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【SereNate】转贴本周一和周二的片场信息 (在皇宫酒店拍室内戏)


本周一和周二的片场信息 (在皇宫酒店拍室内戏)
Monday November 22nd Filming
Blake Lively’s (Serena van der Woodsen) trailer was there, but it wasn’t lit up. Penn Badgley (Dan Humphrey) and Leighton Meester (Blair Waldorf) walked to set together followed by Connor Paolo (Eric van der Woodsen). Ed Westwick (Chuck Bass) walked alone, followed by Chace Crawford (Nate Archibald) who was on the phone. The shoot was indoors. Blake, Jessica Szohr (Vanessa Abrams), Taylor Momsen (Jenny Humphrey) and Kelly Rutherfold (Lily Humphrey) were NOT on set.
Tuesday November 23rd Filming
Penn and David Call (Ben Donovan) walked together and were the first on set. Blake and Penn walked to set together later at 4PM. David and Connor walked behind them. Blake and Connor shot the second on set based on the fact that David walked back to his trailer. Chace, Ed, Jessica, Taylor and Kelly were NOT on set. Blake, David and Penn were the only 3 Gossip Girl stars to have a full day schedule.

1楼2010-11-25 09:32回复
    Cast Behind the Scenes
    Penn and David seemed to goof around walking to set. Ed walked back to his trailer and entered the nearest Starbucks for a cup of joe Penn and Blake’s trailers were the nearest to the hotel. 7:45pm, David Call was spotted smoking in front of the hotel.
    Nothing really exciting happened. All the excitement was indoors. A lot of people I asked kept telling me that the cast takes their break indoors too. It’s been awhile since Gossip Girl shot any scene here at the New York Palace Hotel. Lots of good free food for the cast to enjoy! 

    2楼2010-11-25 09:33
      这三天都是在PALACE HOTEL拍戏
      昨天OLV TWEET就说看到CC在片场
      Not sure if still there but should be back tom: RT @LVLY808 Just saw Nate from GG taking pics with fans park Ave bw 51/52 @olv btw Hottie!!

      3楼2010-11-25 09:37
        11月22日和23日在皇宫酒店片场拍摄信息,GG现在拍414 Panic RoommateMonday November 22nd Filming
        周一 (11月22日),拍摄现场有NSBC,ERIC,PENN,都是室内戏Tuesday November 23rd Filming
        周二 (11月23日),拍摄现场有Penn,Ben, S, ERIC,也是室内戏
        Guess love isn’t enough to keep these two Upper East Siders together. Looks like this uptight heiress will take her own advice and get off this sinking ship FOR GOOD, despite her son’s many attempts to keep it afloat. Don’t be fooled by any upcoming reconciliation. It’s definitely over. Wonder who’ll get the yacht? XOXO.

        4楼2010-11-25 09:41

          5楼2010-11-25 09:41