“Sordland’s Minister of Defense, General Iosef Lancea, is reporting that efforts to expand our Air Force are completed. According to his report, 135 Sordland S-13 fighters and 155 Benfi Delivery BD-34 Bombers had been added to our existing 410 aircraft to a total of 700 aircraft.”
“索德兰国防部长Iosef Lancea将军报告称,我国空军的扩编工作已完成。根据他的报告,新增 135 架索德兰 S-13 战斗机和 155 架 Benfi Delivery BD-34 轰炸机,使我国空军现役飞机总数从 410 架 增加至 700 架。”
从第6轮到第8轮,最多1年时间,却能有新增多达155架轰炸机加入空军。代表这155架轰炸机极有可能不是索德兰自产,而是进口货,Benfi Delivery实际上是外国大公司的索德兰子公司。