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The primary role of windows hooks is to monitor the message traffic of some thread. In general there are:
Local hooks, where you monitor the message traffic of any thread belonging to your process.
Remote hooks, which can be:
thread-specific, to monitor the message traffic of a thread belonging to another process;
system-wide, to monitor the message traffic for all threads currently running on the system.If the hooked thread belongs to another process (cases 2a & 2b), your hook procedure must reside in a dynamic-link library (DLL). The system then maps the DLL containing the hook procedure into the address space of the hooked thread. Windows will map the entire DLL, not just the hook procedure. That is why Windows hooks can be used to inject code into another process's address space.
While I won't discuss hooks in this article further (take a look at the SetWindowHookEx API in MSDN for more details), let me give you two more hints that you won't find in the documentation, but might still be useful:
After a successful call to SetWindowsHookEx, the system maps the DLL into the address space of the hooked thread automatically, but not necessary immediately. Because windows hooks are all about messages, the DLL isn't really mapped until an adequate event happens. For example:If you install a hook that monitors all nonqueued messages of some thread (WH_CALLWNDPROC), the DLL won't be mapped into the remote process until a message is actually sent to (some window of) the hooked thread. In other words, if UnhookWindowsHookExis called before a message was sent to the hooked thread, the DLL will never be mapped into the remote process (although the call to SetWindowsHookEx itself succeeded). To force an immediate mapping, send an appropriate event to the concerned thread right after the call to SetWindowsHookEx.The same is true for unmapping the DLL after calling UnhookWindowsHookEx. The DLL isn't really unmapped until an adequate event happens.
When you install hooks, they can affect the overall system performance (especially system-wide hooks). However, you can easily overcome this shortcoming if you use thread-specific hooks solely as a DLL mapping mechanism, and not to trap messages. Consider the following code snippet: CollapseBOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { if( ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { // Increase reference count via LoadLibrary char lib_name[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName( hModule, lib_name, MAX_PATH ); ::LoadLibrary( lib_name ); // Safely remove hook ::UnhookWindowsHookEx( g_hHook ); } return TRUE; }
So, what happens? First we map the DLL to the remote process via Windows hooks. Then, right after the DLL has actually been mapped, we unhook it. Normally, the DLL would be unmapped now, too, as soon as the first message to the hooked thread would arrive. The dodgy thing is we prevent this unmapping by increasing the DLLs reference count via LoadLibrary.
The question that remains is: How to unload the DLL now, once we are finished? UnhookWindowsHookEx won't do it because we unhooked the thread already. You could do it this way:
Install another hook, just before you want to unmap the DLL;
Send a "special" message to the remote thread;
Catch this message in your hook procedure; in response, call FreeLibrary & UnhookWindowsHookEx.Now, hooks are used only while mapping/unmapping the DLL to/from the remote process; there is no influence on the performance of the "hooked" thread in the meantime. Put anohter way: We get a DLL mapping mechanism that doesn't interfere the target process more than theLoadLibrary technique discussed below does (see Section II.). However, opposed to the LoadLibrary technique, this solution works on both: WinNT and Win9x.
But, when should one use this trick? Always when the DLL has to be present in the remote process for a longer period of time (i.e. if you subclass a control belonging to another process) and you want to interfere the target process as little as possible. I didn't use it in HookSpy because the DLL there is injected just for a moment - just long enough to get the password. I rather provided another example - HookInjEx - to demonstrate it. HookInjEx maps/unmaps a DLL into "explorer.exe", where it subclasses the Start button. More precisely: It swaps the left and right mouse clicks for the Start button.
You will find HookSpy and HookInjEx as well as their sources in the download package at the beginning of the article.

1楼2010-09-30 21:35回复

    2楼2010-09-30 21:35

      3楼2010-09-30 21:37

        4楼2010-09-30 21:42

          5楼2010-09-30 21:45
            翻译 1-3段,够短了吧,允许你查百度,谷歌,金山词霸等等一切手段

            7楼2010-09-30 21:47

              8楼2010-09-30 21:51