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210楼2010-08-02 14:30
    “Is that—” he heard the words tumble out of his mouth. “It’s from the day I came down from Ridgefield,” she said quietly, finishing his thoughts. Serena swallowed hard, looking down at the page. “The day we . . .” Nate knew before she’d even said the words. It was a photograph from the night they’d lost their virginity to each other, more than two years ago. He couldn’t help thinking about her soft skin and the fun they’d had. Some documentary about the Ten Commandments was on TV that night, and when they’d turned it on after they’d made love for the very first time, Serena had yelled out, “You parted my red sea!” He smiled, remembering how happy they were, how they’d stayed in each other’s arms until the sun rose.
    “I don’t even remember taking it,” Serena added with a shrug of her shoulderѕ before she reached out and started to flip to another page in the album.
    “Me neither,” Nate said, reluctant to let go of the page. Why couldn’t happiness just stay like that—trapped under plastic and hermetically sealed? Why did everything have to get so complicated? He wished more than anything that he could just go back in time to that night and start all over again.
    Serena grabbed the book away from him, closed it, and sat up, crossing her legs Indian style. She was wearing a pair of ridiculously tiny white shorts under her cotton dress. It almost hurt Nate’s eyes to look at her.
    Sounds like he was thinking with, ahem, something now. “Nate,” she began, taking a deep breath, “I need to ask you something. I . . . I really need to know the truth.” “What?” His heart stopped for a second. Serena’s almost navy blue eyes were so serious that he found himself reaching over and grabbing her hand, squeezing her soft palm in his own to comfort her.
    She squirmed uncomfortably and swallowed hard. “Did you ever get my letter?” Letter? Nate shook his head slowly.
    Serena took another deep breath and looked straight at him. “I wrote you a letter to tell you that I love you,” she said quietly. “I always have.” The room was so quiet that Nate didn’t know whether the sound of breathing in his ears was his or hers. Sitting there with Serena, on the floor of her room, everything felt right. And simple. In fact, when he really thought about it, thingѕ between him and Serena had alwayѕ been simple—it was life that had complicated them.
    And somehow it felt totally right for him to kiss her. He leaned forward, his bare knees sinking into the carpet, and pressed his lips to hers. As he breathed in the scent of her, he felt his limbs relax, his body going limp with relief and happiness.
    Kissing Serena was the exact opposite of having a pair of stilettos thrown at his head—it was absolutely effortless. They staggered to their feet and she pushed him down on the bed, kissing him back eagerly.
    And the rest is history, repeating itself.

    214楼2010-08-03 11:34

      216楼2010-08-03 11:35

        218楼2010-08-03 11:40

          219楼2010-08-03 11:41

            Serena purred happily, snuggling closer to Nate’s warm, naked body. Lying in his arms felt so incredibly right. When they’d lost their virginity to each other, more than two years ago, it had been amazing, their every curve a perfect fit. This time was no different—they’d sunk into the soft sheets and each other’s bodies like they had been made for one another. Serena couldn’t believe how comfortable she felt with Nate—how comfortable she’d always been with him. She never, ever wanted to get out of bed. Couldn’t they just stay wrapped in each other’s arms forever, ordering Chinese takeout every few hours and feeding each other greasy spareribs?
            Nothing says romance like pork-fried rice!
            She buried her nose in his ear and he pulled her close, wrapping the sheet around their naked, sweaty bodies. Serena reached up, twining her arms around Nate’s neck.
            Serena满足的嘟囔着,紧紧地依偎着Nate温暖裸露的身体。躺在他的胳膊上感觉是这么的不可思议。当他们把自己的第一次交给对方的时候,也就是两年 多以前,他们身体的每一个曲线都难以置信地完美的结合在一起。这次也一如从前-他们任由自己陷在柔软的床垫里,各自的身体就像是为对方量身定做的一样。和 Nate在一起的舒适简直让Serena难以置信,和Nate在一起的时候一直都是这样的舒适,她永远永远都不想从床上起来,他们难道就不能永远像这样枕 着对方的胳膊拥抱在一起么,每隔几小时就叫一些中餐外卖,然后把那些有些油腻的排骨为给对方吃。

