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EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Polynesian tree snails (Partula spp)
Edition 1.0Publication date June 2019
EAZA(European Association of Zoos and Aquaria,欧洲动物园和水族馆协会)是活动于欧洲的大型公众组织,主要目标是对大众科普环境、生态学及动物生物学方面的知识、促进人与自然的和谐共存。
本篇是关于Polynesian tree snails(波利尼西亚树蜗牛)饲育的记述,是研究人员成功饲养并多次成功繁殖树蜗牛后取得的具有权威性和开创性的成果综述,具极强借鉴意义。
Terrestrial Invertebrate Taxon Advisory Group
TITAG Chair: Mark Bushell, Bristol Zoo Gardens, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3HA
TITAG Vice-Chairs: Tamás Papp, Chester Zoo, Moston Rd, Upton, Chester CH2 1EU.
t.papp@chesterzoo.org & Vítek Lukáš, Zoo Praha, U Trojského zámku 3/120, 171 00 Praha 7,
Czechia. lukas@zoopraha.cz
EEP Co-ordinator: Paul Pearce-Kelly, ZSL paul.pearce-kelly@zsl.org
EEP Studbook keeper: Sam Aberdeen, ZSL sam.aberdeen@zsl.org
Edition 1.0 Publication date June 2019
(based on global Management Guidelines document Nov 2007 eds Pearce-Kelly, Blake, Goellner & Snider)
Editor Dave Clarke, ZSL dave.clarke@zsl.org
Citation - Clarke, D., EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Partula snails. EAZA 2019

IP属地:北京1楼2021-06-13 16:47回复
    Table of Contents 目录:
    Section 1: Biology and field data (树蜗牛的)特征与生境
    ——————1.1 Taxonomy 分类【第6页】
    ——————1.2 Morphology 形态【第9页】
    ——————1.3 Physiology 生理学【第10页】
    ——————1.4 Longevity 寿命【第10页】
    ——————1.5 Conservation status/Zoogeography/Ecology 物种现状【第11页】
    ——————1.6 Diet and feeding behaviour 食性与取食【第15页】
    ——————1.7 Reproduction 繁殖【第15页】
    ---(1.7.2 发育)
    ——————1.8 Behaviour 行为【第18页】
    Section 2: Management in Zoos and Aquariums 人工饲育
    ——————2.1 Enclosure 饲养容器的选择【第20页】
    ---(2.1.1 容器壁的处理)
    ---(2.1.2 垫材)
    ---(2.1.3 器材及其维护)
    ---(2.1.4 环境)
    ---(2.1.5 容器尺寸)
    ——————2.2 Feeding 喂食【第25页】
    ---(2.2.1 食物)
    ---(2.2.2 喂食方式)
    ---(2.2.3 水)
    ——————2.3 Social structure 蜗牛的社会结构【第28页】
    ---(2.3.1 基础社会结构)
    ---(2.3.2 改组结构)
    ---(2.3.3 混养)
    ——————2.4 Breeding 繁殖【第29页】
    ---(2.4.1 交配)
    ---(2.4.2 产卵)
    ---(2.4.3 幼体的饲养)
    ---(2.4.4 数量控制)
    ——————2.5 Behavioural 丰容【第33页】
    ——————2.6 Handling 处理【第33页】
    ---(2.6.1 个体识别)
    ---(2.6.2 触摸蜗牛)
    ---(2.6.3 运输)
    ---(2.6.4 如何确保蜗牛的安全)
    ——————2.7 Veterinary: Considerations for health and welfare 蜗牛的病害【第35页】
    ——————2.8 Specific problems 其它具体问题【第36页】
    ——————2.9 Recommended research 有前景的研究方向【第36页】

    IP属地:北京3楼2021-06-13 19:25
      1.1 Taxonomy
      Phylum: Mollusca
      Class: Gastropoda
      Order: Stylommatophora
      Family: Partulidae
      Genera: Partula
      Species Partula (100+)
      These Best Practice Guidelines centre on the Partula genus, to which all the extant captive snails belong. The family includes two other genera, Eua (4 spp) and Samoana (25 spp), and although some species of the latter genus have been kept in captivity, they have proved very delicate and have not survived long term.
      Common name: Polynesian tree snail is the general term, though some species in the genus live outside of the Polynesian realm. Some individual common names do exist, but they are virtually never used. On those islands where the snails played a cultural role (principally Huahine and Raiatea) the local Polynesian name for Partula was areho (ah-reh-ho). The general Polynesian name for shells is pupu (poo-poo).
      A set of common names for extant species were approved in 2016, where possible using Tahitian translations of the scientific name. This list was created for those species current or recently in the captive programme, a concise and updated version is included here
      1.1 分类

