0经核实吧主sue_perman 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 sue_perman吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1【写书】人物030 -- 一个从来不会点<3的人,一点,就是一个开始
0主要是同,不同太明显了。 同:手机实名制?用户数额?人均占机率?
2She says...
3不看咖啡男的帖子还好,一看吓一跳,原来还有这件事,跟谁谁吃饭被遇到。太精彩了。怎么能有这么厉害的故事我都忘记了。。。2号简直就跟1号一模一样,除了英文文学修养还是比不上以外。。。 哈哈。母亲胜过约定。朋友同事也是生日的主角。明日是ying的大日子。晚上会有好戏,敬请期待。
0IMD, GSAM, Central Trading Desk - Junior Trader, Senior Analyst / Junior AssociateGoldman Sachs - London Job descriptionGoldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) delivers innovative investment solutions through a global, multi-product platform that offers clients the advantages that come with working with a large firm, while maintaining the benefits of a boutique. GSAM is one of the pre-eminent investment management organizations globally. Critical to the success of GSAM is our ability to leverage a global team of talented professionals to define solutions and lead change across the operational in
0IBD, Investment Banking Services, Strategic Relationship Management, London, Junior Vice PresidentGoldman Sachs - London Job descriptionThe Firm The Goldman Sachs Group is a bank holding company and a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm. Goldman Sachs provides a wide range of services worldwide to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high net worth individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered in New York and maintains offices in London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong and ot
0Investment Banking Division, Classic, Financial Institutions Group, Analyst/Associate, LondonGoldman Sachs - London Job descriptionThe Firm The Goldman Sachs Group is a bank holding company and a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm. Goldman Sachs provides a wide range of services worldwide to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high net worth individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered in New York and maintains offices in London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong and other m
0Fixed Income & Commodity Sales Client On-Boarder EMEA - Vice PresidentMorgan Stanley - United Kingdom-United Kingdom-London About this jobJob description Company Profile: Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management services. The Firm's employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments and individuals from more than 1,200 offices in 43 countries. As a market leader, the talent and passion of our people is critical to our success. Together, we share a c