            220楼2010-08-03 13:44

              The minute his lips had touched hers and their clothes had fallen away, Serena knew she’d been right all along—she really loved him. She felt like she was going to burst with it, and had been holding the words in for so long that all she wanted to do now was repeat them over and over again.
              “Serena?” Nate asked, rolling on his side and propping his head up on one hand.
              “Yes, Natie?” She rolled him back over and placed her head on his chest, snuggling under his armpit. She loved the sound of her name when he said it.
              “I have something to tell you.” He traced his fingertips along her bare shoulders. It felt electric.
              Serena sat up, pulling the sheet with her to cover her smooth skin, her blond hair falling over her bare back. “What?” She whispered, trying to stay calm.
              “I didn’t get my diploma,” he said quietly. He grabbed her kilted teddy bear from the corner of her all-white canopy bed and hugged it. “I’m not going to Yale next year—I’m going to have to stay here in New York and repeat senior year.” Serena opened her eyes wide with surprise. Not going to Yale? Did Blair know? She looked at her teddy, as if he might convey some answers, and pulled the covers up higher around her torso, shrugging off the thought of Blair, because with it would come guilt, masses and masses of guilt.
              “I wish I could just take off.” Nate pulled a faded green T-shirt over his head, his voice muffled inside the soft cotton. “Just sail away and never come back.” His head popped through the cloth, and he pulled the material over his tanned chest.
              He ran his hands through his hair and flopped back down next to her. Her eyes were so brilliantly, deeply blue that it was hard for him to imagine ever looking anywhere else. He looked at her tanned, lightly freckled face, and he knew that he’d never forget the way she looked right now—her cheeks flushed pink, her long body wrapped up in white sheets—as long as he lived.
              If Blair finds out, that might not be for long.
              “What are you going to do?” Serena asked, pushing her hair from her face.
              “Stay here, I guess,” Nate answered dejectedly. “It’s not like I’ve got much of a choice.” Serena stroked his hand, wishing she could kiss him and make this all better. The late-afternoon sunlight filtered in through the open windows, and she looked out at the wide blue sky outside. She could hear the faint sounds of the city below, the buses rumbling by with the posters of her face on their sides. Suddenly her pulse began to race. “You know . . . I’m not so sure about going to Yale either,” she said quietly.
              “What?” Nate demanded, his green eyes glittering. “Why?” “Well, I keep trying to picture it . . . but I just can’t.” She had been about to say, whenever Blair talks about it, but then she stopped herself. “And then at that press conference yesterday, the director announced that he’s filming the sequel to Breakfast at Fred’s in New York in a month and . . . I don’t know. I just . . . I think I need to stay here.” The minute the 

              224楼2010-08-05 11:14
                She picked up her cell and dialed a number she knew as well as her own.
                “Hey stranger.” Nate picked up on the first ring, his slightly sleepy voice sending shivers up her spine. She pictured him still lazing in bed, no shirt on, just waking up from a dream—about her, of course.
                “Hey yourself.” She grinned into the phone. “What are you up to right now?”
                Twenty minutes later Nate bounded out onto the deck of the SoHo House pool, his brown leather flip-flops thwacking against the stone tiles, oblivious to the ogling female eyes that were fixed on his perfect body. In his green Billabong swim trunks and faded gray T-shirt, Nate was the only person on the entire roof deck not wearing white.
                “嘿,陌生人”Nate在铃声刚刚响起的时候就接通了,他慵懒迷糊的声音让她体内的一阵电流直通脊柱。她想象着他赖在床上的样子,光着身子,刚刚从梦中醒来 – 和她有关的梦,那是一定的。
                20分钟后,Nate出现在SoHo私人俱乐部泳池旁的甲板上,棕色皮革夹脚拖鞋拍打在石头地上,毫无疑问,在场所有的女士们都在色迷迷地盯着他完美的身体。绿色的泳裤,褪色的灰色T-Shirt, Nate是整个顶楼甲板上唯一没有裹着白色浴巾的人。

