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转自Crash.net,作者Connor McDonagh
随着一级方程式赛车即将在恩佐-迪诺-法拉利赛车场(Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari)开赛,1994 年圣马力诺大奖赛发生的事件仍让人记忆犹新。在本周末于伊莫拉举行的比赛(2022 年)之前,Crash.net将回顾那个悲惨的周末以及它对这项运动的影响。
在本周末的艾米利亚-罗马涅大奖赛上,F1将在标志性的伊莫拉赛道上进行比赛。1994年的事件永远地改变了F1,因为罗兰-拉岑伯格(Roland Ratzenberger)和埃尔顿-塞纳(Ayrton Senna)在伊莫拉赛道上不幸丧生。
贝纳通车队的迈克尔-舒马赫(Michael Schumacher)在圣马力诺站连胜两场,最多获得 20 分。相反,从迈凯轮车队转投威廉姆斯车队的塞纳在开赛两轮比赛中均未能完赛或得分,他的生活开局不利。塞纳坚称贝纳通使用了非法的牵引力控制系统,而电子驾驶辅助系统在 1994 年就已被禁止使用。在伊莫拉站,塞纳以20分之差落后于舒马赫,他必须奋起反击。

巴里切罗95G为 F1 最黑暗的周末奠定基调
年轻的鲁本斯-巴里切罗(Rubens Barrichello)在 1994 赛季开局出色,随后前往伊莫拉。巴里切罗在巴西主场获得第四名,随后又在日本首次登上领奖台,信心十足的他在锦标赛中排名第二。在两次排位赛中的第一次排位赛中,巴里切罗在第二圈以 225 公里的时速在 Variante Bassa弯撞上了路缘,将他抛向空中。巴里切罗撞上了轮胎护栏的顶部,并被95G的冲击力击昏。希德-沃特金斯教授和他的医疗团队迅速赶到巴里切罗受伤的约旦--他的面部被划伤,鼻梁骨折,伤势十分严重。排位赛重新开始后,奥利维尔-贝雷塔在巴里切罗撞车的同一弯道向后打滑撞墙,但他从拉鲁兹赛车中爬了出来,毫发无损,奇迹般地躲过了F1自1982年以来的第一起悲剧事故,但也仅仅躲过了一天而已。

