga
            2/10 :Southpaw / Butterbur Sprout / I Can Knit
            2/11 :Japanese Male / Banzai / Banzai!!
            2/12 :Running cool / Love Sport Compact / Sexy Girl
            2/13 :Gimme Money / Super Housewife / Fastest Bank Clerk
            2/14 :Chocolate Getter / The Girls Love Him / The Girls Love
            2/15 :Spring's Best / Charismatic High School Student / Wangan Squall
            2/16 :Sunflower / High income taxpayer / Old-timer weathermen
            2/17 :Angel's whisper / Charisma junior high school student / Angel voice
            2/18 :No Smoking / Foreign Car Mania / International Love Letter
            2/19 :Reckless / Charismatic Junior School Student / High Pride
            2/20 :Kaduki Actor / Boy Racer / Fastest Election Car
            2/21 :[Ya;n] / Small braggart / Japanese Language Meister
            2/22 :Meow Meow/ Cool Cat / Crushing for a Cat-eared maid
            2/23 :Excellent Taxpayer / Big Brother / Personal Shopping Bag
            2/24 :Ally of justice / FWD Offroad / Can You Really Work?
            2/25 :Evening Newspaper Deliverer / Rejuvenating / Delicious Hakone Water
            2/26 :Great Escape / Onsen Meditation / I Love Spa Resorts
            2/27 :Wangan Shinsengumi / Bonito Flakes / I Like Tuna
            2/28 :I Love Biscuits / Biscuits / Punk
            3/1 :Forgetting / Come [Buhibuhi] / Marching band
            3/2 :Cherry Blossoms Falling on C1 / Mini Size / Both Guilty
            3/3 :C1 Princess / I Love Okinawan Pig Ears / High-class Yokohama G
            3/4 :Sewing Maestro/I Like Handicrafts/Busy getting ready for Costume Play
            3/5 :Miss Wangan / Coral Reef / I Want to Go to Okinawa!
            3/6 :Sports Reporter / Boots, Cat, Balloon / 80 Days
            3/7 :Edo Period Fireman / Achoo! / Wangan Fire Chief
            3/8 :Bee's stab / Hatch of horizontal wing /
            3/9 :Stamp Mania / Huge Explosion / Personality
            3/10 :Sweet Kids / Prayer For Peace / Mint
            3/11 : Columnist / Black and White Panda / Italian Panda
            3/12 :Broke / Empty Wallet / Mercenary Principles
            3/13 :I Like Bread / Fisherman / I Like Bread
            3/14 :Gift Getter / Candy / Double the Money
            3/15 :Shoes and the bag look alike / The customer is a god / Iron man of spinach
            3/16 :Mountain Biker Gang / Underling to the Queen / Mother Nature
            3/17 :Young Magazine Reader / Manga Kid / I Buy Magazines
            3/18 :Metropolitan Highway Summoner / Princess Car / Metropolitan Highway Spirits
            3/19 :Melody Conjurer / Foggy lsland / Musician
            3/20 :Clattering / Shinny Sun / I Dig LPs
            3/21 :Pristine / Caring for Animals / Wangan Conjurer
            3/22 :Water Meister / Want to be a Broadcast Writer / Success in Marriage
            3/23 :Wangan Typhoon / Chao's Theory / Wangan Hurricane
            3/24 :Mannequin / Puppet / Puppeteer
            3/25 :Wangan Electric Festival / Tingling / Electric Catfish in Tokyo Bay
            3/26 :My Turn to Clean the Bathroom / Bath House Tour / Avoiding Bath Room Cleaning Duty
            3/27 :C1 Cherry / The Narrow Road to the Deep North / Securing a Hanabi Spot
            3/28 :Clover / Band Member / Lucky Item

