动物王者吧 关注:306贴子:15,898



新加坡国立大学李光前自然历史博物馆(NUS LKCNHM)
收藏的两具巨型咸水鳄头骨,分别命名“Edgar”和“Giryu” ( 義龍)
“Edgar”可能是来自爪哇,1887年Mr. G. Edgar先生提供给莱佛士博物馆,1908年时描述长度27.5英尺(69.9cm),估长22英尺(6.7米),2018年重新测量,头长70.1cm,头宽52cm。(最大头宽的巨鳄了)
“Giryu” ( 義龍)头长70.6cm,头宽(没),没有下颌,没有其他细节,右“Giryu” ( 義龍),左“Edgar”,咸水鳄五大巨头骨
“Edgar”,“Giryu” ( 義龍),Lolong(洛龙),Corroboree,Old Charlie“Edgar”在“Edgar”下颌写的日期,不知是在获得时写的,还是博物馆收到时写的

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端59楼2019-05-04 17:11
    一直漏发,巨鳄卡修斯,体长17英尺11英寸,也就是 5.48米

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端60楼2019-05-04 17:24
      全球最大鳄鱼今年110岁高龄 健康良好还可再活30年,2014年3月20,澳大利亚昆士兰,住着一只全球最大鳄鱼Cassius,今年已经110岁了。 鳄鱼Cassius的实际年龄无法可知,但管理员预测它的年龄大约是110岁,并且它目前的健康状况良好,依然充满攻击性,应该可以再活30年。在26年前,鳄鱼Cassius在北领地攻击一艘小船,被管理员Craig的祖父George捕获,随后送到海洋世界。

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端61楼2019-05-04 17:25
        Gomek 5.5米 捕获于巴布亚新几内亚,头长53cm,被圈养在美国佛罗里达州,因心脏病死于1997年

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端62楼2019-05-04 17:31
          Agora, verifequemos os exemplos de animais grandes de nossos dias, sejam eles cativos ou em estado selvagem e poderemos ver que de uma certa forma as medidas destes animais estão em franca recuperação, e que esta recuperação em alguns casos pode ser em função de que em alguns lugares eles tem sido deixados em paz pelo homem e se desenvolvido em rincões reservados e longíncuos e em outros casos a proximidade com o própio homem e as facilidades deste convívio tem contribuido para este crescimento!!Em 1971, George Craigs movimentou mais de trinta crocodilos da ilha de Daru (Papua) para sua nova atração Ilha Verde - Marineland Melanésia. Esta foto mostra os três maiores répteis no curso de sua jornada pelo oceano. Gomek está em primeiro plano; George Craig é mostrado de pé atrás do segundo, Oscar, enquanto Annika está amarrado ao palete em cima dele.Gomek foi, capturado por George Craig em Papua Nova Guiné e vendido ao St. Augustine Alligator Farm, na Flórida. George também capturou um crocodilo ainda maior, Oscar, que viveu até sua morte na Ilha Verde, em Queensland, onde George Craig mora. Depois de muitos anos, Gomek infelizmente morreu de doença cardíaca, em fevereiro de 1997. Por essa altura, ele era um crocodilo muito velho para padrões de cativeiro. Nesta fotografia, Gomek é alimentado de nutria (um grande roedor), pelo seu detentor, e seu ****nho é óbvio. Quando ele morreu, tinha 5,7m e , entre 1000 e 1100kg e, provavelmente, entre 70 e 80 anos de idade. Você pode ver uma homenagem a Gomek, em St. Augustine Alligator Farm onde eles o eternizaram empalhando-o.As duas fotos seguintes demonstram a estrutura corporal enorme que Gomek atingiu em cativeiro.

          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端63楼2019-05-04 17:32
            Formerpoacher turned hunter 'world record' Northern Territory saltwater crocodile
            澳洲男子37年捕杀超20000只鳄鱼 称像吸毒太难戒

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端64楼2019-05-12 10:51
              澳大利亚,4.2米。Four-metre monster crocodile captured and banished to a reptile farm after it was found near popular Port Douglas restaurant

              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端65楼2019-05-12 10:52
                Crikey! A real crocodile hunter catches two 4.5 metre monsters after the reptiles were found feasting on local cattle

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端66楼2019-05-12 10:54
                  S'wak Forestry Corp: Report sightings of crocs, don't take matters into your own hands

                  IP属地:广东来自Android客户端67楼2019-05-12 10:56
                    沙捞越 4.75米

                    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端68楼2019-05-12 10:57

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端69楼2019-05-17 19:57

                        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端70楼2019-05-21 20:53
                          Terror-stricken villagers cut open a killer crocodile to find the arms and legs of a mutilated fisherman.
                          Andi Aso Erang, 36, vanished while collecting clams in a river near his home in East Kutai, Borneo.
                          His worried family raised the alarm and were left devastated two days later when they found his mutilated body on the banks of the Kabuyahan River last Thursday.
                          Locals noticed Andi's left leg and forearms arms were missing and immediately started hunting a man-eating crocodile.
                          The beast was found around 30 minutes later and locals let off five rounds from a rifle into its one-metre wide body.
                          The 20ft long reptile was dragged ashore at around 6am and laid out on a blue tarpaulin, where villagers used a knife to slice open its belly.
                          Inside they found Andi's arms and left foot and both his hands. The croc's corpse was then pushed into a freshly dug grave using a large excavator digger.
                          Andi's devastated wife Anisa said: "I was looking for my husband with other people from the village. We found a motorcycle on the roadside and a pair of sandals.
                          "I had a sense that all was not well. I sensed something bad had happened when my husband did not come home. I didn't think he would be eaten by a crocodile, I didn't think would die like this."
                          Local officials said the crocodile was shot at least five times before it was dragged out of the water.
                          East Kutai Police Chief AKBP Teddy Ristiawan said: "The victim Andi Aso Erang had said goodbye to his wife. He did not return to his family's home.
                          The victim's wife, Anisa, together with his brother Amat immediately searched for the victim around the edge of the Kebuyahan River, Marukangan Village.
                          After a day, he had not returned and after searching, motorcycles and sandals were found on the banks of the river.
                          Then around 3.30am, not far from the location of the discovery of the victim, the search team found a crocodile alleged to have killed the victim. Village leader Polairud Brigpol Eko Supraptono shot the crocodi

                          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端72楼2019-05-21 20:57

                            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端75楼2019-05-22 19:11
                              新加坡动物园 4.8m+ 圈养鳄

                              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端76楼2019-05-22 22:54