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啊,全文请看Guide to the Camarilla

1楼2010-03-24 22:20回复
    喵的,这审核……想在度娘的地牌发帖子太难了……连全英文都不行T T
    Street Caitiff
    Clan: Caitiff
    Nature: Rebel
    Demeanor: Survivor
    Generation: 13th
    Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
    Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
    Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
    Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Intimidation 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
    Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 2, Melee 1, Security 2, Stealth 3, Survival 2
    Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 2, Law 1, Medicine 1
    Disciplines: Fortitude 1, Potence 1, Presence 1
    Thaumaturgical Paths: None
    Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 5, Resources 1
    Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
    Humanity: 7
    Willpower: 7
    Angry Anarch
    Clan: Brujah
    Nature: Rebel
    Demeanor: Bravo
    Generation: 13th
    Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
    Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
    Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
    Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Expression 2, Intimidation 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
    Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 3, Firearms 2, Melee 2, Security 2, Stealth 2, Survival 2
    Knowledges: Computer 1, Investigation 1, Law 1, Medicine 1, Politics 1
    Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 2, Presence 1
    Thaumaturgical Paths: None
    Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Resources 2
    Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
    Humanity: 5
    Willpower: 8

    2楼2010-03-24 23:18
      Clan: Ventrue
      Nature: Traditionalist
      Demeanor: Conformist
      Generation: 12th
      Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
      Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
      Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
      Talents: Alertness 2, Empathy 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 2, Streetwise 1
      Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2
      Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Computer 2, Finance 3, Investigation 2, Law 2, Politics 3
      Disciplines: Fortitude 1, Presence 3
      Backgrounds: Generation 1, Herd 1, Influence 1, Resources 2
      Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
      Willpower: 5
      Humanity: 6
      Willpower: 7
      Clan: Tremere
      Nature: Conniver
      Demeanor: Architect
      Generation: 10th
      Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
      Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
      Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
      Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Empathy 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3
      Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Stealth 2
      Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Finance 3, Camarilla Lore 4, Law 2, Politics 3
      Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 3, Thaumaturgy 2
      Thaumaturgical Paths: Blood 2, Weather Control 1
      Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Generation 3, Herd 2, Influence 2, Resources 3, Retainers 3, Camarilla Status 3
      Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
      Humanity: 5
      Willpower: 5

      3楼2010-03-24 23:18
        Hidden Source
        Clan: Nosferatu
        Nature: Loner
        Demeanor: Curmudgeon
        Generation: 11th
        Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
        Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
        Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
        Talents: Acting 3, Alertness 3, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Empathy 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
        Skills: Etiquette 2, Firearms 1, Security 1, Stealth 1
        Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Camarilla Lore 3, Computer 2, Finance 2, Investigation 3, Linguistics 2, Politics 1, Sabbat Lore 2
        Disciplines: Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 3, Potence 2
        Thaumaturgical Paths: None
        Backgrounds: Generation 2, Contacts 3, Influences 1
        Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 2
        Humanity: 6
        Willpower: 5
        Clan: Gangrel
        Nature: Director
        Demeanor: Bravo
        Generation: 10th
        Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
        Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1
        Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
        Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3, Streetwise 2
        Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 4, Melee 2, Security 1, Survival 2
        Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 3, Investigation 2, Sabbat Lore 3
        Disciplines: Animalism 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 3, Protean 2
        Backgrounds: Camarilla Status 2, Generation 3
        Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
        Humanity: 5
        Willpower: 7
        Loyal Ghoul
        Clan: N/A
        Nature: Masochist
        Demeanor: Conformer
        Generation: N/A
        Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 1
        Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
        Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
        Talents: Alertness 2, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 1
        Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Security 1
        Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 3, Finance 3, Investigation 2, Law 3, Linguistics 2, Politics 3
        Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 1
        Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Influence 1, Resources 2
        Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
        Humanity: 7
        Willpower: 5

        4楼2010-03-24 23:19
          Clan: Brujah
          Nature: Judge
          Demeanor: Monster
          Generation: 9th
          Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
          Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 1
          Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
          Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3
          Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 3, Firearms 4, Melee 2, Security 3, Stealth 1, Survival 2
          Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, Politics 2, Sabbat Lore 3
          Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 4, Fortitude 3, Potence 4, Presence 4
          Backgrounds: Allies 2, Camarilla Status 3, Generation 4, Herd 3, Resources 2
          Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
          Humanity: 6
          Willpower: 8
          Tremere Interrogator
          Clan: Tremere
          Nature: Autocrat
          Demeanor: Perfectionist
          Generation: 11th
          Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
          Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
          Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
          Talents: Acting 2, Alertness 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 3, Leadership 2
          Skills: Etiquette 2, Firearms 1, Music 1, Repair 1
          Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Camarilla Lore 4, Computer 2, Finance 2, Investigation 4, Law 3, Politics 3, Sabbat Lore 3
          Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 3, Fortitude 2, Presence 2, Thaumaturgy 3
          Thaumaturgical Paths: The Lure of Flames 3, Hands of Destruction 2, Blood 1
          Backgrounds: Camarilla Status 3, Contacts 4, Generation 2, Herd 2, Influence 1, Resources 2, Retainers 2
          Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 3
          Humanity: 4
          Willpower: 6
          Clan: Toreador
          Nature: Gallant
          Demeanor: Celebrant
          Generation: 9th
          Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
          Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
          Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
          Talents: Acting 3, Alertness 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 3
          Skills: Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Music 3
          Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 3, Linguistics 3, Occult 2, Politics 3
          Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 3, Presence 3
          Backgrounds: Allies 2, Camarilla Status 3, Contacts 3, Fame 2, Generations 4, Influence 2
          Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
          Humanity: 4
          Willpower: 8

