serenate吧 关注:1,526贴子:30,339




111楼2010-06-21 14:41
    Book 2 Excerpts ; You Know You Love Me
    Dan lay on the sofa bed, listening to Charlie snoring softly beside him. Across the room Serena was sleeping in one of the double beds with Anthony, or was it Nate? He couldn’t tell. Her mouth hung open in the pillow and he could see her teeth glistening in the moonlight. [...] He wanted to get up and write a poem, but he’d left his notebook behind. He’d thought he’d be too busy enjoying himself with Serena to want to write anything serious this weekend. He was just about to learn that nothing nothing ever turns out the way you think it’s going to.
    [..] Dan threw off the covers and stood up. On his way to the bathroom, he walked past the bed were Nate and Serena were sleeping. It was definitely Nate- he could see that now. And on the pillow between them were their hands...clasped tightly together.
    They were holding hands in their sleep.
    She had woken up in the hotel bed holding Nate’s hand. When he’d opened his eyes a moment later, they’d smiled at each other, and Serena had known everything was going to be all right between them. There was still Blair to contend with, and they would never be as close as they once were. Things were different. But the look of distrust was gone from Nate’s eyes, and so was the look of longing. She was just an old friend. She was safe.

    112楼2010-06-21 14:41
      Dan躺在沙发床上,听着身边Charlie轻微的鼾声,穿过这个房间,Serena和Anthony睡在一张双人床上,那Nate又在哪里呢?他不能 说,她的嘴半张着贴着枕头,他可以在月光下看到她洁白的牙齿。[...] 他想要起来写一首诗,但是他没有带来他的笔记本。他以为这个周末他会和Serena因为享受时光而没有时间来认真的写些东西。可是他却终于知道,没有事 情,会按照你所想象的去发展。
      [..] Dan掀开被子站起来, 在去浴室的路上,他恰好路过Nate和Serena正在睡觉的床。那绝对是Nate - 他可以清晰地认出来。他们的手放在隔在中间的枕头上,紧紧的握在一起。
      她在酒店的床上牵着Nate的手醒来。当他睁开眼睛后过了一小会儿,他们相视一笑, Serena知道他们之间不会有任何的事情发生,因为有Blair在,所以他们永远不该像曾经那样亲密。事情不像想象中那样,Nate眼中流露出信任和渴 望,她只是一个老朋友,她很好。

      113楼2010-06-21 14:42

        第三本 所有的一切我都想要
        当她把嘉宾名单递给Kati的时候,Serena的眼睛不经意地看到了最上面的那个名字:Nathaniel Archibald。话说回来,Nate这几天到底死哪去了?她内心嘀咕着。他必须要来参加她的party,没有他的新年倒计时是毫无意义的。

        115楼2010-06-21 14:55
          好吧……并不应该说是原著中【所有】NS情节,更应该说是【经典】……从第3本直接就跳到第十本了……记 得第7本应该还有试衣间XOXO的呢……o(╯□╰)o

          116楼2010-06-21 14:57
            Book 10 Moments
            'Serena couldn't believe her eyes---it was almost as if she'd conjured him. Nate stood in front of them, his eyebrows furrowed, brushing the splinters off the seat of his khaki shorts after jumping the wooden fence between the two properties. "Natie!" Serena ran over and threw her arms around him, forgetting how completely naked she was. He hugged her back, awkwardly patting her bare shoulder.'
            'The fact that Nate wasn't looking at her made her feel even more naked. She'd never clamored for Nate's attention, but she'd wanted it. She'd always wanted it.'
            'She'd woken up this morning to the sound of Blair's giggles, but when she'd asked what was funny, Blair had sighed and said, "Just Natie." Natie?'
            'It wasn't that she didn't like him. Honestly, she did. But love was unmistakable, and at that time, there was only one boy she could ever truly love. Then, and maybe now, too..'
            'He loved Blair.
            Serena would never have guessed Nate Archibald was so in touch with his emotions...
            Serena felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, like when the road falls out from underneath the car more quickly than you're prepared for: it was her birthday---almost, anyway---and it was her party---technichally, anyway. She was the one who deserved a little love and affection, didn't she?'

            117楼2010-06-21 15:04
              第十本 瞬间
              Serena从来没有想过Nate Archibald有这样的感情。
              Serena觉得胃里不停地翻滚着,就像路突然断开了,而你所做的车却开得特别的快,超出了你所能承受的范围。几乎就要到她的生日了,这个是为她而办的 party啊。她只是想要拥有一点点的爱和一点点的感情,难道她不配拥有么?

