7. African wild dogs, also know as Cape
hunting dogs, are extremely social animals, with tremendous reserves of stamina
which they utilize when running their prey to ground 非洲野狗,即人们所知的非洲猎犬,是一种群居动物,耐力惊人,能把猎物逼到绝境(不确定是不是这个意思liz)
11. a herd of springbuck feeding on dry Kalahari
vegetation. Springbuck are able to sustain themselves without drinking through
times of drought 一群南非小羚羊啃食着卡拉哈里植被。干旱时节南非小羚羊不喝水也可以生存下来
13. the giraffe has an especially adapted prehensile
tongue with which it easily extracts leaves from between the thorns on a tree 长颈鹿的舌头尤其能适应自己的需要,它可以轻易地拨开树上的小枝干,吞食树叶。