血径迷踪吧 关注:1,108贴子:20,419

血径迷踪(The Path)文本,想研究游戏剧情、幕后的可以看看。



IP属地:上海1楼2011-02-14 17:17回复
    ====Bread.====Robin: I have to take this to grandma!Rose: I must take this to grandmother right away.Ginger: Guess I have to take this to grandma's, sigh. Ruby: This is for the old lady, I suppose.Carmen: I have to take this to grandmother, hopefully this won't take long.Scarlet: This is for our dear grandmother.
    ====Wine.====Robin: This is very smelly. Grown-ups have weird tastes.Rose: I hope grandmother doesn't drink too much.Ginger: This will make grandma sing again! Haha!Ruby: This is for grandmother. I hope I get a sip too.Carmen: I hear this is good for the heart.Scarlet: Use in moderation to ease anxiety.
    ====Knife.====Robin: I'll have to be very careful with this and not run anymore.Rose: Better take this knife before anyone gets hurt.Ginger: Aha! A knife! This could come in handy!Ruby: Cut my veins and make me bleed. A valley or an ocean. Desire or need?Carmen: Let's carve a heart in a tree! But with whose initials?Scarlet: Looks like a clean blade for chopping vegetables.
    ====Silver Bullet.====Robin: A silver bullet: how pretty!Rose: One less bullet means one less death.Ginger: I bet I can make this explode somehow.Ruby: Guns are just boring. Wish people still fought with swords and spears.Carmen: A bullet? With my name on it? Alas!Scarlet: Bullet holes in the wall. Shells on the floor. Where's the rest of the building?
    ====Feather.====Robin: I can make a pretty present with this feather.Rose: The poor thing. What evil powers tormented this creature?Ginger: A feather for my collection!Ruby: One more oil victim put out of its misery. I should be so lucky.Carmen: Oh gross! Who would slaughter a bird in the middle of the forest?Scarlet: I wish I had time to clean up this mess.
    ====Mask.====Robin: Carnival is the best holiday!Rose: For Halloween I always dress up as an endangered species.Ginger: Nobody will recognize me with this mask on.Ruby: Does this mask have pins on the inside?Carmen: So pretty. I bet this mask is really expensive.Scarlet: Everybody hides their true face. That's probably for the best.
    ====Dead Chick.====Robin: Young dead bird. Not me.Rose: The little thing fell out of the nest. Was it trying to fly? If I had wings, I'd probably try that too.Ginger: I don't think this is edible anymore.Ruby: Skulls and bones make such captivating jewelery!Carmen: Animals are so cruel, pushing each other out of the nest.Scarlet: You have to break the egg to make an omelet.
    ====Jewels.====Robin: I can buy all the toys in the world with this treasure!Rose: I'll take this to give to those in need.Ginger: Pirate Ginger finds a treasure!Ruby: What's the point of wanting anything if you can't have everything?Carmen: If I get rich, I wouldn't need to marry a millionaire. I could choose whomever I want.Scarlet: This diamond is undoubtedly fake.
    ====Syringe.====Robin: Yum! Candy!Rose: Somebody is sick. Where are they now? Perhaps they need their medicine.Ginger: This could be an interesting tool for my secret lab.Ruby: I'll take the path of needles any day.Carmen: Guess it's not safe to try this.Scarlet: Junkies. They're everywhere. This needle won't send any poor devil to his fate anymore.