0About this jobJob descriptionJob Requisition Number:44990 The Role: Bloomberg FX extends the offerings of the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service by providing a full suite of Foreign Exchange functionality including Global FX analytics, data, news, electronic trading and position keeping. The Bloomberg FX team is looking for a Business Manager based in London for its core FX product. This position carries a high level of visibility and responsibility thus candidates should possess a deep body of knowledge and experience in the FX markets at either a bank or an electronic trading vendor. The candida
3可能是我在发烧,不知怎么了,就被吸引了 原本以为只是过眼云烟 邀约我去逛海边 是什么情感 我确实当时也没有捉摸透 一切都是在不确定之中进行。
0第二个uk meet的诶皮皮友
2不知道29岁的男生会懂得什么是爱什么是珍惜。至少being gentleman是很重要的吧
2海滩,跷跷板,夏日 酒精,夜店,帅哥美女 海边的夜景,偷偷绕沙滩进入秘密乐园 就让一切停留在这里吧! 同样的Journey也会遇见similar不过更甚——直接邀约的那种,便也不值得记忆和讨论了。更不要说怀念了。
1一张十年前的篮球头像。 一句以后不呵呵了。 给你留一贴。 狮子男。
0好吧 感觉就是这么来了的。K歌。从来不觉得我会吃那么就的米饭,从来不觉得我会enjoy k歌了。。。 最后一个眼神。一句“等我回来你就有男朋友了“。因为爱所以爱,差点说出了我的疑惑,感觉为什么就这么来了。instead,问了下接机,说了下锻炼身体一路平安,其他的不敢多说。。。特别想的时候还直白地说梦见了。。。推说没出过公司公寓。。只好说好好吃,等你方图,一周后放了,过了一两天,开始多想了。。。好希
3只要休息就做家务——整理,打扫,做饭 自己去超市买材料回来做饭 share everything with everyone 会理财——提前买了500镑的邮票before涨价
3初次见面是热气球节(虽然本尊说是在GY吃饭认识的,我不记得了,还有说法是相亲网站上认识的呢)。本人很礼貌,跟林丹尼一样。这对我来说很重要。比土豪不土豪要重要一百倍。其实讲来我喜欢的类型还蛮standardised的华人洋人就两种模板。直到一起吃饭再加参加过生日,发现了为什么人过三十不娶,也要过个2.3年才会娶。。。这种男生太爱折腾时间了。他们没有女生那么目标明确的地要把对方定下来。所以他们shop around迟迟不买。女生手上却有
5华尔街投行IBD部门面试会问什么问题? 我告诉你
0华人会偏好吃热食,所以除了前菜,我都是用了比较热的菜: 1. homemade 三明治 —— corned beef,鸡肉,ham 2. avacado king prwan 3. yorkshire pudding with beef horseradish 3+ 水饺 4. bacon and sauagage 5. 提拉米苏 6. homemade chips
0是不是所有desparate的男生都会在新春佳节发一个happy new year hope you are well之类的东西给他的所谓的leads吗?我开始相信他们是善良的,但是他们是动物。 这娃没什么不好,年纪也就小一岁,(今年碰到太多兔子了)。。。可就是把儿太短太粗。。。又不会照顾人,又懒惰。上进心也就一般。那真的是没什么好浪费时间的了。 看了几期“桃子姐”的节目,觉得男人要求是高,但他们也就是嘴上说,其实也害怕女人背叛自己,别的男人比自己有能力。所以
4Sweet Hope, ethereal balm upon me shed, And wave thy silver pinions o’er my head!
4是的。说的就是大麻的大麻。不是麻子的大麻。此哥是被可怜滴安排到这个奇怪的double date中来,我们在一起约了到泰特,结果组织的mm和她那位37“高龄”的男友在家抽high了,该直接吃完饭。。。
1unny Gu——超有Feel的时尚潮流服装手绘。 喜欢请关注@就爱英伦风
0先是跟姐妹两人在比较posh的地区的一个 IA bar聊天, 然后看到两三的男生在讨论我们,为了逗我们,一男(后来得知名叫爱德华)在抓另外一个男生的屁股。。。我们觉得好笑就拍下来了
0一个五月9号出生的三十三岁的男生。长得像另外一个我认识的金牛男 (搜了一下日历,是五月一号)竟然觉得读书无用,这点两个男生想法一致。。很小出来在city做期货公司送单员,把订单从公司运到英国银行。就这样一步步后台,中台,前台,负责核心交易的软件的管理。一个人在汉普郡租了三室的house,养了2只猫。参加飞镖比赛,排球比赛,还是挺健康但也有点小肚子的男生。
12008-03-13 17:03:00
3第一次见到的时候,他坐在我的旁边。华人上班族聚会。 他约我吃过一次brunch,还有咖啡,都是我请的,因为觉得要尽地主之谊。然后就是老是电话我我接
1这是去年英国所有获得米其林星级评比的餐厅列表,你的地区有几家捏 ?
1冰淇淋的季节又到啦,英国口碑榜Top5冰淇淋:图1-3:伦敦Chin Chin Lab是欧洲第一家“液氮”冰淇淋,冰淇淋诞生于一片烟雾缭绕中,最适合有实验室情结
3昨天,就在搬出家的前一个星期,ben问我要不要加入他和他的朋友喝点东西。当天中午我见了seeing一个月多的林先生,晚上人家没空陪我orange wednesday
0What is ACP? The Prudential Supervisory Authority (ACP) is the body of French supervision of banking and insurance. Created by order of 21 J
0对于别人的要求有求必应,按照自己的能力尽量最好,可能不是最及时的,有时还是要人催一催。。 买彩票——这是一个很神奇的发现。他设置自动买2种不同
71. Was Thatcher a feminist? 2 Debate: Was Thatcher good for women? 3. Margaret Thatcher: a life in quotes 4. Margaret Thatcher's Fashion Sal