      IP属地:北京5楼2021-06-13 22:27
        归功于在法属波利尼西亚的 茉莉雅岛(Moorea)上进行了大量针对树蜗牛研究的法国学者们,该岛上的树蜗牛拥有明确的分类系统。比较麻烦的是存在大量树蜗牛变种或者是近似种的岛屿,特别是 赖阿特阿岛( Raiatea)和 塔希提岛(Tahiti)。Kondo (1968) 的标准是最权威的分类标准,但最新的物种综述来自于Gerlach (2016)标准。


        IP属地:北京6楼2021-06-13 22:39

          1.2 Morphology
          It was the extraordinary polymorphism in shell size, shape, colour and banding patterns, and direction of coiling that attracted scientists to study the underlying genetic mechanisms of inheritance in the Partulidae. There is a wide range of intraspecific polymorphism in many species.
          Shell length varies from around 12mm for species such as Samoana decussatula (Hiva Oa) to almost 30mm in P. calypso (Palau). Shells can be thin and translucent as is found in many species of the genus Samoana and two or three species of Partula, or thicker and more robust as in most species of Partula and Eua, and a few Samoana. Their shape ranges from long and slender to squat and globose. Shells can also vary in chirality, the majority being dextral (coiling to the right when viewed from above) but some species are sinistral (left ‘handed’) with a few having both left and right-handed shells in the same species. Chirality can be an isolating mechanism in evolution, and many species were seen to be actively evolving hence their scientific interest.
          有壳长12mm左右的Samoana decussatula (Hiva Oa) ,也有壳长达30mm的P. calypso (Palau);Samoana属和Partula属少数物种身上的壳薄而透明,而Partula和Eua属多数物种乃至 Samoana属一些物种的壳则很厚实;壳的形状有细长的、可以是矮胖的,甚至可以是近球形的;壳的手性也有所不同,大多数是右旋,而少数为左旋。甚至有那么一些,同种中同时出现左右旋。手性可以是一种进化中的隔离机制,因此人们认为许多树蜗牛进化得相当积极,这使它们具有独特的科学意义。

          IP属地:北京7楼2021-06-13 22:56

            (Partula suturalis的种内多态性)
            Adult snail live weights can vary from around 1.9 grams in Partula tohiveana, one of the larger species, to only 0.5g in P. garrettii, one of the smallest.
            Among approximately 60 species of partulids from the Society Islands, 29 have banded morphs, but only 5 out of the approximately 70 species of partulids beyond the Society Islands have banded morphs (Johnson et al 1992). Crampton (1932) designated 11 colour varieties and 11 banding varieties among Moorean Partula. Polymorphisms also exist in direction of coiling (on Tahiti and Moorea), mantle colour, proteins and mitochondrial DNA and these are reviewed in Johnson et al 1992.
            较大物种(Partula tohiveana)成体的鲜重达1.9克,而像P. garrettii这样的侏儒则仅重0.5克。
            在社会群岛的约60种波利尼西亚树蜗牛中有29种呈带状分布,但在分布于社会群岛之外的约70个种中仅有5种呈现带状分布趋势。Crampton (1932)划定了波利尼西亚树蜗牛的11个颜色标准及11个地域标准【此句存疑】。
            1.3 Physiology
            There appears to be little published information on the physiology of the Partulidae, though Kondo and Burch (1979) have made anatomical studies on genitalia, ostensibly for taxonomic purposes.
            1.3 生理学
            虽然Kondo 和 Burch (1979)在表观上出于分类学的目的对树蜗牛生殖器进行了解剖研究,人们树蜗牛的生理结构仍然所知甚少。
            1.4 Longevity
            Partula are relatively slow-growing, long-lived and slow-reproducing land snails. P. taeniatafrom Moorea lives for at least 5 years after achieving maturity (Murray and Clarke 1984) and one individual was recorded as living for 17 years in the laboratory (Johnson et al 1992).
            1.4 寿命
            Partula属的物种都是生长缓慢、寿命悠长、繁殖缓慢的陆生蜗牛。原产茉莉雅岛的 P. taeniata在性成熟后能活5年以上(来自Murray和Clarke,1984),而一个个体在实验室中存活了17年(来自Johnson等人,1992)。