          5楼2010-03-24 23:19
            Keeper of Elysium
            Clan: Toreador
            Nature: Celebrant
            Demeanor: Pedagogue
            Generation: 9th
            Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
            Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
            Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
            Talents: Alertness 3, Empathy 2
            Skills: Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Melee 1, Music 3, Security 2
            Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 2, Computer 1, Finance 3, Law 3, Linguistics 4, Politics 2, Science 1
            Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 1, Presence 4
            Backgrounds: Camarilla Status 1, Generation 4, Herd 1, Influence 2, Resources 3
            Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 2
            Humanity: 6
            Willpower: 5
            The Loyal Opposition (Primogen)
            Clan: Malkavian
            Nature: Fanatic
            Demeanor: Penitent
            Generation: 8th
            Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
            Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
            Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
            Talents: Alertness 4, Dodge 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 3, Leadership 4, Streetwise 2
            Skills: Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Music 3, Stealth 3
            Knowledges: Bureaucracy 4, Camarilla Lore 4, Investigation 3, Law 3, Linguistics 1, Medicine 2, Politics 3
            Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 3, Dominate 5, Obfuscate 4, Protean 3
            Backgrounds: Camarilla Status 4, Contacts 5, Herd 3, Generation 5
            Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
            Humanity: 3
            Willpower: 8
            Clan: Ventrue
            Nature: Director
            Demeanor: Conformist
            Generation: 10th
            Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
            Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
            Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
            Talents: Acting 1, Alertness 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 4
            Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms 4, Music 2, Security 4, Stealth 4
            Knowledges: Bureaucracy 4, Camarilla Lore 4, Finance 4, Investigation 4, Law 4, Linguistics 1, Occult 2, Politics 3, Sabbat Lore 3
            Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 4, Dominate 4, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 2, Presence 4, Protean 3
            Backgrounds: Allies 3, Camarilla Status 4, Contacts 3, Generation 2, Herd 3, Influence 3, Mentor 4, Resources 3, Retainers 3
            Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
            Humanity: 5
            Willpower: 9

            6楼2010-03-24 23:20
              Clan: Ventrue
              Nature: Autocrat
              Demeanor: Visionary
              Generation: 8th
              Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
              Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
              Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
              Talents: Alertness 4, Athleticѕ 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 4, Intimidation 4, Leadership 5, Subterfuge 3
              Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Melee 3, Stealth 2
              Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, Finance 3, Law 5, Linguistics 2, Politics 4, Sabbat Lore 3
              Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 4, Dominate 5, Fortitude 3, Presence 4, Protean 4
              Backgrounds: Allies 3, Camarilla Status 5, Contacts 5, Generation 5, Herd 4, Influence 4, Resources 4
              Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
              Humanity: 4
              Willpower: 9
              Roving Archon
              Clan: Toreador
              Nature: Judge
              Demeanor: Martyr
              Generation: 9th
              Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
              Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
              Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
              Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 4, Empathy 2, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4
              Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 4, Melee 2, Repair 3, Security 3, Stealth 4, Survival 3
              Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, Investigation 5, Law 3, Medicine 3, Politics 3, Sabbat Lore 4
              Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 4, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 3, Presence 3
              Backgrounds: Camarilla Status 3, Contacts 3, Generation 4, Resources 2
              Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
              Humanity: 5
              Willpower: 10
              Clan: Malkavian
              Nature: Competit0r
              Demeanor: Pedagogue
              Generation: 6th
              Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
              Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 7, Appearance 3
              Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 4, Wits 6
              Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 5, Empathy 2, Intimidation 5, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 2
              Skills: Animal Ken 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms 4, Melee 4
              Knowledges: Bureaucracy 4, Camarilla Lore 5, Investigation 4, Law 5, Politics 4, Sabbat Lore 4
              Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 4, Dominate 5, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 5, Potence 5, Protean 3
              Backgrounds: Allies 2, Camarilla Status 4, Contacts 5, Generation 7, Herd 2, Resources 4
              Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
              Humanity: 5
              Willpower: 9

              7楼2010-03-24 23:21


                8楼2010-03-24 23:23

                  17楼2010-03-25 20:38

                    18楼2010-03-25 20:40

                      20楼2010-03-25 22:45

                        22楼2010-03-26 16:09
                          不过一个坚持住在顽固不可抗之堡垒中的凡人……等狼少女做完布拉格任务前往布达佩斯之前,或许会记得探望你吧= =

                          24楼2010-03-27 19:37
                            呃……记得公元九百多年的时候就划入了...吧- -

                            26楼2010-03-28 00:23
                              斑羽已经决定选Tzimisce了,我不认为一个凡人能和那样的血族相处愉快……两个人如果掐起来俺也会很为难啊- -

                              30楼2010-03-28 19:01