1991 年,奥地利车手罗兰-拉岑伯格(Roland Ratzenberger)未能获得约旦车队的驾驶机会,三年后,他首次代表辛泰克车队参加 F1 比赛。这位奥地利车手在 1993 年勒芒 24 小时耐力赛中获得第五名,随后与三届一级方程式世界冠军杰克(Jack)的儿子大卫-布拉汉姆(David Brabham)一起转战 F1。本周末在伊莫拉举行的第二次排位赛开始后,拉岑伯格走上赛道,希望能在周日的比赛中取得好成绩。排位赛开始约 20 分钟后,他在Acqua Minerale弯冲出赛道,前翼受损。拉岑伯格没有返回维修站,因为他希望确保周日大奖赛的排位。
在接近维伦纽夫弯道时,他的前翼似乎出现了问题。他未能转入弯道,以 314 公里/小时的速度撞上了外侧的混凝土墙。撞击的力量迫使前轮穿透了他的驾驶舱,导致他头部严重受伤。拉岑伯格很快被沃特金斯及其医护人员围住,撞击的严重性显而易见。到达博洛尼亚马焦雷医院几分钟后,拉岑贝格尔被宣布死亡--官方原因是颅底骨折。自 1982 年里卡多-佩洛蒂(Riccardo Paletti)在加拿大大奖赛上丧生以来,罗兰的死亡是第一例。而在12年后的伊莫拉,F1仍然危险重重。多年来的第一起致命事故给围场带来了沉重打击,这导致车手们同意重组大奖赛车手协会,塞纳、舒马赫和伯格成为首任协会主席。这一天是伊莫拉毁灭性的一天,但没有人能预料到24小时后会发生什么。
"你还需要做什么?你已经三次获得世界冠军,你显然是最快的车手。放下吧,我们去钓鱼。"拉岑伯格发生事故后,沃特金斯对塞纳说。塞纳回答道: "希德,有些事情我们无法控制。我不能放弃,我必须继续前进"。塞纳继续努力,希望将杆位转化为他为威廉姆斯车队赢得的第一场胜利。
1994 年圣马力诺大奖赛在佩德罗-拉米(Pedro Lamy)在起步时撞上JJ-莱托(JJ Lehto)停滞不前的贝纳通赛车后,于第 5 圈重新开始。塞纳继续领先舒马赫,两人在赛道最前方疾驰。第 7 圈,在接近Tamburello左弯道时,塞纳驾驶的威廉姆斯赛车无法通过弯道,以 211 公里/小时的速度撞向墙壁。
时至今日,关于塞纳在坦布瑞洛发生事故的原因仍众说纷纭。一直紧跟在塞纳身后的舒马赫说:"我看到塞纳的车速很快: "我看到塞纳的赛车在前一圈的时候,后部经常接触赛道。他在那个弯道里非常紧张,差点就失控了。然后在下一次通过时,他确实失去了控制。赛车的后防滑装置触碰到了赛道,赛车有点侧滑,然后他就失去了控制。塞纳在撞车 15 分钟后从他的威廉姆斯赛车上被抬了下来,此时比赛已经插上了红旗。整个赛车界都停了下来,等待着车神平安无事的消息,但没有等到。塞纳发生事故 37 分钟后,比赛重新开始,舒马赫超越法拉利车队的尼古拉-拉里尼,连续第三次夺冠。舒马赫并不知道塞纳的情况,他在赛后补充道 "鉴于伊莫拉周末发生的事件,舒马赫说:"我无法感到满意,也无法感到高兴。舒马赫夺得方格旗两个多小时后,医生宣布塞纳已经去世。
BBC 传奇评论员默里-沃克(Murray Walker)说:"这是我记忆中大奖赛最黑暗的一天。这是 F1 最黑暗的一天,但这一天也永远改善了这项运动。"
认为1994 年黑色伊莫拉事件是驱使F1变革的唯一催化剂是不妥的,因为在此之前,F1 的安全标准一直在提高。从本质上说,塞纳和拉岑伯格的死亡引发了F1根本性的变革,这些变革在现在仍然保护着 F1 和赛车运动中的人身安全。HANS的引入有助于消除高能撞击造成的伤害,例如颅底骨折。拉岑伯格的事故促使 HANS 装置(头颈部支撑装置)得到进一步发展,如今它仍是大奖赛期间车手安全设备不可或缺的一部分。
GPDA的复兴使得F1赛事有了进一步的改变,赛道改造和赛车碰撞结构成为F1提高安全标准的核心重点。直到 20 年后,才有车手因在 F1 周末比赛中受伤而丧生,朱尔-比安奇(Jules Bianchi)就是因一年前在铃鹿赛道受伤而于 2015 年丧生。F1再次以 Halo(驾驶舱保护装置)作为应对措施--该装置最初亮相时被车迷戏称为 "丑陋 "且不受欢迎。但它最终达到了保护车手的目的,确保现代车迷不必再经历 1994年车迷、车手和所有与赛车运动有关的人所经历的噩梦。1994 年发生的事件将作为 F1 最黑暗的周末永远留在许多人的记忆中。

IP属地:广东1楼2023-08-27 20:04回复
    Senna’s legacy and the impact of F1’s darkest weekend at Imola
    --by Connor McDonagh
    As Formula 1 heads to the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari, the events of the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix remain long in the memory. Ahead of this weekend’s race(2022) at Imola, Crash.net takes a look back at that tragic weekend and the impact it had on the sport.
    The events of 1994 changed Formula 1 forever as Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna tragically lost their lives at Imola.As F1 tackles the iconic Imola circuit at this weekend’s Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, 1994 lives long in many F1 fans' memory as a weekend like no other...

    IP属地:广东2楼2023-08-27 20:59
      Benetton’s early edge
      Benetton’s Michael Schumacher arrived in San Marino with a maximum 20 points to his name following back-to-back victories. Conversely, Senna failed to finish or score points in the opening two rounds as life at Williams started poorly following his switch from McLaren. The controversy was already building with Senna adamant Benetton was using an illegal traction control system, with electronic driver aids banned for 1994. With a chip on his shoulder and a 20-point deficit to make up on Schumacher at Imola, Senna had to fight back.

      IP属地:广东3楼2023-08-27 21:00
        Barrichello sets the tone for F1’s darkest weekend
        A young Rubens Barrichello headed to Imola following a remarkable start to the 1994 season. Fourth on home soil in Brazil was followed up with a maiden podium in Japan - confidence was high for Barrichello as he sat second in the championship. In the first of two qualifying sessions, Barrichello hit the kerb at the Variante Bassa corner on his second lap at 225 km/h, launching him into the air. Barrichello smashed into the top of the tyre barrier and was knocked unconscious by an impact measured at 95G. Professor Sid Watkins and his medical team quickly made their way to Barichello’s stricken Jordan - a cut to his face and a broken nose the state of his injuries. When qualifying resumed, Olivier Beretta spun backwards into the wall at the same corner where Barrichello crashed, climbing out of his Larrousse unhurt. F1 miraculously escaped its first tragic accident since 1982, but it had only escaped it for a day more.

