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15 secrets for creating a Kin'sDomain
中文译者: Hytalar

IP属地:广东1楼2021-10-01 23:12回复
    Volodar Ivanov, the founder of the Milenka Kin'sSettlement, reveals 15 secrets for creating a Kin's Domain.
    Volodar Ivanov, Milenka 家园聚落的创始人,揭示了建立祖传家园的15个秘密。
    After 8 years of life on earth, Volodar Ivanov formulated practical advice oncreating a Kin's Domain.
    在花费了8年的时间和土地共处之后,Volodar Ivanov阐述了切实可行的建立祖传家园的建议。
    The most important question - Was it worth starting all this at all? It wasworth it. Definitely - The decision was correct. But I was wrong about thedetails. I made a mistake in many small things that are now difficult tocorrect.
    If it was possible to rewind 8 years ago, then I would have done a lotdifferently. I would have used my time, energy, money differently.

    IP属地:广东2楼2021-10-01 23:13
      1. Not in the village.不要在已有的村庄建立祖传家园
      Nothing has changed in the village - summer residents and culture do notcoincide with the ideas of the Kin's Domain. I used to think that 40-50families are enough both for communication and for solving common problems. NowI understand that there should be much more people - 100-150 families. And mustbe complete, with children.
      Children are generally a locomotive. They will breathe life into any space. Butthey need to be taught. Therefore, there should be a school near thesettlement. 5-10 kilometers away - but must be there. The schoolpremises should be in good condition, with a gym and kind teachers. Homeschooling has not yet been canceled, therefore, if there is an opportunity toteach your children on your own, you can do it.

      IP属地:广东3楼2021-10-01 23:13
        2. Where to choose a place? 如何选址?
        By the water! Drinking water should be and there should be a lot of it. Anideal place by a river, lake, or next to a powerful stream. Not bad - lowgroundwater allows for full-flowing ponds. We didn’t work that way. Of thedozen ponds dug over 10 years in our settlement, not a single one has water. Inthe spring they fill up, but by the fall they are already empty. (To create apond, in one case, it was necessary to lay a film on the bottom, in the otherto bring in clay.) The water in the wells lies at 15-22 meters. And this is farand expensive. Better to have water at 5-10 meters. Now I regret thatI did not immediately dig two wells at different ends of the site. This wouldsolve a lot of problems.

        IP属地:广东4楼2021-10-01 23:13
          3. It must be raining! 家园的选址必须在有降水的地方!
          Otherwise, in pursuit of the climate, you can climb into a semi-desert area andwater, water, water. But constant rains, as in the Leningrad region or Karelia,is sad. The tomatoes will not ripen. Constant rains are also an abundance ofmosquitoes, midges, horseflies and other delights. For all these years I havenot got used to mosquitoes and their bites are just as annoying. But the goodnews is that there are significantly fewer ticks. Ticks live where there isforest and animals. The neighbors have learned to masterfully twist ticks,smear themselves with wonderful frightening colognes of their own production,but a forest is a forest.
          但是,像列宁格勒区(Leningrad region)和卡累利阿(俄罗斯与芬兰接壤的地区-Karelia)那种不间断的长期降雨却是有害的。过量的降水会使得番茄无法成熟。持续的降雨还会带来大量的蚊子、蠓虫、马蝇以及其他小虫子。在聚落生活的这么多年我依然无法习惯蚊子和它们的叮咬,那实在太烦人了。但是好消息是,蜱虫(一种吸血虫,直接拔出会把口器留在被吸血的生物体内,易引发炎症)的数量远远少于蚊子和其他小虫子。因为蜱虫生活在有森林和动物的地方。我的邻居们都已经学会如何有技巧的拧下蜱虫,并且他们还擦了自制的气温浓重的古龙水(香水)来驱赶蜱虫,但是森林就是森林(你住在附近就避免不了这类的问题)。

          IP属地:广东5楼2021-10-01 23:13
            4. The reserve is cool.在森林保护区附近选址建立家园很酷
            The forest will not be cut down, harmful industries will not be built, and theywill not be driven across the Ugra on jet skis. It's great - fresh air,untouched nature. But hares are a disaster for the garden and cabbageseedlings. But jays love strawberries, plums, apples, cherries - they likeeverything. There are also nuthatches that completely devour grapes, hornetsbrutally gnawing apples and bees and squirrels that store my nuts. This year,not a single nut was left - they collected the nuts with high quality - cleanedup. In short, the forest is a lot of hungry birds, mice, hares and fluffysquirrels. There is positive, but when I was choosing a site, I knew everythingabout the positive, but nothing about the negative.

            IP属地:广东6楼2021-10-01 23:13
              5. At the start of a settlement, it is important to thinkstrategically.在组建聚落之初,战略性的思考(大局观)很重要
              You need to understand that if the organizers of the settlement have a veryserious attitude and opportunities, then the land around the settlement willskyrocket in value very quickly. The more successful the settlement, the higherthe takeoff. Speculators will immediately realize that they can cash in on it.We had to buy up all the land at once, in the early years, when it cost 30-50thousand. Now the price is 500 thousand rubles per hectare and above. This is alot of money and it would be better to spend it on construction sites or roads.

