顺便宣传一下我的英语翻译贴里的东风志英文版,还有另一个人专门开的同人曲贴 驱策的魂魄要流浪哪条街 射落的纸鸢曾飞过哪片月 磷灯点满城阙 照彻天不夜 看见什么灰飞烟灭 The driven souls will wander on which street In which moonlight,the kite shot down has past Lamps make all the city bright As there is no night What did you see that became dust 夜读时节埋下姑苏一坛雪 借用渔火斟开云梦水千叠 今宵于风露中星辰非昨夜 都不似谁眼睫 When reading at night, I buried some snow and time By the fishing fire, I drank under the sky Tonight in dewy wind,stars aren't those last night All aren't as bright as your eyes 眉间点血 衣上牡丹 愈笑愈孤寒 故人磊落 曾照旧肝胆 Blood between eyebrows,peony on the robe Smile with loneliness The old friends are aboveboard 似这清风明月凌霜傲雪 最清澈双眼 两处茫茫可相见 As the cool wind bright moon,cold frost and snow The clearest eyes of all Can we meet again in the world