90后裤衩文学工作室吧 关注:33贴子:1,373

English . study ...


.I'm sorry to hear that. / I'm sorry about that. 听到这事我很难过。
2.That's too bad. 真不幸。
3.That's /What a pity.太可惜了。
4.How sad. 太让人伤心了!
5.What a shame. 太遗憾了。
6.Tough luck. /That's unfortunate./ I'm sorry about your misfortune.   真够倒霉的。
7.It happens! 常有的事。
8.It’s a common mistake. 那你肯定很难受吧。
9.It must be tough for/ hard on you. 那你肯定很难受吧。
10.Oh, poor thing! 哦!太惨了!
11.I know how you feel./ I understand the way you feel. 我了解你的感受。
12.I really sympathize with you. 我真的同情你。

1楼2010-06-06 11:19回复
    1.You look grave/ sad today. 你今天看上去很悲伤。
    2.Why are you so glum?你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?
    3.Why the long face? 你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?

    2楼2010-06-06 12:00
      1. I live for pizza. 没有比萨饼我几乎活不下去。
      2. Pizza is the greatest. 比萨是最好吃的。
      3. Are you satisfied/ happy/ pleased with your new car? 你满意你的新车吗?
      4. I'm fond of this tea. 我喜欢这茶。
      5. I prefer tea to coffee. /I'd rather have tea than coffee./ I like tea better/ more than coffee.与其喝咖啡不如喝红茶/比起咖啡,我更喜欢红茶。
      6.I'm hooked on / I'm addicted to short story.我已经对小说上瘾了。
      7. Tomato soup is my cup of tea. 我喜欢喝西红柿汤。
      8. I've developed a great liking for writing. 我非常喜欢写写文字。
      9. English grew on me. 英语越来越吸引我了。

      3楼2010-06-06 12:01
        表肯定 ,相信
        1.Take it from me.相信我。
        2.You'd better believe it! 请相信我!
        3.I really mean it! 真是那么回事。
        4.Trust me! 请相信我!
        5.I'm sure of it. / I'm absolutely sure. 我敢肯定是。
        6.I'm positive. 我有把握。.
        7.It may be unbelievable, but it's the truth. 你也许不能相信,但那是事实。

        4楼2010-06-06 12:02
          1.Cheer up! 振作起来!
          2.Come on! 打起精神来!
          3.Take it easy! 别那么想不开。
          4.Pull yourself together! / Get a hold of yourself! 重新振作起来。
          5.Go for it! 加油!
          6.We'll cheer for your team. 我们会给你们队助威的!
          7.Hang in there! 别松劲!
          8.Try harder! 再加把劲!
          9.Don't give it up! / Keep at it! 坚持下去!
          10.Keep your chin up! 要有信心!
          11.You can do it! 你可以的!
          12.Don't take it too seriously! / Don't get worked up over nothing!   别看得那么严重! 别灰心!
          13.Keep your chin up! 别失望,要抱有希望。
          14.Don't be so hard on / down on/ lowly of / bad about yourself. 别那么自暴自弃。
          15.You can do anything if you really want to. 想做你一定能做得到。
          16.That's the spirit! 那才是好样的!
          17.You can do anything if you put your mind to it. 只要有信心,什么事都办得到。
          18.You can accomplish anything if you believe in it. 只要有信心,什么事都办得到。
          19.Let's face it/ facts. / Let's be realistic. 让我们面对现实。
          20.Let's cheer him up. 我们得让他振作起来。

          7楼2010-06-07 17:13

            8楼2010-06-07 17:14
              1.Never mind. 别在意。
              2.Forget (about) it. It's okay. 没什么。
              3.Better luck next time! 下次一定会走运的!
              4.Don't blame yourself. 别责备自己了。
              5.It's not your fault. 这不是你的错。
              6.Don't worry, it happens. 别担心了,那是常有的事。
              7.It happens to everyone/the best of us. 这种事谁都会遇到。
              8.There's no need to worry about it. 不必为那事烦恼。
              9.Don't give it another thought. 别想得太多。
              10.Look on the bright side. Your job is very rewarding. 你得看到好的一面。你的工作可是很有价值的呀。
              11.This is nothing. / It's no problem. 这算不了什么。
              12.I've seen worse. 这还算好的呢。
              13.It could have been worse. 还有比这更糟的呢.
              14.I'm sure it'll work out. 别担心,总会有办法的。
              15.Worrying about it won't solve anything/ make it better. 担心解决不了任何问题。
              16.Don't be a coward. 别害怕。
              17.Don't cry. 别哭了。
              18.Wipe your tears. 擦擦眼泪。

              9楼2010-06-07 17:15
                1.What's the matter? You look sad. 你怎么了?显得这么伤心。
                2.Is anything wrong? /Is something bothering you?/Are you all right?你没事吧?
                3.What's going on? /What happened? / What's happening? 到底怎么回事?
                4.Is something on your mind? 你有什么心事吗?
                5.What are you worried about? / What's on your mind? 你担心什么呢?
                6.--I'll drop you off. 我送你回家。
                --Please don't go out of your way. 请不要特地送我。
                7.You're not yourself today./ You seem different today. 你今天有点儿不大对劲。