              IP属地:广东7楼2021-10-01 23:14
                6. Roads can be made endlessly, and endlessly bury thebudget of the settlement there.
                It would be more correct to immediately agree on the shore - in the springthaw, not everyone, without exception, go until everything dries up. But wedrove courageously, ruining cars in autumn and spring. They tore off mufflers,punctured gas tanks, got stuck in bogs on bridges. Now, in flood rains, we justwalk and stop the construction. But, nevertheless, even when we stoppeddestroying the road in the spring, we spend 150-200 thousand rubles annually onroad repairs.

                IP属地:广东8楼2021-10-01 23:14
                  9. Neighborly relations 邻里关系
                  So - What's important? School, water, climate, roads, electricity, and finallyneighbors and a house. Society is important. Neighbors need to be selectedcarefully, tenderly, carefully. It is VERY difficult to fix a broken relationshipwith them. Sometimes building a new home is easier than rebuilding mutualunderstanding. Basically, conflicts arise over philosophy. Therefore, it isimportant to find people who agree in the fundamental principles of life. Theseprinciples are usually already given from birth and they are poorly amenable tocorrection. What amazed me? Soul mates cannot be defined on a formal basis.People can be in another confession, eat meat, be childless and at the sametime have deep respect for you.

                  IP属地:广东11楼2021-10-01 23:14
                    10. Construction.建设
                    A favorite topic for newcomers or those who are just preparing to move toearth. Endless questions about foundations, insulation, roofing and dew point.Which is better than a log or a bar; to make a basement under the house orseparately? But everyone has different tastes at home.
                    There was no need to buy profiled timber. There was no need to be afraid offrost - the windows would have been made even larger. The entrance doors areglass, and the ceilings would have left 3.1 m. In the second house, where theceiling is low, it is already difficult to breathe by morning. From the firstyear, I would immediately install a bunch of thermal collectors and enjoy bathswith hot water.
                    Wouldn't be stupid with a fireplace. Nice, but ruinousfor wood. The oven had to be baked. Now practically only I heat it. Andaesthetically pleasing and warm. I would not have put the Vitebsk brick on thechimney, it fell to pieces during the second winter. The unsightly Vorotynskybrick turned out to be resistant and reliable to temperature extremes and rain.At home, I would immediately paint with paint Belinka. I couldn't guess thesize of the house.
                    For a large family - the house is 9 by 9 meters too small. In part, I got outof the situation by building a couple more houses for my daughter, son, secondson. But I was wrong to build one-to-one houses. And even closing the south.

                    IP属地:广东12楼2021-10-01 23:15
                      12. A hedge. 树篱
                      I don't remember why I planted the lilac in a hedge, but it was not the bestsolution in our conditions. So she suffers in our soil, and even darkened. Nowmy choice would fall on the hawthorn. It grows tightly, amicably. It waspossible (but not from the South!) To plant trees. They also made me happy. Youdon't need to buy anything, they take root perfectly. Cut them on top, shapethem as you want. Beauty. And the lilacs would be planted closer to the house,as well as the hydrangea. It is a pity that seven years ago I did not knowanything about her.

                      IP属地:广东14楼2021-10-01 23:15
                        14. Finance 资金
                        When making a responsible decision to move to land, you need to understand thatconstruction from scratch, the development of 2-3 hectares ofcompletely abandoned land, will easily eat up any savings. Sooner or later, oneway or another, the savings will run out. It's great, of course, if there is anapartment in the city and you can rent it. It is even better if there are twosuch apartments and they are in Moscow. But more often it happens that thereare no such apartments, and three or four years after the move, the questionarises - How do you make money?
                        Think about it not later, but right away - in the very first year. Clearly havea strategy, concept, plan - How will my family's financial flow be organized?Each has its own strengths, and each solves this problem in its own way. But itmust be solved. Someone starts an apiary, someone works on the Internet,someone at a construction site. Some of the settlers produce milk and organicproducts, some receive guests. Someone prepares tea (herbs), is engaged inhandicrafts. One thing is important - to choose a direction and immediatelystart implementing the plan. If it was tourism, then it was necessary to buildhouses and advertise. If this is an apiary, buy beehives, a honey extractor,plant honey plants.
                        I had been hoping for a long time that my supplies would not run out. Then thecrisis came and they ended much faster than expected. Crises are generally ourown, habitually rhythmic. So don't rely on stocks. Build the economy rightaway. Better if it is a little artisan way. Two, three families united by acommon project. So there will be more resilience, more coverage. Settlementsare an alternative, a different path, an attempt to create something differentfrom the usual stereotypes. We started from scratch, without governmentsupport, and perhaps not much has been done in 8-10 years. But we aredefinitely not standing still and conceptually nothing has changed over theyears. We create a community free from bad habits, gather people who are closeto family values, ideas of natural farming and permaculture.

                        IP属地:广东16楼2021-10-01 23:15
                          15. The main question: Was it worth starting all this atall? It was worth it. The experience, the knowledge that I gained about people,about the land, about the construction site is worth a lot. The memories ofolder children are expensive. Yes, I was mistaken in many details, trifles, buton the whole I was right. The place that brings all relatives together is theKin's Domain.

                          IP属地:广东17楼2021-10-01 23:16