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【Billboard】Gaga为向McQueen致敬惹恼Brits Awards组织者


Lady Gaga为向好友设计师Alexander McQueen致敬惹恼Brits Awards组织者, 自掏腰包重置舞台, 开场机会被Cheryl Cole夺走并且恐失大奖
Lady Gaga这次在Brits Awards的原定开场表演的准备工作中上演了一出完全Gaga式的戏码, 她反复撰表演重置舞台不仅惹恼了组织者, 还会让她狠狠花上一笔
“Gaga开始的想法是让舞台如同她格莱美表演时一样的宏大及赋戏剧性, 也就是Brits Awards的老板大爱的想法."
"Gaga原本计划的背景是全部的伦敦标志性景点模型, Gaga坐在一辆华丽的劳斯莱斯上登场, 表演Poker Face和Telephone. 而现在那辆劳斯莱斯已经因为Gaga的临时主意改变而堆弃在后台当垃圾."
由于正沉浸在听到好友设计师Alexander McQueen自杀噩耗的悲痛中, Gaga决定把整个表演改成一个严肃的致敬表演.
”她把一切舞台设置全部舍弃掉, 换成在屏幕上的一张Alexander McQueen的照片, 然后Gaga只穿一身黑裙坐在钢琴前演唱抒情版Bad Romance."
"所以周一上午她再一次把整个表演的一切都撰改了, 并且保证说她会负责付清原本舞台设置所花费的100,000英镑."
"现在Cheryl Cole会代替她开场, 并且知情人说她很有可能失去她所入围的国际奖项."

1楼2010-02-17 04:22回复
    Lady GaGa's Brits performance at risk as Cheryl Cole takes her slot
    By 3am's Clemmie Moodie and Danielle Lawler 16/02/2010
    A certain Lady’s plans for her Brits performance have gone completely GaGa – and could cost her dearly.
    The Poker Face singer has irked organisers in the run-up to tonight’s prestigious music awards by constantly altering her theatrical stage show.
    Brits bosses got so fed up with all the messing around that they have now handed her 9pm primetime appearance to singer Cheryl Cole – and given GaGa, 23, a much smaller slot.
    Not only that, but the stage sets have changed so much that she has been whacked with a £100,000 bill for all the wasted work.
    And insiders fear she is jeopardising her chance of winning Best International Newcomer, Best International Female and Best International Album with all her infuriating changes.
    A source tells us: “Lady GaGa wanted her stage show to be as big and as theatrical as her Grammys one, an idea which the Brits bosses loved.
    “The plan was for a London-themed backdrop with models of all the major monuments.
    “GaGa would arrive onstage on a pimped-up green Rolls-Royce and sing Poker Face and Telephone. But the Rolls-Royce is now gathering dust backstage after she changed her mind and ditched the plans.”
    Saddened by the sudden death of her fashion designer pal Alexander McQueen, Gaga decided to ditch her glitzy spectacular for a sombre tribute.
    Our spy adds: “She changed everything saying she wanted to sing the ballad Bad Romance – just her dressed in black on a piano with images of Alexander McQueen behind her.
    “Thankfully, her aides persuaded her that it could appear crass. They were worried it would look like she was cashing in on his death.
    “So on Monday morning she changed everything yet again and promised to stump up the bill for the new stage, which is easily in the £100,000s.
    “Now her show will be much more scaled down and Cheryl is taking her place in the running order. Now everyone is worried she might lose out on an award over all the hassle.”
    Let’s hope not...

    2楼2010-02-17 04:25
      我对Brits Awards的组织者很失望, 英国一个icon级人物去世了, 致敬一下有什么大不了的

      3楼2010-02-17 04:26
        错了, 说的是9 PM Primetime

        4楼2010-02-17 04:35
          都已经表演完了, 唱的是钢琴版Telephont和Dance In The Dark
          老早就出新闻说Beyonce不会一起表演, Beyonce根本没有出席

          8楼2010-02-17 04:50
            致敬是致敬了, 还两次, 只不过唱了其他曲目
            歌迷都不希望唱老歌, 组织者肯定是希望她唱老歌的, 后台那个前辣妹还有Courtney Love都在那里tacky地说"要是唱点我知道的歌就好了"... 明显是安排好了的

            15楼2010-02-17 10:49