'Who was then Tinuviel?' said Eriol. 'Know you not?' said Ausir; 'Tinuviel was the daughter of Tinwe Linto.' 'Tinwelint', said Veanne, but said the other: "Tis all one, but the Elves of this house who love the tale do say Tinwe Linto, though Vaire hath said that Tinwe alone is his right name ere he wandered in the woods.'
'Hush thee, Ausir,' said Veanne, 'for it is my tale and I will tell it to Eriol. Did I not see Gwendeling and Tinuviel once with my own eyes when journeying by the Way of Dreams in long past days?"
'What was Queen Wendelin like (for so do the Elves call her), O Veanne, if thou sawest her?' said Ausir.
'Slender and very dark of hair,' said Veanne, 'and her skin was white and pale, but her eyes shone and seemed deep, and she was clad in filmy garments most lovely yet of black, jet-spangled and girt with silver. If ever she sang, or if she danced, dreams and slumbers passed over your head and made it heavy. Indeed she was a sprite that escaped from Lorien's gardens before even Kor was built, and she wandered in the wooded places of the world, and nightingales went with her and often sang about her. It was the song of these birds that smote the ears of Tinwelint, leader of that tribe of the Eldar that after were the Solosimpi the pipers of the shore, as he fared with his companions behind the horse of Orome from Palisor. Iluvatar had set a seed of music in the hearts of all that kindred, or so Vaire saith, and she is of them, and it blossomed after very wondrously, but now the song of Gwendeling's nightingales was the most beautiful music that Tinwelint had ever heard, and he strayed aside for a moment, as he thought, from the host, seeking in the dark trees whence it might come.