                231楼2010-08-24 17:28

                  Serena took a deep breath and plunged underneath the surface of the water. For as long as she could remember, she’d loved being underwater, the whole world drowned out, only the sound of gently rushing water in her ears. She opened her eyes, the chlorine stinging them slightly, and saw Nate underwater right in front of her, his green eyes wide open too. His hair was standing straight up, and he waved his hand, a liquid “hello” escaping his lips with a rush of bubbles.
                  She giggled, nearly choking, and suddenly thought of the games of Marco Polo she and Nate and Blair had played when they were younger. Nate would always cheat, shouting “Marco!” and then opening his eyes for a moment to see where they were. Then he’d grab the girls with huge splashing lunges, pretending he’d just found them by accident. Nate never seemed to care which girl he caught, he’d just grab whomever was in front of him and held on. Serena closed her eyes, the sting of the chlorine now too much to bear, and shot up to the surface.
                  Nate sidestroked into the shallow end and hopped up onto the edge of the pool, letting his legs dangle in the water. Serena looked so peaceful floating on her back in the calm water, her blond hair forming a halo around her head, an angelic smile on her face. Being with Serena was so much less stressful than being with Blair. Immediately he thought of his last, highly stressful interaction with Blair, whom he’d been avoiding since the day before yesterday, when she’d thrown her shoes at him.
                  她咯咯地笑,笑得差点要呛到,接着她想起来了小的时候她和Nate还有Blair常常一起玩的游戏Marco Polo。Nate总是作弊,大喊“Marco!”然后睁开眼睛看看他们在哪里,之后再一把抓住一个女孩,溅起大片的水花,假装他是无意中找到她们的。Nate似乎从来不在意他抓到的是哪个女孩,每次都是哪一个比较近就抓住那一个。Serena闭上眼睛,氯的刺痛让她已经有些无法忍受了,她浮出水面。

                  236楼2010-08-25 17:43

                    Serena took a deep breath and plunged underneath the surface of the water. For as long as she could remember, she’d loved being underwater, the whole world drowned out, only the sound of gently rushing water in her ears. She opened her eyes, the chlorine stinging them slightly, and saw Nate underwater right in front of her, his green eyes wide open too. His hair was standing straight up, and he waved his hand, a liquid “hello” escaping his lips with a rush of bubbles.
                    She giggled, nearly choking, and suddenly thought of the games of Marco Polo she and Nate and Blair had played when they were younger. Nate would always cheat, shouting “Marco!” and then opening his eyes for a moment to see where they were. Then he’d grab the girls with huge splashing lunges, pretending he’d just found them by accident. Nate never seemed to care which girl he caught, he’d just grab whomever was in front of him and held on. Serena closed her eyes, the sting of the chlorine now too much to bear, and shot up to the surface.
                    Nate sidestroked into the shallow end and hopped up onto the edge of the pool, letting his legs dangle in the water. Serena looked so peaceful floating on her back in the calm water, her blond hair forming a halo around her head, an angelic smile on her face. Being with Serena was so much less stressful than being with Blair. Immediately he thought of his last, highly stressful interaction with Blair, whom he’d been avoiding since the day before yesterday, when she’d thrown her shoes at him.
                    她咯咯地笑,笑得差点要呛到,接着她想起来了小的时候她和Nate还有Blair常常一起玩的游戏Marco Polo。Nate总是作弊,大喊“Marco!”然后睁开眼睛看看他们在哪里,之后再一把抓住一个女孩,溅起大片的水花,假装他是无意中找到她们的。Nate似乎从来不在意他抓到的是哪个女孩,每次都是哪一个比较近就抓住那一个。Serena闭上眼睛,氯的刺痛让她已经有些无法忍受了,她浮出水面。

