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一楼喂度娘- -

IP属地:山东1楼2019-03-20 16:40回复
    - Implemented Mimikyu's ability.
    - 实现了谜拟Q的特性
    - Implemented Aurora Veil.
    - 实现了激光幕的技能效果

    IP属地:山东2楼2019-03-20 16:40
      - Reworked water surface spawns so that way more places count as water surface, making things like Lapras much easier to find.
      - 将水面的宝可梦生成判定重新加工了。现在更多的地点会被判定为“水面”,这会使得像拉普拉斯(乘龙)这类水面生成的宝可梦更容易被找到
      - Increased the duration of dawn and dusk in spawning, which also makes Lapras easier to find. Also helps other Pokémon but no one cares.
      - 在宝可梦生成判定中延长了“黎明”与“黄昏”的时间,这同样会使得诸如拉普拉斯这类的在黄昏与黎明生成的宝可梦更容易被发现。其他的在黎明与黄昏宝可梦呢?算了吧,没人在乎的
      - Made legendary spawning much more aggressive so that it will keep trying different players until either it runs out or until a legendary spawns.
      - 使传说中宝可梦的生成更加积极灵活。这样的话,传说宝可梦的生成机会会不断尝试赋予给不同的玩家,直到刷新率重置或者传说中的宝可梦生成为止
      - Updated the Mega Boss biomes to match with the 7.0 Spawning locations.
      - 更新了mega boss的刷新地点,使之与7.0版本wiki的刷新地点相匹配
      - Allow the healer to be dye-able if there was no data on who placed it. Allows you to dye healers from pre 7.0.4
      - 允许之前没有放置信息的治疗机(即没有人为放置、破坏过的治疗机)被染色。当然,之前的7.0.4版本的治疗机仍然会正常被染色与正常工作
      - Pokémon cries now apply to all forms and not just the base form.
      - 宝可梦叫声现在已应用于所有宝可梦的各种形态而不仅仅是正常形态了

      IP属地:山东3楼2019-03-20 16:41
        - Fixed us missing some lang and spawning files from 7.0.4.
        - 修复了我们在7.0.4版本不小心丢掉了的一些语言文件与宝可梦生成文件(2019.3.19发现该bug:7.0.4版本无法生成野生宝可梦)
        - Fixed badge cases not opening if there are badges in them.
        - 修复了徽章盒子存在徽章时无法打开的问题
        - Fixed clocks becoming ever increasingly wrong by each passing mc day. They were just like the ones in my living room.
        - 修复了宝可梦钟表在mc中的每天度过时,时间的增加量出错的问题。嗯…其实之前它们是按照我卧室里的钟表跑的…
        - Fixed some Pokémon reverting forms when switching out and back in.
        - 修复了一些宝可梦在放出/收回时,拥有的形态会复原的问题
        - Fixed mega abilities reverting after switching out and back in.
        - 修复了宝可梦mega后的特性在宝可梦被放出/收回时恢复为原形态特性的问题
        - Fixed Giratina switching forms after battle even if it was still holding the Griseous orb.
        - 修复了骑拉帝纳即使持有白金宝珠,在对战结束后仍然会恢复为别种形态(即普通形态)的问题
        - Fixed the 'You picked a starter!' advancement firing way after you've picked a starter.
        - 修复了当你获得了初始宝可梦并获得“你获得了一只初始宝可梦!”成就时,成就信息的弹出方式
        - Fixed the mass attack of the Buzzwoles again.
        - 又修复了关于爆肌蚊的一大堆症状
        - Fixed the starter screen resizing if you hover over a custom starter that is disabled.
        - 修复了在初始宝可梦选择界面中,当鼠标移动到一个不可被选择的初始宝可梦时界面大小重新调整的问题
        - Fixed Slowpoke being unable to be sweet scented for at a beach.
        - 修复了在沙滩上使用场外技能甜甜香气无法引诱到呆呆兽的问题
        - Fixed Bad Dreams damaging pokemon who had Magic Guard.
        - 修复了特性梦魇会对拥有特性魔法守护的宝可梦造成伤害的问题
        - Fixed the hitboxes of the following Pokémon:
        - 修复了以下宝可梦的碰撞箱问题:
        - Alolan Raichu, Togetic, Celebi, Volbeat, Illumise, Lunatone, Burmy.
        - 雷丘(阿罗拉形态),波克基古,时拉比,电萤虫,甜甜萤,月石,结草儿
        - Fixed the textures on the following Pokémon:
        - 修复了以下宝可梦的材质:
        - Lucario, Persian.
        - 路卡利欧,猫老大

        IP属地:山东4楼2019-03-20 16:41

          IP属地:山东5楼2019-03-20 16:42