Fixed an issue in Drycha's skill tree where the ‘Indoctrinator’ skill displayed an excessive number of character unit card variants. 修复了戴查技能树中的一个问题,即“教导者”技能显示了过多的角色单位卡片变体。
Fixed an issue where certain effects that increased recruit rank for Nurgle units would not work when playing as the Daemon Prince. 修复了一个问题,即在扮演恶魔亲王时,某些增加纳垢单位招募等级的效果不起作用。
BOUNTIES(赏金机制) Adjusted how the monetary reward for Bounties is calculated. Previously, the amount was based on the issuer's Treasury, which could fluctuate significantly regardless of their strength and had no relevance to the selected target. The new calculation considers the player's distance to the target, with higher rewards for immortal targets or province capitals. Additionally, distance is now measured from the nearest settlement owned by the player rather than just the faction leader's army. This change should generally result in Bounty targets being closer to the player. 调整了赏金的货币奖励计算方式。此前,该金额基于发布者的财政,无论其实力如何,财政都可能大幅波动,与选定的目标无关。新的计算考虑了玩家与目标的距离,传奇目标或派系首都的奖励更高。此外,距离现在是从玩家拥有的最近城镇测量的,而不仅仅是从派系领袖的军队测量的。这种变化通常会导致赏金目标更接近玩家。 Adjusted the Bounty rewards system to ensure a balanced distribution of additional rewards. Players will now receive a consistent cycle through meat, camp growth, and rare ancillaries, reducing randomness and enhancing reward variety. 调整了赏金奖励制度,以确保额外奖励的均衡分配。玩家现在将通过肉类、营地增长和稀有辅助物品获得一致的循环,减少随机性并增强奖励多样性。 Players can now decline a Bounty, triggering a new one to be issued on the following turn. 玩家现在可以拒绝赏金,并在下一回合触发新的赏金。
We've fixed an issue causing Zhao Ming's Ogre Mercenary benefits to not apply to the new Mercenaries added in 5.3. Additionally, we've made the following changes to help take Zhao's mercenary play to the next level. 我们已经解决了一个导致昭明的食人魔雇佣军加成不适用于5.3添加的新雇佣军的问题。此外,为了将昭明的雇佣军部队提升到一个新的水平,我们做了以下改变。 Faction Trait(派系特征) Added +10 Melee Attack and Defense to all Ogre Mercenaries. 为所有食人魔雇佣军增加10点近战攻击和近战防御。 Skill Tree(技能树) Removed -25% recruitment cost for Ogre Mercenaries. 移除为所有食人魔雇佣军减25%招募成本。 Added Guardian for all Ogre Mercenaries faction-wide. 为所有食人魔古用具增加了“捍卫者” Added +20% Weapon and Missile Damage for all Ogre Mercenaries faction-wide. 为所有食人魔雇佣军增加了20%的武器威力和远程杀伤。
Fixed a bug where hovering over the Ogre Bounties panel link in the help pages while the Bounties were open would cause the panel to flash extremely brightly. 修复了当赏金面板打开时,将鼠标悬停在帮助页面中的食人魔赏金面板链接上会导致面板闪烁异常明亮的错误。
Fixed an issue where lords, including Legendary Lords, would lose their last names in the UI when they were wounded. This issue affected both player-controlled and AI-controlled lords. 修复了领主(包括传奇领主)受伤时在UI中失去姓氏的问题。这个问题影响了玩家控制和AI控制的领主。
Fixed an issue where defeating the Nemesis Crown-wielder, Knobber da Bossy Git, did not properly complete the quest objectives, preventing the battle from ending as intended. 修复了击败复仇女神王冠持有者Knobber da Bossy Git未能正确完成任务目标,导致战斗无法按预期结束的问题。 里面这一串奇奇怪怪的英文不认识
Resolved an issue where the Empire's Steam Tank would fail to fire its main cannon after engaging in melee combat. Now, after exiting melee, the cannon will resume firing as intended, aligning with expected gameplay. 解决了帝国蒸汽坦克在近战结束后无法发射主炮的问题。现在,在退出近战后,大炮将按预期恢复射击,与预期的游戏玩法保持一致。
Fixed an issue where Grave Guard Halberds mistakenly had Expert Charge Defence instead of Charge Defence vs. Large, reinforcing their role as dedicated monster hunters rather than generalist frontline defenders. 修复了一个问题,即荒坟守卫长戟错误地使用了抵御全部冲锋而不是抵御大型冲锋,强化了他们作为专门的大型猎人而不是多面手抗线的角色。(原来是填错了啊,乐
Fixed a bug where ranged units were sometimes assigned targets just outside of their range, causing them to sit idle instead of firing. 修复了一个错误,即远程部队有时被分配到其射程之外的目标时,会导致他们无所事事而不是开火。
Fixed an issue where the "Howl of The Great Beast" ability incorrectly triggered a jumping animation for enemy Marauders. 修复了一个问题,即“大野兽的嚎叫”能力错误地触发了敌方掠夺者的跳跃动画。
Resolved a visual issue where Skeleton Archers would snap to different positions and move back and forth excessively during the ‘shoot ready’ and combat idle animations. 解决了一个视觉问题,即骷髅弓箭手在“射击准备”和战斗空闲动画中会跳到不同的位置并过度来回移动。