新乡电大吧 关注:1,037贴子:7,419
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来自Android客户端1楼2021-12-25 20:28回复
    Hello, everyone. I am Santa Claus. Due to the epidemic, I need to be quarantined for 14 days, so I have entered China ahead of time to prevent the wrong gifts in my socks. Please ask the girls in the group to take a picture of your socks and send them to me. In order to prevent individual girls from cheating, please attach leg photos of wearing socks.
    I will tuck presents into my socks after Christmas.
    Ps: had better be silk stockings, white or black silk is fine. The slippery stockings are better as a gift.
    Ps2: this Santa Claus solemnly declares that I have not reached strategic cooperation with anyone in China, so those who say that they cooperate with me are liars, do not believe him!
    PS:Those who speak Chinese are all liars.

    来自Android客户端8楼2021-12-27 01:15
      Hello, everyone. I am Santa Claus. Due to the epidemic, I need to be quarantined for 14 days, so I have entered China ahead of time to prevent the wrong gifts in my socks. Please ask the girls in the group to take a picture of your socks and send them to me. In order to prevent individual girls from cheating, please attach leg photos of wearing socks.
      I will tuck presents into my socks after Christmas.
      Ps: had better be silk stockings, white or black silk is fine. The slippery stockings are better as a gift.
      Ps2: this Santa Claus solemnly declares that I have not reached strategic cooperation with anyone in China, so those who say that they cooperate with me are liars, do not believe him!
      PS:Those who speak Chinese are all liars.

      来自Android客户端9楼2021-12-27 01:15

        来自Android客户端10楼2021-12-27 08:29