Story Mode Titles - 故事称号
First Loop - 第一周目
Stage 5- Beginner racer
Stage 10- Mid-level racer
Stage 15- Wangan Racer
Stage 20- Once in a Lifetime Night
Stage 30- The Fastest Genes
Stage 40- Chase Impossible Dreams
Stage 50- Living Headstrong
Stage 60- The One and Only
Stage 70- Perfect Tuning Ideals
Stage 80- Howling exhaust
Stage 85- Racing Etched on the Heart
Stage 90- Inherited Ideology
Stage 100- Stood in the Entrance
Odd Numbered Loop (1xx, 3xx, 5xx, 7xx, etc) - 一百周目以后单数故事称号
Stage 1- Local Tuner
Stage 2- Boast of Top Speed
Stage 3- Cool Beauty
Stage 4- Reliable Older Brother
Stage 5- Cohesiveness
Stage 6- One Life, One Car
Stage 7- Private
Stage 8- Spirit of a True Artisan
Stage 9- Racing Gang
Stage 10- Grand Finale
Stage 11- Car > Family
Stage 12- I was a bully in the Past
Stage 13- Got Confidence
Stage 14- Passenger Side
Stage 15- Real Team
Stage 16- Like a Gigolo
Stage 17- Date at Odaiba
Stage 18- Its Stress!
Stage 19- Ultimate Combo!
Stage 20- Desert the Team
Stage 21- Racing Gene
Stage 22- Step on it!
Stage 23- Roppongi Ruler
Stage 24- Good Model
Stage 25- High Pride
Stage 26- Super Celsior
Stage 27- Over-the-hull Runners
Stage 28- Adjusting Settings
Stage 29- Taking Lessons
Stage 30- Legendary Racer
Stage 31- Great Actor
Stage 32- Outer Limit
Stage 33- Super Jet
Stage 34- Dandy Yamamoto Speed
Stage 35- Floor It
Stage 36- R200 Club
Stage 37- Regret
Stage 38- Kitami Tune
Stage 39- Ground Fighter
Stage 40- Keep On Running
Stage 41- Go To Osaka
Stage 42- Hanshin Line's Fastest Runner
Stage 43- Successful Intercept
Stage 44- Rally 4wd
Stage 45- High Motivation
Stage 46- Imperial
Stage 47- How Come?
Stage 48- Winner's Side
Stage 49- Enemy Lock-On
Stage 50- Osaka Driver
Stage 51- Drive Go Go
Stage 52- No air condition
Stage 53- ACE Demo Car
Stage 54- Morning Racer
Stage 55- Racer of the Hill
Stage 56- Aristocratic Bachelor
Stage 57- Clutch Player
Stage 58- Setting Maniac
Stage 59- FC' Phantom
Stage 60- One Shot OK
Stage 61- FF Fan
Stage 62- R Slayer
Stage 63- R Special
Stage 64- ACE Pride
Stage 65- Exquisite Balance
Stage 66- Hidden Capacity
Stage 67- Come On!
