猛兽吧 关注:94,272贴子:2,790,076



好资料,豹还是比较占据主动的,斑鬣狗斗兽表现依旧不怎么样┓( ´∀` )┏

IP属地:山东33楼2019-09-16 17:53

    IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端34楼2019-09-16 18:03
      Bicycle Crossing male leopard- 21 April 2009
      This ever-popular leopard was located rather early on this afternoon just to the south of the new airstrip, where he was doing a bit of territory management by scent marking on nearby bushes, and scuffing up the dirt with his paws. He then continued like this for some time, and started to drift further eastwards towards the Sand River. Just five minutes later, he caught the scent of a kill that was made by an unidentified female leopard that same morning. The carcass was dragged across the road and into some long grass, where she then fed off it. During the course of the day, two hyenas arrived at the scene and stole the carcass from the leopard – they subsequently chased her away from the area completely. Now clearly the Bicycle Crossing male smelled the blood which immediately sent him into a search of the area for whatever remained of the meat - so he could get a free lunch. He followed the scent trail through the bushes for a good ten minutes until he happened on the two hyenas that were guarding the carcass. He boldly ran in and chased the first hyena off - growling and swatting at the unsuspecting animal. But he didn’t see the second one, which teamed up with the first scavenger, and proceeded to chase the leopard around. He then paused for a few minutes and tried again - only to be denied a second time. Meanwhile, all the noise and commotion attracted two more hyenas into the area. These two fought with the first two for the remains of the carcass. The carcass was torn apart into many pieces, and the hyenas holding them scattered in all directions. The Bicycle Crossing male leopard wisely gave up soon after, and continued on his territorial campaign.

      IP属地:美国37楼2019-09-16 19:32
        Emsagwen male leopard - 13 July 2009
        This active male leopard has been pushing into the Manyelethi male’s territory more and more of late. He was found near lower Mlowathi Crossing and then proceeded to drink before finding a comfortable spot in the shade to rest for the hot part of the day. Later he got up, and even though he was well fed, proceeded down the eastern bank of the river and stalked some impala. However, a hyena then came into the area and not only chased off the impala, but also tried to chase the Emsagwen male. He did not stand for this, and after a quick skirmish he sent the hyaena off with a bruised ego.
        Matshipiri female leopard and son – 21 January 2010
        These two leopards were found heading south along the Matshipiri River. We thought that the Matshipiri female was leading her son to a kill, as she did not stop to scent mark. The son had also been seen several times in the last two weeks up at Matshipiri dam by himself. Also in the area trailing them was a female hyena. The hyena did make things uncomfortable, as on two occasions the hyaena came too close and the Matshipiri female climbed the closest tree - snarling and hissing - while her son waited patiently at the base for his mother to settle down. He is now a lot bigger then his mother, and did not seem worried about the hyena and how close it was getting.花豹母子,雌花豹和一只大崽子(亚成年,比他 妈妈大)

        IP属地:美国38楼2019-09-16 19:39
          2008 son of the Kikilezi female and son of the Dudley female- 27 January
          It was not clear as to which leopard made the kill but when rangers arrived on the scene there were the two leopards having a stand off with the carcass of an impala close by. A fight between two leopards can sometimes be a long process with the two parties just growling at one another and sizing each opponent up. The noise of the two leopards growling attracted the attention of four hyena who must have been close by in the area. The leopards been distracted by one another had no chance to fight off the hyenas who quickly stole the impala carcass and between the four of them shredded the carcass into pieces and ran off with their share. Thus leaving the squabbling leopards to themselves, never the less the two young leopards had a go at each other for a brief moment with tooth and claw. Their was no clear victor as when the fight broke up both leopards retreated away from one each and went their separate ways

