猛兽吧 关注:94,272贴子:2,790,071




IP属地:美国1楼2019-09-16 10:52回复

    拍摄:John Caden
    摄影:Linda Caden

    IP属地:美国2楼2019-09-16 10:55

      一旦鬣狗被拖上了树,他就再也没有机会了。他不再是那个用结实的下颚咬住肉和骨头的人,现在他感觉到马卡贝尼3:2年轻雄豹强有力的抓着他脖子后面。悬挂在5米高的空中,向任何可能听到它叫声的动物求救,唯一到达的其他动物是Maxabeni 3:3年轻的雄性豹。在一次太多偷来的杀戮和侵略性的遭遇后,Maxabeni豹子兄弟现在正在实施他们的报复…

      IP属地:美国3楼2019-09-16 10:57

        Maxabeni 3:3这只年轻的雄性刚完成了一小时的茎杆穿越空地;他依偎在一小丛灌木丛后面,等待黄昏降临。黑斑羚做出了致命的举动,进入了攻击范围。自然本能占据了上风,这只年轻的雄性豹在几秒钟内就把这只巨大的黑斑羚压扁了。他立刻做了他以前见过他母亲无数次做的事,他试图把猎物拖到树上。但是谋杀发生在一片空地上,最近的一棵树在200米外,这需要很大的努力。他选择把它藏起来,这样他就可以开始进食了。
        在Maxabeni 3:3年轻的雄性豹杀死一只黑斑羚后不久,第一只鬣狗出现了。那个淘气的拾荒者闻到了尸体的味道,溜达到了竞技场。在呼叫支援时,几分钟之内就有几只鬣狗围着这只雄性豹打转。不安的、掠夺成性的群众来了。这种情况已经不是第一次发生了,Maxabeni年轻的雄豹不得不放弃猎物。

        IP属地:美国4楼2019-09-16 11:00

          大约一年前,我拍摄了Maxabeni 3:2的年轻雄性猎豹,并把一只小duiker拖上了一棵马鲁拉树。在一岁的时候,这只亚成年的雄性豹开始表现出猎食的迹象。两岁的时候,这只豹和它的兄弟,Maxabeni 3:3年轻的雄豹,都长成了雄狮。他们带着态度行动,充满信心,直到土狼到来。

          IP属地:美国5楼2019-09-16 11:05


            IP属地:美国6楼2019-09-16 11:14
              Bicycle Crossing male leopard – 31 August
              This large, dominant male leopard was found in the morning feeding on the remains of an elephant close to the confluence of the Matshapiri River and the Sand River. The elephant was a young bull that had been euthanased by the Department of Wildlife the afternoon before due to a wounded trunk from a snare and a badly fractured right front leg. During the course of the morning a hyena joined the leopard, and they fed together on the carcass, something almost unheard of in a natural system. There was much aggression between the two however, and another four hyenas soon arrived and together they chased the Bicycle Crossing male off the carcass. He did not move far and lay down under the cover of some thick bush to await his chance to return to the carcass.

              IP属地:美国9楼2019-09-16 11:37
                Tjellahanga male & female leopard – 18 September
                The mating pair continued to mate frequently during the course of the day, with the Tjellahanga male being alerted to the excited yelps of a number of hyenas. The hyena had killed a kudu and the leopard managed to steel the kill and hoist it up a tree, only to be stolen from him by a lioness of the Selati pride. After all had calmed down, the leopard escaped from the area and continued his romance with the female leopard.
                Tjellahanga雄豹和雌豹- 9月18日

                IP属地:美国10楼2019-09-16 11:39
                  Bicycle Crossing male leopard, Ngoboswan Female leopard and cub of the Ngoboswan female Leopard – 23 September
                  Rangers heard chattering monkey on the eastern bank of the Sand River around Flockfield Boma Crossing. On working around the western bank 2 nervous looking hyenas were discovered looking in the direction of the Sand River. Upon investigating three leopards were discovered in the vicinity of a bushbuck kill. Great interaction occurred between the leopards and the hyenas as they fought over the meat, with the Bicycle crossing male leopard biting off a hyena’s ear! During which a young bull elephant arrived on the scene, and upon noticing the leopards, chased the cub of the Ngoboswan leopard up the tree with partial remains of the bushbuck kill in it. Noticeably irritated, the elephant tried to shake the young male leopard out of the tree, breaking off large branches in the process. Once the elephant moved off, the Bicycle Crossing male ascended the tree and chased the young male out. After all the interaction the leopards were left to themselves.
                  护林员听到一只猴子在Flockfield Boma渡口附近的沙河东岸叽叽喳喳地叫。在西岸附近工作时,人们发现两只神情紧张的鬣狗正朝着沙河的方向张望。经过调查,三只豹子被发现在附近的一处灌木丛中而且已经杀死了一头薮羚。豹和鬣狗在争夺肉食时发生了冲突,雄豹咬掉了鬣狗的耳朵!在这期间,一头年轻的公象赶到了现场,一看到豹子,就把小豹子追上了树,树上还残留着部分的薮羚残害。大象显然很生气,试图把年轻的雄豹从树上摇下来,在这个过程中折断了大树枝。大象一离开,雄豹(前文咬斑鬣狗耳朵的)就爬上了树,把小豹赶了出去。

