====Shopping Cart.====Robin (special): I'm a kid, I'm a kid, I'm a little kid! And I play, and I play, in my little way! Buy me now at discount prices!Rose (not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
====Raven.====Robin (not collected): Rose (special): Black dress. Bitter voice. All you need is a little care. And you'll feel better.Ginger (no): Ruby (not collected): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no): GirlInWhite (not collected):
====Skull.====Robin (no): Rose (special): The dead go in the dirt while their souls fly to the sky.Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
====Well.====Robin (no): Rose (special): Deep inside everybody is a dream.Ginger (not collected):Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
====Hole in Fence.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (special): You cannot stop me. I am never still.Ruby (no): Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (no):
====Climbing Tree.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (special): Small things move fast. Now you see me. Now you don't.Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
====Shack.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (success) (special): There is always a door. And a door can be either open or shut. The difference is me!Ruby (no): Carmen (fail, not collected): Scarlet (no):
====Wheelchair.====Robin (not collected): Rose (not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (special): Sitting on wheels. Paralyzed soul. Nowhere to go. Fast.Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (not collected):
====Pumpkin.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (special): If you give me your head, you will please me so much more. From a silver platter, I shall eat you!Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
====Car.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (special): Engines. And friends. Turn them on. Turn them off. Life. Death. Are they so different?Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
====Camp Fire.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (not collected): Ruby (no): Carmen (special): The warm glow caresses my skin. Peels me layer by layer. Until I am pure. For you.Scarlet (no):
====Beer.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (special): Fresh out and warm in. Spinning head and bubbling blood.Scarlet (no):
====Bath Tub.====Robin (no): Rose (sit, not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (lie) (special): A little bit of soap. And a lot of warm and wet. Never alone anymore.Scarlet (sit, not collected):
====Spiderweb.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (not collected): Ruby (no): Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (special): The panic that consumes you is the fear of order.
====Television.====Robin (watch, not collected): Rose (switch, not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (watch, not collected): Carmen (watch, not collected): Scarlet (switch) (special): Chaos awaits order like you await me. Let me silence this madness and sing for thee.
====Clothes Line.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (not collected): Ruby (no): Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (special): Get dirty to be clean. No light without darkness. A tear and a smile.