一些NG与五色之间闹剧的事后谈 This is really not what happened. Null and Noku stopped being friend even before the kemo coliseum drama since Null had Noku blocked before the kemocoli team let him go. Noku and Null were in the same circle that made books together and the circle just announced a new book. I think the book is finished without Null in it and it made him felt left out so he blamed Noku for it. From his tweets, he seems to blame Noku for making him lost a position in kemo coliseum too. old book xxx new book xxx 事情的真相并不是这样的。NG和五色早在NG被KC团队请出去之前因为NG拉黑了五色而早已不是朋友。NG和五色在一个同圈子里共同出书,并且这个圈子刚发布了一本新书。我认为这本书在没有NG参与的情况下完成了,让他感觉自己被排斥了所以NG为此责备五色。从这条推上看,NG似乎把自己离开KC一事归咎于五色。 舊書:野味雜煮 旅 新書:野味雜煮 超