          IP属地:美国39楼2019-09-16 19:40

            IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端40楼2019-09-16 19:46
              Son of the Dudley female and Daughter of the Ngoboswan female leopards – 3 – 4 May 2010
              The following morning we found the Daughter of the Ngoboswan female walking south on western side Matshipiri (towards West Street bridge) when something caught her eye to the east. She stalked around and did a full circle - all the while being very watchful. When she returned to the road she looked up into a big leadwood tree. In the tree was about 10% of an adult female nyala. She did not however approach the tree, but continued to look east at something. Then out of the thickets the Son of the Dudley female arrived. The female did not show interest in him, and slowly moved out of the area. The Son of the Dudley female was also hesitant and was looking east, ever watchful. He did scent mark in the area before lying down - not too far off of the tree with the kill. With both leopards having been seen hunting the evening before, it was unlikely that the carcass was either of theirs - especially with only 10% being left. As the morning wore on, the temptation was too great for the young male and he moved towards the tree. Almost as if planned, the daughter of the Ngoboswan female also made her way into the area. The two leopards snarled at each other, and a standoff ensued as the two young cats hissed and growled at each other. This attracted the attention of a hyena in the area, and now all three were watching each other. The hyena, however, needed one of the leopards as he could not get to the kill by climbing the tree. Size counts in the animal kingdom. The young male leopard was the victor. As the female moved off, he climbed the tree to get a taste of what he had been looking at all morning. But his inexperience showed once more when he tried to reposition the kill and it fell to the ground. He tried to put up a fight, but the much stronger and more experienced hyena ran off with the prize - leaving both leopards with nothing.

              IP属地:美国41楼2019-09-16 19:51
                卢克亨特的The Quintessential Cat
                Other carnivores are also fair game to leopards. While lions may invest a great deal of energy in killing fellow predators, their motivation seems more to eliminate competition than to acquire food, and they frequently leave such kills untouched. Leopards, however, have been recorded killing and eating everything from dwarf mongooses to adult spotted hyaenas. One well-observed Ngorongoro Crater leopard killed and ate 11 jackals in less than a month, which suggests that small canids may be preferred prey when abundant, and there is considerable truth in the belief that leopards are partial to dogs. Such unusual preferences may vary from region to region. In arid north-eastern Namibia, researcher Flip Stander discovered adult cheetahs were sometimes killed as prey by leopards, a remarkable occurrence also recently observed by tourists in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park in South Africa. Yet in the comparitively lush bushveld of northern KwaZulu-Natal, I saw three cases of leopards killing cheetahs and leaving the carcasses untouched. Perhaps where the density of more 'typical' prey species is low - such as in desert regions - leopards cannot afford to be choosy and are more likely to eat the meat of other predators.


                IP属地:美国42楼2019-09-16 19:57

                  书名字叫 The African Leopard: Ecology and Behavior of a Solitary Felid。事件就是大家耳熟能详的鬣狗杀手m23,一共杀死过两只斑鬣狗。(一只亚成年,一只未知),还有一次是驱逐了在吃疣猪的两条斑鬣狗。

                  IP属地:美国43楼2019-09-16 20:07
                    这里有个半学术性概述的一份文献,文献作者是Peter Turnbull-Kemp,文献名叫做“The Leopard"(他本人是一个保护区管理员,在非洲很多地方工作过,主要是非洲南部,但是他貌似对豹子的体型提供了很多测量而且测量方式还挺有经验,比较care胃容物的那种)
                    Peter Turnbull-Kemp, an experienced game warden who had experience observing leopards and other wildlife throughout Africa but primarily southern Africa seems to suggest leopards are perfectly able to defend kills from lone hyenas.

                    IP属地:美国44楼2019-09-16 20:22

                      45楼2019-09-16 20:27

                        第一张截图内容:《大猫日记》(Big Cat Diary)的乔纳森•斯科特(Jonathan Scott)主要在肯尼亚马赛马拉过了大半辈子,他认为,虽然母豹很容易被斑鬣狗主导,但公豹更有能力,也更愿意与孤独的鬣狗较量。

                        IP属地:美国47楼2019-09-16 20:30

                          IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端48楼2019-09-16 20:33

                            IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端51楼2019-09-16 20:47


                              IP属地:美国53楼2019-09-16 21:13