            IP属地:山东9楼2014-04-07 14:20
              5/1 :Worker of unity / Emergency / Wage demands
              5/2 :savings.. [ppori] / Green tea power / The pencil can be cut down
              5/3 :The wastebasket of garbage / Hakata Dontaku / Recycling
              5/4 :Shuwashuwa / Fresh young person / [Ramune-do]
              5/5 :New siecle children / Maxi children / Nagata-cho children
              5/6 :Wangan postpone / Postponing / Rubber is not forgotten
              5/7 :Dr. Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway / Leave it if it is a downward slope / Osaka is favor [yanke]
              5/8 :Wangan [chanpuru]? / Anti-aging / Sho-chiku-bai
              5/9 :Aisumonaka] the height / Icemen / Unpleasantness ..setting up tab..
              5/10 :I am a rain bringer / Bird man / I am a fine man
              5/11 :Cormorant fishing / Ayu's salt / scorch coming
              5/12 :Angel in white robe / Injection / The injection is hated
              5/13 :Pochi / Dog lover / Japanese midget Shiba
              5/14 :Wangan baseball nut / Heat improvement / Have a slight cold today
              5/15 :Cake mania / The yogurt is fermenting / Yogurt love
              5/16 :Wangan one person travel / Travel love / Mileage
              5/17 :Souvenir / Outdoor love / Family ties
              5/18 :Wangan goodwill ambassador / Bag possession / High octane 18L
              5/19 :Machine-gun toque / Chat love / Champion
              5/20 :Italy and love / Rome love / Man whom port suits
              5/21 :France and love / Paris love / Lindbergh
              5/22 :Wangan theory of evolution / Girl scout / Mendelian
              5/23 :Chu / Let's start from the kiss / Kiss for the time being
              5/24 :Hole-in-one / Golf love / Eagle
              5/25 :Mojipittan / One hips doctor / Ramen for the time being
              5/26 :Endurance for 24 hours / Gotenba right route the height
              5/27 :Cards master / Priest / Call me Princess
              5/28 :Running fireworks workman / Good shot / Life high-into-the air fire work
              5/29 :Young master / Paste made from the arum root of Shimonita / Echigo person [sochimo] evil [yono]
              5/30 :Great king of cleaning / Cleaning this watch cutting / Consumer sovereignty
              5/31 :Be stopping smoking just now / It is road smoking and a penalty / It feels small the smoker

              IP属地:山东11楼2014-04-07 14:21
                12/1 :Movie director / Warm warmth / Movie watching is a hobby
                12/2 :Skinhead / Wolf in Chichibu / I want to live in space
                12/3 :Wangan Magician / Owner-driver taxi / The jugglery can be done
                12/4 :[**hashi] [charinko] / Runner of social sect / Severe kids
                12/5 :Wangan Pianist / Mind of service / Orchestra
                12/6 :Beautiful elder sister / Elder sister not so
                12/7 :Display workman / Snowmobile / Senhorita of Kobe
                12/8 :Preacher of love / Wangan acupuncture moxa cauterizer / Imagine
                12/9 :Spirit of helping / The earth is important / Madam's idol
                12/10 :Freedom and equality / Aloe / Yogurt of aloe
                12/11 :Rose with red zeal / Tango dancer / It is stomachache because of the stress
                12/12 :Battery going up / Japanese literature department / Battery exchange
                12/13 :Wangan Twins / Twin runner / It is Gemini
                12/14 :Running shop of counterattack / Running shop in Ako / Running shop of counteroffensive
                12/15 :Tokyo bus tour / Charabanc driver / Bus conductress love
                12/16 :Paper driver / Cellular phone mania / ..encounter.. !There is no paper
                13/17 :C1 pilot / Businessman / It doesn't eat the in-flight meal easily
                12/18 :Running shop in Yaesu line / Station employee / Tokyo Marunouchi OL
                12/19 :Wangan pilot / Tour conductor / First flight
                12/20 :Department store of technique / Living fossil / Wangan coelacanth
                12/21 :Long-distance love / Long-distance love (country) / Long-distance love (foreign countries)
                12/22 :Pumpkin pie / Pumpkin love / Labor union
                12/23 :Transmitter tower of C1 / Telephone card collector / Dream of year-end party
                12/24 :Gay and [gatteyo] / It is love love / It presents and do not forget
                12/25 :Lonely Xmas / Skater / It is Xmas in wangan
                12/26 :Samurai / Hitting each other / I am a giant fan
                12/27 :Eternal boy / Pine [chan] / I do not want to grow up
                12/28 :Moviegoer / Wangan DJ / Dieting is being declared
                12/29 :Chanson / Music of aura / Bakery
                12/30 :It is GO in the subway / Aoyama-itchome transfer / 6・3・3・4
                12/31 :It is thank-you also this year / Seeing the old year out maxi / Moreover, next year

                IP属地:山东14楼2014-04-07 14:25
                  Car Titles - 车种称号
                  A specific title for each car
                  SE3P - Raiden
                  FD3S - Flying Dragon
                  FC3S - Soaring Swallow
                  JCESE - Shiden
                  GG3P - Genius
                  CT9A - Knight
                  CP9A - Charger
                  CE9A - Spear holder
                  Z16A - War Machine
                  BNR34 - Wind
                  BCNR33 - Romeo
                  BNR32 - Prince
                  Z33 - The blood
                  Z32 - Genes
                  Z31 - Soul
                  S30 - Mistress
                  S15 - Knight
                  RPS13 - The Warrior
                  GDB - Comet
                  GC8 - Meteor
                  BL5 - Light
                  CXD - Stars
                  R2 - Ladybug
                  JZA80 - Harbinger
                  JZA70 - Bomber
                  SW20 - Lightning
                  JZX100 - Chaser
                  JZS161 - Destroyer
                  UCF10 - Valiant
                  NZE121 - Family vehicle
                  KZH100G - Work vehicle

                  IP属地:山东15楼2014-04-07 14:25