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Applicationand introduction of PUR


Applicationand introduction of PUR
Hot melt adhesive is the abbreviationof hot-melt adhesive. It does not use any solvent inproduction and application. It is nontoxic, tasteless and pollute theenvironment. It is known as "green adhesive". It is especially suitablefor use in continuous production line.

1、Hot melt adhesive for fabric
Itis mainly used for clothing, shoes, hats, dustproof, moisture permeation,protection and furniture production. The garments made of this adhesive notonly have the appearance of crisp and full appearance, but also have thecharacteristics of natural leveling after washing, and can be worn withoutironing. The shoe and cap with this glue are light, breathable and good inshape, especially in the shoe making industry, and also have the advantages ofcomfortable clothing and reduced shoe odor. The technical indexes of the hotmelt adhesive for this use are as follows:
Appearance:white or yellowish grainy or powdery.
Meltingpoint: 105-115 C; melt index: 18-22G/10Min (160 C);
Loosedensity: 0.48-0.52G/CM3; rest angle: 30-35 degrees;
Bondingstrength: > 1.5-2.0KG/25MM; wa****ility: > 5 times.
Thiskind of hot melt adhesive can be divided into polyamide (PA), polyester (PES),polyethylene (LOPE and HDPE) and polyester amide (PEA). This kind of adhesivehas been identified by five achievements, completed the national "75"and "85" in Hebei Province, and won the National Invention Award,Tianjin, Hebei science and technology achievement award each. Three patentswere granted by the state.
2. Hot melt adhesive for packing andbookbinding
packagingand bookbinding hot melt adhesive at present, food, drink, instant noodles,cigarettes, beer, medicine and other packing boxes, most of the use of hot meltadhesive through the box machine to complete. The bookbinding industry has nowabolished the old lines and studs, instead to use hot melt adhesive to stick tothe process, not only to improve the quality of the binding, but also to speedup the binding speed. The technical indexes of hot melt adhesive for thispurpose are as follows:
Bookpublication for packaging
Whitegranulated pale yellow appearance
Meltingpoint (centigrade) 70-84 65-78
Viscosity2500-3500 5500-6500
Hardness78-82 65-75
Curingrate 3-5 0-20
3. hot-melt pressure sensitiveadhesive
Itis mainly used for women's sanitary napkins, children's diapers, bed mattress,incontinence articles for the elderly. Especially the latter, along with theaging of our population structure. The demand for incontinence products in theelderly will increase rapidly in the future. The technical indexes of the hotmelt adhesive for this use are as follows:
Shape:white or yellowish lump viscoelastic, solid
Meltingpoint: bonding strength at 80-90 C: 2.0-2.5lG/25MM
Healthrequirements: tasteless, non-toxic, do not stimulate the skin.
4. multi purpose solvent type hotmelt adhesive
Inthe production of many products, such as hot melt transfer, liquid crystalmaterial seal, wallpaper anti-counterfeit, painting and painting, computerprinting, food production date typing, wire and cable code and so on are theproperties of the application of hot melt adhesive, but can not use theexisting granule or powder form, and do not have to be made into liquid form inthe presence of suitable solvent. Coating on a certain substrate and obtaininga thin and uniform film can only be used for the production of post process.Because of the different types of solutes (hot melt adhesives), solvent basedhot melt adhesives can be prepared for many uses.
5. hot melt adhesive for edge offurniture
Chinais a country with a lack of wood. In addition to the use of solid wood for asmall number of high-grade furniture, general furniture is mostly made offiberboard, shavings or sawdust, while the edge parts of the furniture sheetmust be bonded with hot melt glue to increase the aesthetic feeling, like solidwood furniture. The technical indexes of the hot melt adhesive for this use areas follows:
Appearance:white or yellowish grainy or rod like.
Meltingpoint: 70-84 C; viscosity: 45000-75000 (180 degrees C)
Relativehardness: 70-80%; curing speed: 8-12 seconds.

IP属地:江苏1楼2018-11-13 14:11回复

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