            IP属地:北京8楼2021-06-13 23:17
              In general, they can be said to take about 1 year to reach maturity and live up to 10 years,although this can vary with species.
              通常来说,这些树蜗牛达到性成熟需要 一年左右的时间,而最长寿命可达10年,虽然这可能因物种而异。
              Field data
              1.5 Conservation status/Zoogeography/Ecology
              The snail family Partulidae, endemic to many of the volcanic islands of the South Pacific, have an enormous geographical range, from Palau, east of the Philippines, to the Marquesas Islands, 8500 km away to the west. Yet there are only three genera throughout: Eua (4 species) in Tonga and Samoa, Samoana (25 species) from east of Fiji to the Marquesas, and Partula (100+ species) from Belau to the Austral Islands. The epicentre of their evolutionary radiation is in the Society Islands of French Polynesia, where more than half of the recognised species were found, though their taxonomy has only recently been largely clarified (Gerlach, 2016). They are small, relatively inconspicuous, inhabitants of the forested slopes of many South Pacific volcanic islands, existing on the stems, trunks and undersides of leaves of many species of plant. There is evidence of microhabitat partitioning where species coexisted (Murray et al. 1982). Most species live at lower elevation, especially along the forested slopes of valleys, but there are a few high altitude species and some are found almost to the coast.
              1.5 保护现状/动物地理学/生态学(方面的数据)

              Despite some localised habitat loss, the biggest threat to the Partulidae has been from introduced predators, in particular the Rosy wolf snail Euglandina rosea and more recently the New Guinea flatworm Platydemus manokwari. As a result, most surviving species are IUCN Red listed as Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct in the Wild (EW), see species list in 1.1 for full details. An integrated conservation breeding plan has been running since 1994(Mace et al 1998)
              尽管局部栖息地有所丧失,但帕图螺属面临的最大威胁来自入侵的食肉动物,特别是 玫瑰狼蜗(Euglandina rosea)和最近被引进的新几内亚扁虫(Platydemus manokwari)。

              IP属地:北京11楼2021-06-14 22:41

                IP属地:北京15楼2021-06-15 18:20
                  1.6 Diet and feeding behaviour
                  Wild partulids are principally detritivores, feeding on a range of different decaying plant material from both endemic and introduced species. Some species are associated with specific plant habitats, whereas others are herbivorous generalists.
                  On Moorea, Hibiscus tiliaceous (purau in Tahitian) is the species most often associated with Partula feeding habits. Many species were found living in stands of Climbing pandanus Freycinetia impavida(‘ie’ie), which traps leaf litter from the Hibiscus canopy. In comparison, Partula rosea from Huahine were usually found high in the leaf whorls of Screwpine trees Pandanus tectorius(fara), with no direct upper canopy. The snails remain fastened to leaves during dry periods but emerge to feed and mate when it rains, mostly at night.
                  The chemical components of the dried outer stalk layer of field-collected H. tiliaceous have been analysed in the laboratory, and gave 9.6% moisture, 6.4% ash, 1.8% protein and 1.1% fat, 24.4% crude fibre, with carbohydrates assumed by difference to be 56.3% (PNL report, 1991). A wider range of partulid associated Polynesian plants have also been analysed.
                  Gerlach did a study in 2014 looking at the gut contents of alcohol specimens collected from Moorea in the 1960’s. Samples from 8 species indicated that they could be placed in four main ecological groups, with some overlap: detritivores, omnivores, plant grazers and fungal feeders. The surviving species in the captive programme (tohiveana, mooreana, taeniata, suturalis and mirabilis) mainly fitted the detritivore group.
                  One species on Moorea, Partula exigua, was the only known partly predatory species of Partula, eating other snails (Johnson et al, 1993). It is possible that larger snails do sometimes eat newborns, perhaps mainly to re-ingest calcium (as evidenced by otherwise unexplained disappearance of newborns in containers in captivity).
                  1.6 食性与取食
                  在茉莉雅岛,木槿属的Hibiscus tiliaceous(的腐叶)是最被蜗牛接受的食物。还有许多物种被发现生活在露兜树科 藤露兜树属的藤本植物Freycinetia impavida(在当地语中叫‘ie’ie)上,这种植物常能接住木槿的落叶。分布于胡阿希内岛(Huahine)的Partula rosea通常出现在露兜树Pandanus tectorius(被称为fara)的叶轮中,且上方无遮蔽物。蜗牛在干旱时期仍固定在树叶上,但在下雨时会爬来爬去以觅食和交配,通常是在晚上。
                  人们已在实验室中分析过H. tiliaceous(见上,木槿属)之干燥茎秆的化学组成,结果如下:
                  茉莉雅岛上的Partula exigua是已知唯一具捕食性的帕图螺科物种,以其它蜗牛为食(来自Johnson等人,1993)。较大的蜗牛有时会吃掉幼体,可能是为了摄取钙(在饲养容器中幼体的神秘消失证明了这一点)。

