这个确实也可以draft一个diagram。比如说三次以后push you away的,一次以后不联系的(大多是我[FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND SMALL EYES][CAT FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY][FACE SCREAMING IN FEAR]) 或者压根不愿浪费时间见面的-老江湖了-这种一般消息也是回很慢 不主动 只被动
昨天是老佛爷生日。好在一切在这个周围有个尾声。该联系的都联系过了。该交代的都交代了。该last try的都try了。波尔斯will be 波尔斯。nothig会有改变。最后三周冲刺,三天至少跑步五公里。最好在中午。晚上星巴克看书。杂音不能多。杂事不能安排。一点不能变,做人要厚道,要有礼貌,不过不能强求,都看缘分,包括forgiving。。
To be fair, throughout the year, I haven't been a forgiving person. I have improved by far. Yet, not enough. Even when compared with a normal girl, I am no way near the level. It could be the attitude to life, to work, to sex, that binds you. But when you are in this stage of life that you can only do and enjoy certain things. Compared with Charlie, Mat, even Sam, DM is your fav. Oh, even Mckee.