        IP属地:广东4楼2023-08-27 21:00
          Tragedy strikes on qualifying day
          After failing to secure a drive with Jordan in 1991, Austrian driver Roland Ratzenberger made his F1 debut three years later for the Simtek outfit. The Austrian finished fifth in the 1993 Le Mans 24 Hours before making the move to F1 alongside David Brabham - the son of three-time Formula One world champion Jack. As the second qualifying session of the weekend at Imola began, Ratzenberger took to the track as he looked to make the grid for Sunday’s race. Approximately 20 minutes into the session, he went off the track at the Acqua Minerale chicane, damaging his front wing in the process. Ratzenberger didn’t return to the pits as he looked to secure a grid spot for Sunday’s grand prix.
          On the approach to the Villeneuve Corner, his front wing appeared to give way. He failed to turn into the corner and crashed into the outside concrete wall at 314 km/h. The strength of the crash forced the front wheel to penetrate his Simtek cockpit, leaving him with severe head injuries. The seriousness of the impact was apparent as Ratzenberger was quickly surrounded by Watkins and his medical staff. Several minutes after arrival at the Maggiore Hospital in Bologna, Ratzenberger was pronounced dead - the official cause, a basilar skull fracture. Roland’s death marked the first since 1982 when Riccardo Paletti was killed at the Canadian Grand Prix.
          A timely reminder, 12 years on, F1 was still dangerous. The first fatal accident in years had hit the paddock hard, leading to the drivers agreeing to the reformation of the Grand Prix Drivers' Association, with Senna, Schumacher and Gerhard Berger as its first directors. A devastating day at Imola, but no one could have predicted what would happen 24 hours later.

          IP属地:广东5楼2023-08-27 21:00
            "This is the blackest day for Grand Prix racing that I can remember"
            "What else do you need to do? You have been world champion three times, you are obviously the quickest driver. Give it up and let's go fishing," Watkins told Senna after Ratzenberger's accident. Senna replied: "Sid, there are certain things over which we have no control. I cannot quit, I have to go on." And Senna would go on as he looked to convert pole position into his first win for Williams.
            The 1994 San Marino Grand Prix restarted on Lap 5 after Pedro Lamy ran into the back of the stalled Benetton of JJ Lehto. Senna maintained the lead ahead of Schumacher with the pair streaking ahead at the front of the field. On Lap 7, on the approach to the Tamburello left-hander, Senna couldn’t make the turn in his Williams, running off into the wall at a speed of 211 km/h. Still to this day, there are varying theories as to what caused Senna’s accident at Tamburello. Schumacher, who had been running right behind Senna, said: “I saw that Senna’s car was touching the track at the back quite a lot on the lap before. It was very nervous in that corner, and he nearly lost it. Then on the next time through he did lose it. The car just touched the track with the rear skids, went a bit sideways, and then he just lost it.” Senna was lifted from his Williams 15 minutes after his crash as the race was red-flagged. The racing world had stopped, waiting for news, and it didn’t come. The race resumed 37 minutes after Senna’s accident as Schumacher claimed his third win in a row ahead of Ferrari's Nicola Larini. Unaware of Senna’s condition, Schumacher added after the race: "I can't feel satisfied, I can't feel happy," given the events of the Imola weekend. Over two hours after Schumacher took the chequered flag, doctors announced Senna had died.
            "This is the blackest day for Grand Prix racing that I can remember," legendary BBC commentator Murray Walker said. A dark day for F1, but one that changed the sport forever.

            IP属地:广东6楼2023-08-27 21:01
              Imola 94’s lasting safety legacy
              It’s wrong to say the events of Imola 1994 were the sole catalyst for change as safety standards in F1 were improving up until this point. Senna and Ratzenberger's deaths led to fundamental changes which are still protecting lives in F1 and motorsport in 2021. The introduction of the HANS device has helped eradicate the effects of high-energy impacts which lead to injuries such as a basilar skull fracture. Ratzenberger’s accident led to the increased advancement of the HANS device – Head and Neck Support - which remains an integral part of driver safety equipment during a grand prix today.
              The revival of the GPDA allowed for further changes, track modifications and car crash structures were the central focus as F1 upped its safety standards. It wasn’t until 20 years later where a driver died due to injuries sustained at an F1 weekend as Jules Bianchi’s death in 2015 was a consequence of the injuries he sustained at Suzuka a year earlier. Again, F1 responded with the Halo cockpit protection device - dubbed as ugly and unpopular among fans initially. It ultimately serves its purpose of protecting drivers and ensuring modern day fans don’t have to experience what fans, drivers and everyone connected with motorsport had to go through in 1994. The events of 1994 will forever live in the memory of many as F1's darkest weekend.

              IP属地:广东7楼2023-08-27 21:01
                R.I.P Ayrton Senna

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端8楼2023-08-28 08:56

                  IP属地:广东来自Android客户端9楼2023-08-28 08:59

                    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端10楼2023-08-30 19:27