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IP属地:重庆1楼2017-12-15 06:27回复

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2017-12-15 06:27

      IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端3楼2017-12-15 06:29
        前面一部分由英语君@Englishworld1 翻译,后面全部由我翻译,
        前半部分由炸老师校对@炸比不死 后半部分由校对@失落之地的太阳
        感谢索尼子和@谐弹的度娘 的提供大量协助
        @嘉儿的笑猫 @龙井sky
        Roll Out!

        IP属地:重庆5楼2017-12-15 06:34
          Why do you manipulate with each player’s RNG and MM? I have worse RNG when I am close to my 3rd mark.
          We really don’t have the power or the ability to secretly manipulate with such core game mechanics. However, we already know that people will continue having such opinions, no matter what we do.

          IP属地:重庆6楼2017-12-15 06:35
            Are there plans to add any new Czechoslovak tanks to the game?
            No, currently there are no plans for new branches in this nation.

            IP属地:重庆7楼2017-12-15 06:35
              So there will be no new branches just yet… What about a Czechoslovak tier 8 premium tank?
              That is something we are actively looking into, our guys already gave us some ideas, but we cannot tell when or which tank will it be, as we haven’t decided anything yet. However, we know that it is the only branch that hasn’t got any tier 8 premium, and we would like to add one.

              IP属地:重庆8楼2017-12-15 06:36
                What about “multi-level” tanks, like the console version has? (not sure what they mean here, as I don’t play the console version of the game)
                There are no plans for that. There have been some ideas, but right now we are not considering to add that.

                IP属地:重庆9楼2017-12-15 06:36
                  Are there plans for more “sci-fi looking” premium tanks, like the Defender?
                  First of all, the Patriot or Liberte are tanks with a sci-fi camo, but the defender skin comes from historical findings. To the point, we definitely want to continue with the customization mechanics. As all of you for sure know, in the Common Test, there is a new customization system, which will be introduced with the new patch. Its biggest problem was that a lot of people wanted to have pink tanks, but also a lot of people wanted only historical skins and colours.
                  首先呢,T26E5爱国者和AMX M449自由的涂装的确是科幻涂装,但是守卫者的涂装的确是在历史里有据可依的。总之,我们还是很想继续我们的涂装车制造大业的。

                  IP属地:重庆10楼2017-12-15 06:36
                    That’s why there will be a Settings option which will allow you to see only historical skins. However, it won’t work for tanks like the Patriot or Liberte just yet, only for the manually customised tanks in the garage. Despite that, there is a possibility that in the future you will be able to disable these skins as well, but we cannot promise anything right now.This is only the beginning, depending on how well these changes will be received by the community, we might continue with 3D customization. This, however, also depends on the time and resources we will have, as we would have to revamp all the physical tank models once again, and that would mean hundreds of hours of work.(OT – Milos’ favourite tank is the Maus, and he immediately tried a pink skin on it. Currently, he doesn’t like historical camos on it because the Kubinka specimen looks exactly like the Maus in-game when it doesn’t have any camouflage on.)
                    (OT - Milos最喜欢的坦克是鼠爷,他马上试了一下粉红色的皮肤,因为他不喜欢它的历史涂装,库宾卡的鼠爷看起来像游戏中的鼠爷默认涂装一样。)

                    IP属地:重庆11楼2017-12-15 06:37
                      Will you do something with the Type 4, Type 5 and their guns?
                      It is extremely difficult to balance tanks like these. Even though a lot of players say that the “new weakspots” aren’t really weakspots, it can be confirmed that they ARE weakspots nonetheless. As always, we have to wait until we gather enough data and how the gameplay has changed since the introduction of their weakspots. A lot of players see those 2 tanks as a problem, but you have to ask yourself how many of them you really see on the battlefield. Statistics show that “normal” heavies are played way more than the Japanese ones, and we understand that it is frustrating to play against them, but you have to understand as well that it is very difficult to balance them if such low amount of players play with them in the first place.

                      IP属地:重庆12楼2017-12-15 06:38
                        We think that the Types are not breaking anything in the game. They are very difficult to play. When a type 5 one-shots something, everyone points out how broken they are. However, they don’t realise how many shells did the type 5 driver unsuccessfully fire before that. Obviously, if a Type 5 goes to banana road in Himmelsdorf, nobody will be able to push that road in the enemy team, so you will have to go somewhere else. But think about what can a Type 5 do in Sandriver, and you will realise how many weakspots they have.
                        我们认为本子重不会破坏平衡。他们是很硬。当一个五重射爆谁时,每个人都说它们是多么IMBA。 但是他们并没有意识到开五重的在此之前空了多少炮。显而易见,如果一个对面五重在推锡城8线时,你们没人能推动对面手上的这条线,所以你得换线。 但是想一想五重在荒漠小镇这张图上能做什么,你就会发现他们有多辣鸡。

                        IP属地:重庆13楼2017-12-15 06:39
                          We know that not all maps allow flanking manoeuvres, but in those situations, you just have to be patient and wait for your opportunity. Same with the new Badger. That tank is very situational and slow, if you see one, don’t stand in front of its gun, go around him. There is always a way how to deal with those tanks, and remember that you cannot win all the battles you play.We know some tanks haven’t been well designed, we openly admit that the Chrysler K wasn’t exactly a success. But overall, we are not removing the tanks’ weakspots, that’s not the way we want to do it.
                          并不是所有的地图都允许侧入,在这种情况下你只能耐心等待机会。 和新加入的超级土鳖一样。那车非常缓慢以及吃环境,如果你看到它,就不要站在它面前,你该绕他。如何对付这些坦克的办法总比困难多,记住你不可能每场都赢。我们知道一些坦克没设计好,我们承认克莱斯勒K并不成功。 但总的来说,我们并没有删掉坦克的弱点,这也不是我们想要的。

                          IP属地:重庆15楼2017-12-15 06:40

                            IP属地:广西来自Android客户端16楼2017-12-15 06:40
                              What can you say about all the machine gun ports that have been removed as weakspots, when the vehicles turn into HD?
                              If you look at it from a historical perspective, it is true that hitting a machine gun port or a driver’s hatch with an HE shell could damage it heavily, but if you shot it an AP round, it wasn’t really weaker than the rest of the armour. Every tank that comes into the game is the result of the work of a lot of tank historians, so there is definitely something truthful about the current HD models.
                              如果从历史的角度看,往机枪口或驾驶员的舱盖打一发HE确实会对它造成严重的伤害,但是如果你往上面射一发ap,那其实跟其他地方一样硬。 每一辆加入游戏的坦克都是很多坦克历史(发明)家工作的成果,所以当前的高清模型肯定是真实的。

                              IP属地:重庆17楼2017-12-15 06:41