              118楼2010-06-21 15:38
                那Serena现在为什么又要做着这些爱的宣言?去年有太多更好的时机,她应该要告诉他的。比如说当他们几乎全丄裸的待在Bergdorf的试衣间的时候,又或者是当他们在Isabel Coates家里的浴缸里面亲吻的时候,亦或者是她决定不再回去寄宿学校,而是转回城里上学的时候。可是她都没有,她一次都没有把握过,这主要是因为她害怕,怕他不爱自己。而事实上也确实是,他不爱她,他爱Blair。

                120楼2010-06-21 15:50

                  121楼2010-06-21 15:51
                    第十一本 瞬间
                    Serena折回去捡起那条短裙,她无法集中自己的注意力。截止到今天,Blair和Nate双双离开去航海已经整整1一个月的时间了……Serena眨 了眨眼,泪如泉涌。
                    Serena知道有很多理应让她兴奋地事情,可是面对Eleanor的热情,她无论如何都没办法开心的起来。也许是想到还有十天,就要和Nate和 Blair一起去耶鲁上学,然后就会迎来整整备受折磨的四年,眼睁睁的看着他们两个之间受到所有人祝福的爱情。
                    当看到Nate和Blair出现在Waldorf的大堂门口时,Serena用力地咽了下口水。他们双手紧扣,全身散发着太阳的光彩,比以往更加的美丽动 人。
                    当Nate看到Serena正坐在沙发上勉强地微笑着,他的眼睛一下子亮了起来。她的心怦怦地跳,仅仅是穿着黄褐色短裤和灰色T-Shirt的他已经让她 有些眩晕了。上一次她看到他,是在她Ridgefield的家,她站在底下看着他站在楼梯的顶端,当她听说他告诉Blair他爱她的时候,她觉得整个世界 都崩塌了。爱。随着一幕幕在眼前快速的跃过,她一下子清醒过来。她眼睁睁地看着他牵着Blair走上楼梯,在那一刻,她突然明白自己有多爱Nate,他就 是她的全世界。此刻,他正和她有时好有时坏的最好的朋友一起,站在她的面前,她知道这是真的,她全心全意的爱着Nate。她内心的深处一直都知道,为什么 她从前什么都没有做过,直到这一切都已经太晚了呢?
                    她摇了摇脑袋,晃了晃头发,站起来向他们走过去,尽可能的表现得正常,而不是一个前来夺爱的家伙。她Calypso夹脚拖鞋上缀着的金属挂饰敲打着地面, 她伸手紧紧地搂过Blair。在那一瞬间,她从她最好的朋友的身上仿佛闻到了Nate的味道。
                    当她搂着Blair晒过的身体的时候,她无法自控地透过Blair的肩膀看着Nate,他金褐色的头发经过海水的洗涤变得更加的耀眼,垂落在他晒得古铜色 的前额,他拨开头发,开心的笑着看着她的眼睛,他的嘴唇看起来有些干裂有些肿胀,就像他和Blair整整一个晚上都纠缠在一起,也许事实也是如此。这样的 想法几乎要让她崩溃了。
                    “Nate,你看看起来不错。”Serena若干有所思的脱口而出。她温柔放开Blair,站直身体,一缕头发垂落下来。Nate猛地放开Blair的 手,伸展双臂向Serena走过来,Serena冲进他的怀抱,用尽全力地搂着他的腰。他用力地抚摸着她的背,他从来没有这样搂过Blair。他究竟有没 有看到过她的那封信呢?“你们怎么会出现在这里?!”Serena把头埋在Nate温暖柔软的脖颈处,以至于她的声音听起来有些闷闷的。
                    Blair生气地看着Serena靠着Nate越来越近,而Nate也紧紧地把她搂在怀里,闭着双眼就像他真的很享受这一切。Serena以为在Nate 的怀里,就像她原本就是属于那里的,就像她一直都是属于那里的。
                    就在那个角落,Serena又一次哈哈大笑,而Nate的手指划过他有些弯卷的头发。很明显,此刻他们正沉浸在他们自己的小小世界里面,完全不知道她的身 上曾经发生了些什么。
                    “说来听听,这个只有你自己留在这里的假期都做了些什么?”Nate一边甩开眼睛旁茶色的头发一边问道。在这个酒红色和象牙白为主色的客厅的另一 端,Blair正和她妈妈争吵着些什么,就像以前一样。“没做些什么。”Serena希望自己看起来不会显得太过紧张。“什么也没做”才是事实。过去的那 一个月她什么都没有做,蜷缩在她的沙发上;漫无目的的走在纽约的大街上;手中端着冰latte,独自去电影院看电影。努力地想要转移注意力,想要忘记自己 内心的感情。“你知道的,就像平时一样到处闲逛。”她不能告诉Nate事情,那样听起来太可怜了。她深深地吸了一口气,在她的短裙上擦拭着手心。她到底是 在紧张些什么?这个人是Nate,这个她在六岁时曾经在这个客厅追着跑来跑局的男孩,只因为她想要他的新的超人内裤。
                    “说说你们两个吧,这次对你们的感情是一个很大的跃进。”Serena看着Nate的眼睛,手指慢慢的向着他放在他们所蜷缩在一起的沙发上的手指靠近。她 害羞地笑着,金色的头发修饰出完美的曲线。她并没有试图去挑逗他,可是对Nate却并不是这样的。“Archibald船长。”她不经意地说道,伴随着顽 皮的笑容。