                    237楼2010-08-25 17:44

                      Of course all she had to do was wait, but the waiting was killing her. Blair was would be off to Yale in the morning and Nate would be staying right here in New York. Finally, she’d have him all to herself, and years from now, when Blair came home from Yale with her perfect collegiate investment banker fiancé and Nate and Serena were in love—true, spend-the-rest-of-your-life-together love—they’d laugh at the idea that Blair and Nate had ever even been together. It would be some warm but distant memory, like Buck Naked or the alligator costume. Blair would be her maid of honor, and just before walking down the aisle she’d whisper in Serena’s ear that she was sorry she’d stood in their way all those years. Of course Serena and Nate were meant to be together.
                      很明显,此刻的她能做的就只有等待,可是那种等待的感觉让她生不如死。Blair明天就会去耶鲁上学了,而Nate会留在纽约,最终,他会是她的,过个几年,当Blair有了她的大学同学,完美的银行家未婚夫,她也和Nate在一起 – 那种真实的,相伴一生的爱情 – 他们会一起大笑曾经Blair和Nate竟然会在一起过。还有那些是温暖而珍贵的回忆,比如裸体的海绵宝宝,或者是鳄鱼装丄。Blair会是她的伴娘,在走向圣坛的途中在她耳边说,抱歉夹在你和Nate中间那么多年。当然,Serena和Nate是注定要在一起的。

                      241楼2010-08-30 10:45

                        fingers around hers, and Serena breathed a sigh of relief at the warm touch of his skin. “You okay?” “Yeah.” Nate shrugged his shoulders. “I guess.” He dropped her hand, his eyes shifting nervously away and then back again.
                        “It’ll be easier tomorrow, after Blair leaves.” She took his hand again and squeezed it tightly in her own. It was torture to have to stand next to him like this and not really be able to touch him. All she wanted was to pull him close and kiss him, until Blair, the party, and the whole world fell away, leaving just the two of them.
                        “Yeah.” Nate’s eyes were shiny with emotion. “You look really beautiful tonight.” His voice trembled. Was he struggling to keep his hands off her, just like she was?

                        244楼2010-09-02 16:00

                          She tossed her long blond hair over one shoulder. “My hair does look a little better when I brush it,” she joked.
                          Nate bit his lip nervously. “Blair wants me to meet her at Grand Central tomorrow at ten.” He wanted to tell her the rest—that Blair wanted to meet him there because she’d gotten him back into Yale, that he wasn’t sure whether to go or not go. But Serena looked so beautiful and trusting, he didn’t have the heart.
                          Or the balls.
                          “Well, we should both go—I want to see her off too.” Serena squeezed his arm. One more day and they’d be together forever.
                          Nate wrapped his arms around her and held her close, breathing in the familiar scent of patchouli and lilies—a scent he knew as well as his own. He’d loved her ever since he could remember, but he’d loved Blair too. And he wanted to be with both girls, always and forever.
                          So why don’t they all move to Utah?
                          Nate 紧张地咬着下嘴唇,“Blair让我明天10点在中央火车站等她,”他还有更多的东西想要告诉她,比如Blair让他去那里见面是因为她可以让他去耶鲁上 学,可是他还没有决定要不要去。可是此刻的Serena看起来这样的美丽而且对他充满着信任,他无心继续说下去。
                          “呃嘛,我们两个应该一起去 - 我也想要去送送她。”Serena靠着他的胳膊,只要再熬过一天,他们就可以永远在一起了。

                          245楼2010-09-02 16:37

                            “I love you,” Serena said, her voice catching in her throat. Nate held her, squeezing her tight. “I love you too.” And true love never lies.

                            246楼2010-09-02 16:40

                              249楼2010-09-03 10:24