(she check her hand and smile)Raj, can you
show it to us?
(Raj shaking his hand and head)
H:Penny, don’t push him ,you know he can
speak when you are here.
P:No, you’re wrong , not only me. So ,It’s
your turn.
L:Good for you~(Penny stretching her tongue)
S:Haward, I guess we quitted on you.
H:Bodacious, in situation of this ….I stand
at the ready
P:Here you are.
H:First ,we fold it ,look ,it likes a
broken toy, and maybe I should add this ”choose the color you favor ”,I don’t
like white flowers at all.
H:Ok,and then make the shape like a flower,
all right.
P:That’s all?
S:Ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s time
for a real hero to exile his talent. Don’t think too much, it’s Scheldon Cooper….
L:Here we go~
H:Ling….Time’s over.
P:Ok, thanks guys, here’s homework :
everyone make ten Penny Flowers .
S:Wait,hear me out.
(They left out)
P:You’re all bad bug.
L:More or less.