                    126楼2010-06-21 16:46
                      "Oh My God, you have to burn this one!" Serena held out of picture of her first-grade self in a fuzzy alligator costume and dug her feet into the butter-soft forest green Pratesi sheets covering Nate's bed.... Serena and Nate ay side by side on their stomachs, worn leather photo album between them.
                      "I don't even remember wearing that," she mused, tossing the aging photo onto the already messy floor. Even though he'd only been home for one day, his room was total disaster. Piles of clothes were strewn everywhere, and his huge wooden desk was completely covered with notebooks, magazines, and PlayStation games. A broken Brine lacrosse stck leaned dejectedly in one corner.
                      "I do." Nate laughed, retrieving the photo. "It was Halloween. We'd just gone to the Bronx Zoo on some field trip, and you became obsessed with alligators." He smiled lazily at her. "You ran around telling everybody you were going to live with the alligators."
                      Serena's bare foot was right next to Nate's, and she moved it a fraction of an inch closer, feeling the heat from his body as he turned   the pages of the hoto album. She bit her lip. She needed to focus on the job they'd come there to do -- choose the pictures for the slide show at Blair's graduation party. Blair. Nate's girlfriend. The love of his life. She looked down at the tan leather photo album again and took a deep breath, letting out slowly. There was Blair's tanned, happy face, her arms entwinced around Nate's neck as she pulled his face closer to hers, grinning to the camera. They'd probably kissed moments after they took that picture. Because ther were in love. Her heart sank at the thought.
                         "This is so weird," Nate said, turning the page.
                         "What is?" Serena asked, hoping Nate hadn't suddenly developed the ability to read minds. She twirled a lock of blond hair around one finger, waiting for him to finish his thought.
                      "Oh, no way!" she exclaimed, pointing

                      127楼2010-06-21 16:47

                        132楼2010-06-21 17:55

                          第十本 瞬间
                          Serena从来没有想过Nate Archibald有这样的感情。

                          136楼2010-06-21 18:33
                            Although he wasn’t doing so well in the friends department.
                            Serena didn’t seem to notice Nate’s uncomfortable silence. She sighed, bowing her head to rest it on his shoulder. She no longer smelled like Chanel’s Cristalle like she always used to. She smelled like honey and sandalwood and lilies—her own essential-oil mixture. It was very Serena, utterly irresistible, but if anyone else tried to wear it, it would probably smell like dog poo.
                            “Shit. I missed you like crazy, Nate,” she said. “I wish you could’ve seen the stuff I pulled. I was so bad.”
                            “What do you mean? What did you do that was so bad?” Nate asked, with a mixture of dread and anticipation. For a brief second he imagined her hosting orgies in her dorm room at Hanover Academy and having affairs with older men in hotel rooms in Paris. He wished he could’ve visited her in Europe this summer. He’d always wanted to do it in a hotel.
                            “And I’ve been such a horrible friend, too,” Serena went on. “I’ve barely even talked to Blair since I left. And so much has happened. I can already tell she’s mad. She hasn’t even said hello.”
                            “She’s not mad,” Nate said. “Maybe she’s just feeling shy.”
                            Serena flashed him a look. “Right,” she said mockingly. “Blair’s feeling shy. Since when has Blair ever been shy?”
                            “Well, she’s not mad,” Nate insisted.
                            Serena shrugged. “Well, anyway, I’m so psyched to be back here with you guys. We’ll do all the things we used to do. Blair and I will cut class and meet you on the roof of the Met, and then we’ll run down to that old movie theater by the Plaza Hotel and see some weirdo film until cocktail hour starts. And you and Blair will stay together forever and I’ll be the maid of honor at your wedding. And we’ll be happy ever after, just like in the movies.”
                            Nate frowned.
                            “Don’t make that face, Nate,” Serena said, laughing. “That doesn’t sound so bad, does it?”
                            Nate shrugged. “No, I guess it sounds okay,” he said, although he clearly didn’t believe it.
                            “What sounds okay?” a surly voice demanded.
                            Startled, Nate and Serena tore their eyes away from each other. It was Chuck, and with him were Kati, Isabel, and, last but not least, Blair, looking very shy indeed.

                            144楼2010-06-29 15:38
                              越往后越觉得B和C很配,刚刚翻完的when blue meets blue也是让我觉得NS,BC就是绝配

                              148楼2010-06-29 17:31