                  IP属地:北京16楼2021-06-15 20:15
                    Reproduction is year round but may be influenced by wetseason/dry season, although this is generally minimal (Trevor Coote, perscomm). Note that eggs are occasionally produced, but these are normally infertile developments with no visible embryo, or remnants of egg shell may be seen around a presumed premature birth.
                    树蜗牛的繁殖是全年性的。虽然可能受到旱雨季的影响,但这种影响通常是极小的(来自Trevor Coote, pers comm)。有时树蜗牛会直接产出卵,但这些卵通常是不育的,根本没有可见胚胎。假如树蜗牛早产或仓促产卵,残留的卵壳也可能被一并产出。
                    1.7.2 Developmental stages to sexual maturity
                    Growth from newborn to adult is continuous, with shell shape changing dependant on the species. All stop growing in size at adult, with most species (particularly in Partula) forming a thickened lip around the shell opening defining maturity.
                    In captivity four developmental stages were defined at the start of the formal breeding programme, particularly when it was important to monitor growth and keep separate generations. These categories are also used to help identify age of wild specimens. These aregenerally identified as follows, although they do depend upon species size –

                    1.7.2 发育

                    IP属地:北京23楼2021-06-17 19:31
                      as full thickening of the lip is usually very quick (within 1 week).

                      Partula mirabilis (l-r) adult, subadult, juvenile, newborn
                      Partula mirabilis的成体、亚成体、幼年体、新生幼体(从左至右)。

                      Underside of Partula tohiveana adult (left, with lip) and subadult (no lip)
                      Partula tohiveana成体(左侧,有壳唇)与亚成体(右侧,无壳唇)的腹侧。
                      Although generally this applies to all species, there are some caveats. For example, when this system was first implemented, all captive species did not give birth to young above 5mm in shell length. This changed when P. faba was first collected, as this large species was able to produce young of around 5mm (although sadly this species has not survived long term)
                      这些标准通常在所有物种身上都是适用的,但也有些需要注意的地方。例如,在首次划定这些标准时,所有饲养环境下的物种都未产出壳长达5mm的幼体,直到P. faba被收集到,这个大型种能产出壳长5mm左右的幼体(不过令人悲伤的是,这个物种并没能在人工环境中长期存活)。

                      IP属地:北京24楼2021-06-18 18:33
                        Also, some species have a lip which does not flare outwards thatvisibly but is clearly thickened when viewed from the underside of shellaperture – examples are Partula navigatoria and P. garrettii
                        除此之外,有些种类的壳唇在成熟时并不明显向外翻卷,但当从壳口下方观察时能发现它的壳口变得很厚——如Partula navigatoria和P. garrettii。
                        1.8 Behaviour
                        1.8.1 Activityand locomotion
                        In dry weatherpartulid snails seal themselves to their substrate but emerge and are moreactive after rain, especially at night, when they tend to move from restingunderneath leaves to actively foraging.
                        Experiments havedetermined the rate of dispersal of Partula taeniata at a mean of 2.8m (SD1.6m) movement from the sites of their original capture (Murray and Clarke1984) after 5 years. The maximum recorded gene flow measurements of 10 m after1 year, and 27 m after 13 years have been obtained. These measurementsconfirmed the hypothesis of very small neighbourhoods - approximately 200 m2 .Accelerated range expansion has occurred through the establishment of populationsby rare long-distance movements (passive dispersal) (Nichols and Hewitt, 1994).Recent re-introductions to the wild have shown strong upward dispersal afterrelease (Coote et al 2019)
                        1.8 行为
                        1.8.1 活动
                        经过5年的实验,已经由实验确定了Partula taeniata从原捕获地(以这样的方式)向周围扩散的范围均值为2.8米(标准差1.6米)(来自Murray和 Clarke1984),测量了两个基因流动距速率极值:1年10米和13年27米,证实了关于树蜗牛“小型种群”的假说——一个种群仅生存在约200平方米的狭小范围内。罕见的长距离移动能建立新的种群,加速该种生存范围的扩展(来自Nichols和Hewitt,1994)。
                        1.8.2 Predation
                        Naturalpredators of Partulid snails would have been few but included native birds andlizards. Polynesians used to collect the snails for ornaments such as necklacesknown in Tahitian as ‘hei’, but there was no evidence of this significantlyaffecting wild populations. The introduction of alien predators has been themain recent threat (see 1.5).
                        1.8.2 捕食