                  IP属地:美国11楼2019-09-16 11:44
                    Manyelethi male leopard – 9 January 2008
                    The Manyelethi male leopard was found in the Matshapiri open area during the afternoon drive. Rangers were following the marks left by a leopard that had dragged a kill across the road. When he was found, the leopard had the remains of an adult impala that he was dragging. He moved it to the edge of the open area and started to feed off it. A large hyena arrived a short while later and a battle royal followed as the leopard and hyena fought for the scraps of the impala. Finally the carcass tore apart and each made off with their own piece. The leopard was left sleeping in a tree with the last of the bit of impala that he had managed to get.

                    IP属地:美国12楼2019-09-16 12:07
                      Emsagwen male – 6 April 2008
                      An adult male warthog was found near Claredon dam with many fatal wounds all over his body but there was no predator in sight, soon after the warthog died the Emsagwen male appeared and started to feed on the carcass. The warthog was so large that when the leopard could barely move it towards a nearby tree. Later on the night a Hyena moved toward the leopard and stole the kill; strangely enough the leopard did not put up a fight for his kill.

                      IP属地:美国13楼2019-09-16 12:09
                        Emsagwen Male and Matshapiri female – 17 April 2008
                        The Emsagwen male and the Matshapiri female were found just to the south of Claredon Dam. The leopards where in the area of a young zebra carcass, it appeared that both had fed from the kill. The leopards were also seen mating a number of times with the mating seen to be very aggressive and the female leopard having a few bite marks on her neck. The leopards were not found again during the afternoon and tracks in the area suggested that a Hyena had moved in and stolen what was left of the leopards kill.
                        Emsagwen雄性和Matshapiri雌性在Claredon Dam南部被发现。在豹子所在的区域中有一具年轻的斑马尸体,看来这两豹子都吃了这具被通过他们猎杀获得的班马尸体。人们还看到豹子交配了很多次,这种交配被认为是非常具有攻击性的,雌性豹子的脖子上有一些咬痕(可能雄花豹在交配过程中咬伤了雌性花豹)。下午豹子没有在该地区,而且该地区的踪迹表明一只鬣狗进入了这个地区然后偷走了豹子的猎物。
                        (莫非是趁着豹子 x x o o 的时候偷了猎物?)

                        IP属地:美国14楼2019-09-16 12:16
                          Manyelethi male 02 May 2008
                          The Manyelethi male was found where he made the impala kill the night before. The leopard was lying near the carcase when a hyena moved into the area; they fought with each other then both animals started to feed on the kill. The Hyena eventually managed to chase the male leopard off but he still hung around in the area, in the background. He then challenged the hyena with another fight, chased it off and took the dead impala back. The leopard then dragged the kill into a tree before the Hyena could get it; after which spending the day feeding on his well earned carcass.

                          IP属地:美国15楼2019-09-16 12:19
                            Emsagwen Male Leopard – 13 June 2008
                            This large territorial male leopard was found sleeping around the Emsagwen Waterhole. He was sporting an impressive gash to his back, and remained inactive for much of the day. After becoming active in the early evening, he crossed the path of a large hyena. He hissed at the hyena, and this was enough warning for the hyena to keep its distance.

                            IP属地:美国16楼2019-09-16 12:22
                              Unidentified male leopard – 11 August 2008
                              This large male leopard has been seen a few times before. He frequents the Windmill area and over the last few months has been making excursions deeper into Mala Mala. This time he led rangers on a merry chase through broken and thorny land, before ending up in the Kapen River where he had stashed a dead duiker up a tree. Later on he was challenged by a couple of hyenas, and the ensuing interaction was wonderful to behold. He was left in the tree and later that day was found to have disappeared.
                              不明身份的雄豹- 2008年8月11日

                              IP属地:美国17楼2019-09-16 12:27