Stage 68- Mutual Infatuation
Stage 69- Beautiful Traction
Stage 70- Beginning a Life Alone
Stage 71- Readers Model
Stage 72- Wangan Queen
Stage 73- Rich Guy
Stage 74- Flying Car
Stage 75- Comfortable
Stage 76- 1000HP
Stage 77- Springtime of Life
Stage 78- Behind The Wall
Stage 79- Can't Hide The Beating Heart
Stage 80- Nighttime Formation Flight
Stage 81- Insatiable Thirst
Stage 82- Budget for a Fast Car
Stage 83- Those Captivated By The Devil
Stage 84- Running With My Life
Stage 85- Fast, If Only for An Instant
Stage 86- A6M Zero
Stage 87- Double-Edged Sword
Stage 88- Idealistic Running
Stage 89- So If You Can Know How To Drive
Stage 90- Restaurant
Stage 91- Former Editor
Stage 92- Triumphant Homecoming
Stage 93- Car Called Extraordinary
Stage 94- Warp Sensation
Stage 95- Racing In Another Dimension
Stage 96- Aim High
Stage 97- Weak And Strong
Stage 98- Running With No Blind Spots
Stage 99- Seeing The Fastest Line
Stage 100- Looking Back, Becomes a Road
First Loop - 第一周目
Stage 5- Beginner racer
Stage 10- Mid-level racer
Stage 15- Wangan Racer
Stage 20- Once in a Lifetime Night
Stage 30- The Fastest Genes
Stage 40- Chase Impossible Dreams
Stage 50- Living Headstrong
Stage 60- The One and Only
Stage 70- Perfect Tuning Ideals
Stage 80- Howling exhaust
Stage 85- Racing Etched on the Heart
Stage 90- Inherited Ideology
Stage 100- Stood in the Entrance
Odd Numbered Loop (1xx, 3xx, 5xx, 7xx, etc) - 一百周目以后单数故事称号
Stage 1- Local Tuner
Stage 2- Boast of Top Speed
Stage 3- Cool Beauty
Stage 4- Reliable Older Brother
Stage 5- Cohesiveness
Stage 6- One Life, One Car
Stage 7- Private
Stage 8- Spirit of a True Artisan
Stage 9- Racing Gang
Stage 10- Grand Finale
Stage 11- Car > Family
Stage 12- I was a bully in the Past
Stage 13- Got Confidence
Stage 14- Passenger Side
Stage 15- Real Team
Stage 16- Like a Gigolo
Stage 17- Date at Odaiba
Stage 18- Its Stress!
Stage 19- Ultimate Combo!
Stage 20- Desert the Team
Stage 21- Racing Gene
Stage 22- Step on it!
Stage 23- Roppongi Ruler
Stage 24- Good Model
Stage 25- High Pride
Stage 26- Super Celsior
Stage 27- Over-the-hull Runners
Stage 28- Adjusting Settings
Stage 29- Taking Lessons
Stage 30- Legendary Racer
Stage 31- Great Actor
Stage 32- Outer Limit
Stage 33- Super Jet
Stage 34- Dandy Yamamoto Speed
Stage 35- Floor It
Stage 36- R200 Club
Stage 37- Regret
Stage 38- Kitami Tune
Stage 39- Ground Fighter
Stage 40- Keep On Running
Stage 41- Go To Osaka
Stage 42- Hanshin Line's Fastest Runner
Stage 43- Successful Intercept
Stage 44- Rally 4wd
Stage 45- High Motivation
Stage 46- Imperial
Stage 47- How Come?
Stage 48- Winner's Side
Stage 49- Enemy Lock-On
Stage 50- Osaka Driver
Stage 51- Drive Go Go
Stage 52- No air condition
Stage 53- ACE Demo Car
Stage 54- Morning Racer
Stage 55- Racer of the Hill
Stage 56- Aristocratic Bachelor
Stage 57- Clutch Player
Stage 58- Setting Maniac
Stage 59- FC' Phantom
Stage 60- One Shot OK
Stage 61- FF Fan
Stage 62- R Slayer
Stage 63- R Special
Stage 64- ACE Pride
Stage 65- Exquisite Balance
Stage 66- Hidden Capacity
Stage 67- Come On!
Stage 68- Mutual Infatuation
Stage 69- Beautiful Traction
Stage 70- Beginning a Life Alone
Stage 71- Readers Model
Stage 72- Wangan Queen
Stage 73- Rich Guy
Stage 74- Flying Car
Stage 75- Comfortable
Stage 76- 1000HP
Stage 77- Springtime of Life
Stage 78- Behind The Wall
Stage 79- Can't Hide The Beating Heart
Stage 80- Nighttime Formation Flight
Stage 81- Insatiable Thirst
Stage 82- Budget for a Fast Car
Stage 83- Those Captivated By The Devil
Stage 84- Running With My Life
Stage 85- Fast, If Only for An Instant
Stage 86- A6M Zero
Stage 87- Double-Edged Sword
Stage 88- Idealistic Running
Stage 89- So If You Can Know How To Drive
Stage 90- Restaurant
Stage 91- Former Editor
Stage 92- Triumphant Homecoming
Stage 93- Car Called Extraordinary
Stage 94- Warp Sensation
Stage 95- Racing In Another Dimension
Stage 96- Aim High
Stage 97- Weak And Strong
Stage 98- Running With No Blind Spots
Stage 99- Seeing The Fastest Line
Stage 100- Looking Back, Becomes a Road