    IP属地:上海3楼2011-02-14 17:24
      ====Teddy Bear.====Robin: A teddy bear! A big and soft and warm teddy bear!Rose: People love animals so much that they make fake ones just to cuddle.Ginger: Hello little bear, you can be my sidekick!Ruby: Two heads on one bear. Makes sense to me.Carmen: Male and female were once one. Separated, we roam the earth in search of our missing half.Scarlet: Silly children taking their toys to the forest. Things get lost here all the time.
      ====Old Shoe.====Robin: I can run really fast with a boot like this. Or at least pretend to.Rose: I hope the person who lost this shoe does not have blisters on his foot now.Ginger: I can keep my pebbles in this.Ruby: One shoe. Nobody ever loses one shoe. Unless they also lose a leg. Or die.Carmen: Not my style. Not my style at all. Not my size either.Scarlet: What's next? A jacket? A sweater? Underwear scattered around? People can be so primitive.
      ====Vinyl Record.====Robin: Singing. Howling. Ringing. Moon.Rose: Spinning around and around and around. Dizzy high up in the air.Ginger: If I throw this on the wind, I bet it would fly really far.Ruby: I prefer my music engraved in black.Carmen: Let's get the party started! I have the music. Where's the beer?Scarlet: I hope this plays on our stereo. I adore this interpretation.
      ====Flowers.====Robin: A flower for Rose and a flower for Carmen, a flower for Scarlet and a flower for Grandma.Rose: Grandmother will love these flowers.Ginger: If I get rid of the flowers, nobody can hide here anymore. My all seeing eye will see from very far away.Ruby: Flowers like these only last for a short while after they are picked.Carmen: Flowers. Wish somebody would give some to me.Scarlet: I feel silly picking these. But flowers can really brighten up a place.
      ====Balloon.====Robin: Is this the balloon that I lost on my birthday?Rose: If this balloon did not have a string, it would simply float away.Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
      ====Piano.====Robin (no): Rose: I am a little bird. Making sweet forest music. Floating on the waves of sound.Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (starts Wolf Interaction):
      ====Playground Tower.====Robin (no): Rose (fails): I'm too heavy. Or too weak. Will I ever get up?Ginger (succeeds): I can see everything here. And no one can get to me.Ruby (fails): I must be getting old. It's about time!Carmen (succeeds): Look at this gorgeous woman! How can you resist?Scarlet (no):
      ====Bunker.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger: Another masterpiece, signed Ginger!Ruby: Paint drips like tears. Gravity pulls everything down. It's only natural.Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
      ====Grave.====Robin (pray): Dear Lord. Make heaven be a fun place. Amen.Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Ruby (cry): Life is such a terrible waste.Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
      ====Shallow Grave.====Robin (play) (special): Digging in the dirt. Getting dirty nails. Scratching in the grave. Dirty dirty dirt.Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (lie, not collected): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
      ====Swing.====Robin (swing) (special): Tickles in my belly. Cuddles in the wind.Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (sit, not collected): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no): GirlInWhite (swing, not collected):

      IP属地:上海4楼2011-02-14 17:24
        ====Shopping Cart.====Robin (special): I'm a kid, I'm a kid, I'm a little kid! And I play, and I play, in my little way! Buy me now at discount prices!Rose (not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
        ====Raven.====Robin (not collected): Rose (special): Black dress. Bitter voice. All you need is a little care. And you'll feel better.Ginger (no): Ruby (not collected): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no): GirlInWhite (not collected):
        ====Skull.====Robin (no): Rose (special): The dead go in the dirt while their souls fly to the sky.Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
        ====Well.====Robin (no): Rose (special): Deep inside everybody is a dream.Ginger (not collected):Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
        ====Hole in Fence.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (special): You cannot stop me. I am never still.Ruby (no): Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (no):
        ====Climbing Tree.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (special): Small things move fast. Now you see me. Now you don't.Ruby (no): Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
        ====Shack.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (success) (special): There is always a door. And a door can be either open or shut. The difference is me!Ruby (no): Carmen (fail, not collected): Scarlet (no):
        ====Wheelchair.====Robin (not collected): Rose (not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (special): Sitting on wheels. Paralyzed soul. Nowhere to go. Fast.Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (not collected):
        ====Pumpkin.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (special): If you give me your head, you will please me so much more. From a silver platter, I shall eat you!Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
        ====Car.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (special): Engines. And friends. Turn them on. Turn them off. Life. Death. Are they so different?Carmen (no): Scarlet (no):
        ====Camp Fire.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (not collected): Ruby (no): Carmen (special): The warm glow caresses my skin. Peels me layer by layer. Until I am pure. For you.Scarlet (no):
        ====Beer.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (special): Fresh out and warm in. Spinning head and bubbling blood.Scarlet (no):
        ====Bath Tub.====Robin (no): Rose (sit, not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (no): Carmen (lie) (special): A little bit of soap. And a lot of warm and wet. Never alone anymore.Scarlet (sit, not collected):
        ====Spiderweb.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (not collected): Ruby (no): Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (special): The panic that consumes you is the fear of order.
        ====Television.====Robin (watch, not collected): Rose (switch, not collected): Ginger (no): Ruby (watch, not collected): Carmen (watch, not collected): Scarlet (switch) (special): Chaos awaits order like you await me. Let me silence this madness and sing for thee.
        ====Clothes Line.====Robin (no): Rose (no): Ginger (not collected): Ruby (no): Carmen (not collected): Scarlet (special): Get dirty to be clean. No light without darkness. A tear and a smile.

        IP属地:上海5楼2011-02-14 17:24

          IP属地:重庆6楼2011-02-14 17:25

            IP属地:浙江11楼2011-02-14 22:35

              IP属地:重庆13楼2011-02-15 07:33

                IP属地:上海14楼2011-02-15 19:22

                  IP属地:河北15楼2011-02-15 19:43
                    好物!!!英语废表示没耐心看也看不懂……- -
                    卡门应该是被砍死的……在最终闪图【啥】里那个蜀黍有砍树的姿势 而且是面对镜头……

                    IP属地:广东16楼2011-02-16 11:39

                      17楼2011-02-17 21:22

                        18楼2011-03-01 02:42

                          IP属地:广东19楼2011-04-16 19:39

                            20楼2011-08-27 07:36