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48法国摄影师Philippe Sainte-Laudy的风光摄影作品具有一种独特的艺术形式。在每次按下快门之前,他都会用心寻找最好的光线和角度。Philip大部分时
47Jure Kravanja,斯洛文尼亚摄影师。年逾50的他是一名经验丰富的艺术摄影师。千万不要被他的作品蒙蔽了眼睛,这些并不是抽象的油彩画,而是使用尼
1凌晨做了噩梦。 凶杀事件似乎。 被怀疑是凶手。可怖的氛围。想要逃走。 正要发山洪。又再要下大暴雨。水流浑浊湍急。 一定要逃开。要过去。 雨来了。
1来源: 人民日报 2012年06月07日
2Never knew how much I loved you Never knew how much I need you Now you're gone I know how much I care Deep inside you're all I wanted All m
2Micheall cretu I know I can't hide from myself this time now I know I've got to faith it that somehow You pray that I could
4《Love Is Only Just A Dream》 Michael Learns To Rock Life`s not a dream When emptiness has spilled the scene When you walked away from me An
3《Onlylove》 Trademark 2.a.m.and the rain is falling here we are at the crossroads once again you're telling me you're so comfused you can't
4《Forgiven love》 Many times he said goodbye Many times he did by fate How much I've so far given Never wanna be apart S
4《Feeling》 It is said to be left her alone I don’t know what to say Is it pain or it is heartache That I feel It has be going for some tim
3kylie miccga Something is going on why can't you tell me so Why take the chance when you know it can't last I didn't kno
5It was raining then on the day we met It`s your face I just can`t forget Standing close to me Looking in my eyes Something I`ve not seen bef
3《Fairy Tale》 Michael Learns To Rock It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face You only look at me and I was yours But when
3《If I Could》 Michael Learns To Rock My love, you're always in my heart (Repeat) If I could have it all, I would choose to have you
44【骨感美花瓶】 泰国设计师Decha Archjananun近期带给我们一崭新系列的花瓶设计,完全颠覆传统花瓶样式。摒弃了传统花瓶各种曲线特制,他采用超简约的
24提到X光线,自然会想起医疗设备或是机场的缉毒与反恐,英国摄影师 Nick Veasey 却将这技术运用在摄影上,让事物抛开了原有的样貌,展现出内在不一
2320120609 首日战报: A组: 波 兰 1 :1 希腊 俄罗斯 4 :1 捷克
52来源: 吉林日报 2012年06月07日7关于国家赔偿、受害人贵属、法律修定、警界黑幕。13留得住。 时光留不住。 太匆匆。 昨夜星辰今日雨。 明天睡大觉。24181967年版“舌尖上的中国” 美国记者拍摄6124万千年前,古埃及文明的工匠从未曾想到他们关于蛇、十字架、星星的图形还会在公元2012年寻到踪迹,欧洲的皇室们无法预料曾经盛行一时的皇冠、玫瑰