                        IP属地:北京28楼2021-06-20 17:42
                          1.8.3 Social andsexual behaviour
                          Snails ofseveral species of Partula used to be found in very high adult numbers insuitable habitat before the impact of predators, with densities of 20 per metre(Johnson et al 1993). In contrast, some Samoana would only be seen individuallyor in small numbers, however this may be linked to them being more montane.Young stages were rarely seen, especially newborns, which are obviously harderto observe but also either hide effectively in foliage or were more elevated.
                          Where differentspecies were found in the wild, they were rarely found together, with theexpectation that each had some subtle preference for niche usage. A maximum ofthree sympatric species were found on Moorea (Johnson et al, 1993).
                          Mating behaviouris similar to other terrestrial snails, though partulids do not fire‘love-darts’ as is observed in many other families. Courtship behaviour hasbeen described by Lipton (1979) and Lipton and Murray (1979).

                          IP属地:北京29楼2021-06-20 17:42
                            Section 2: Management in Zoos and Aquariums
                            Partulid species and sub-species maintained in the International conservation breeding programme (as of January 2018):

                            The captive maintenance of partulid snails has evolved over time into the main recommended procedure as follows. Although some experimentation has taken place, the snails do seem sensitive to change, and therefore caution is advised with any deviation from this procedure (which should only be considered with agreement from the species co-ordinator). The current protocols have worked very well for the majority of species so should be adhered to, unless agreed experimentation with snails deemed as excess stock.
                            Note these intensive ‘artificial’ rearing methods have proved very successful over the long term (several decades without supplementation from the wild) for most taxa. The snails have never thrived in naturalistic enclosures e.g. with plants and soil substrate, and there has been very limited success with releases into biome-type forest displays, but no long-term survival.

                            IP属地:北京30楼2021-06-23 23:05
                              2.1 Enclosure 饲养空间的选择
                              Although populations of snails are maintained in a number of individual containers, a key enclosure consideration is the wider room environment in which they are held. Ideally this should be a dedicated animal room capable of providing the required temperature and humidity range (20-24˚C and 60 – 80% respectively). See 2.1.4 for environment details.
                              It is recommended the room where the snails are held is self-contained for maintenance and improved quarantine, with shelving racks, worktops, dedicated equipment and spare container storage and a sink/drainer plus room for a dishwasher. The room should have a threshold to allow suitable quarantine, with isolation from other species (particularly molluscs) and use of lab coats. If possible, this facility should be on display, where the public can see the snails and staff maintaining them, with interpretation to explain the story. A variety of suitable graphic information is available to share, see EAZA Committee for assistance.
                              Room design should also consider details such as having easily cleaned surfaces for sterilising. The floor should be of a ‘soft’ material such as linoleum, rather than stone or concrete where a dropped snail is more likely to be damaged on impact.
                              Individual enclosure design has evolved greatly from the initial lab-based keeping system of small plastic sandwich boxes (11cm wide by 17cm long by 5cm deep). Although these units are still used in a small number of cases (where very small populations are being maintained) comparative keeping trials have resulted in the current standard aquarium glass tanks (3mm glass with simple silicon sealant joins). The two main sizes in use are 40cm long by 25cm wide by 30cm high and the larger 50cm long by 25cm wide by 30 cm high. The former size is designed to allow a good fit of standard hygiene roll tissue to make maintenance easier.

                              IP属地:北京31楼2021-06-24 18:57