                12楼2010-06-08 16:37
                  1.Really? 真的?
                  2.Are you sure? 敢肯定吗?
                  3.Are you joking? 开玩笑吧?
                  4.Do you mean it? 是真的吗?
                  5.I doubt it. /It's doubtful! 我怀疑。
                  6.I wouldn't bet on it. 我不这样认为。
                  7.It sounds fishy/ suspicious/ funny to me. 听起来很可疑。
                  8.I smell a rat.事情很可疑。
                  9.I won't buy that story.我不会信他的话的。
                  10.I don't take him too seriously. 我不把他的话太当真。
                  11.I don't pay much attention to what he says. 我不把他的话太当真。
                  12.I think he is lying. 我认为他在说谎。
                  13.It's too good to be true. 有这么好的事!
                  14.It's so unbelievably good that there has to be something wrong. 哪有这么便宜的事!
                  15.Nothing this good ever happens, it must be a mistake. 不会有这么好的事,一定是搞错了。
                  16.It can't be! It's too good to believe! 怎么可能!好得让人难以置信。

                  13楼2010-06-08 16:37
                    1.--You're stepping on my foot. 你踩着我脚呢。
                    --Oops! I'm sorry. 哎哟!对不起。
                    2.I made a mistake. 我犯了一个错。
                    3.My mistake. 是我的错。
                    4.I feel guilty. I was mean.我太刻薄了,我感到很内疚。
                    5.It's all my fault. 都是我不好。

                    14楼2010-06-11 17:53
                      1. He's a nuisance. 他特招人讨厌。
                      2. You asked for it. 自作自受。
                      3. I can’t stand with you. 我再也受不了你了。

                      16楼2010-06-29 10:30
                        1.I don't care. 什么都行。
                        2.Anything's fine. 管它呢!
                        3.So what? 那又怎么样?
                        4.What difference does it make? / As you wish. / Whatever you want! 随便你!
                        5.Nobody/ who knows. 谁知道呢。.
                        6. It has nothing to do with me. / It's not my concern/ business/ problem.这跟我有什么关系。
                        7.--I'm going to report you to our teacher. 我要向老师告你的状。
                            --Go ahead. I couldn't care less. 随便!我才不在乎呢。没人注意你。
                        8. Nobody cares. 没人注意你。
                        9. Let it be. 随他们去呢!
                        10.--Tom and Mary are fighting a lot these days. We should do something about it. 最近汤姆和玛丽老打架,我们是不是得做点什么。
                            --Let it be. 甭管他们!
                        11. What they say doesn't matter to me. 他们说什么都跟我没关系。
                        12. Other people's opinions don't matter to me. 别人说什么对我来说不重要。
                        13. I'm not concerned about what they may say. 别人说什么对我来说不重要。
                        14. Anyone will do. /It doesn't matter. 都行。  
                        15. We can do without him. 没他我们也可以。
                        15. I've got nothing special to talk about. 我没什么特别要说的。
                        17. It's all the same to me. / Either will do. 对我来说都一样。
                        18. I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other. 对我来说都一样。
                        19. It's the same old story. 这又不是什么新鲜事。

                        17楼2010-06-29 10:31
                          1. ---Come on. Let's meet new people. 来,我们去认识认识那几个新人。
                          ---But I'm shy. 可我不好意思。
                          2.I'm so embarrassed.真不好意思。
                          3. I'm ashamed / embarrassed of myself. 我为自己感到惭愧。
                          4. I'm ashamed that I did that. 我为自己所做的事感到羞愧。
                          5. Shame on you! / You should be ashamed!你真丢人现眼!
                          6.What a shame!真恬不知耻!

                          18楼2010-06-29 10:32
                            1. Unbelievable! / I can't believe it! 难以置信!
                            2. I'm shocked! / What a shock! 我很震惊。
                            3. That's amazing! 真令人吃惊!
                            4. Really? You did? 真的?
                            5. Is that so? 你在开玩笑吧!
                            6. You're joking! / You've got to be kidding! 你在开玩笑吧!
                            7. You're pulling my leg! 你在开玩笑吧!
                            8. No kidding! 别开玩笑了!
                            9.It can't be true!/Impossible! 不可能!
                            10. Are you serious? 当真?
                            11. Oh, brother! 你吓死我了。
                            12. You surprised / scared me! 你吓死我了。
                            13. What a surprise! 这怎么可能呢?
                            14. You don't say! 唉,不会吧!
                            15. That'll be the day! / It'll never happen! 永远不可能有那样的事!
                            16. I'll believe that when I see it. 眼见为实。
                            17. That's news to me. 第一次听说呢。
                            18. It blew me away. 糟了!

                            20楼2010-07-02 09:23
                              1. Congratulations on entering Fudan University. 恭喜你考上复旦大学!
                              2. Congratulations on winning the first prize on the speech competition. 恭喜你赢得演讲比赛第一名。
                              3. Congratulations on your passing the exam. 你通过了考试,恭喜!
                              4. I'm (really) happy/ delighted for you. 我为你而高兴!
                              5. Why don't we make a toast? 我们不是值得高兴下吗?
                              6. Break a leg! 祝您成功!

                              21楼2010-07-02 09:24