最近在论坛了关于牧师的驱魔 改动 ,不知道是不是真的 假如真的话那牧师变得好玩了
At level 2, a cleric will pick a domain which will give them free feats as they level.
**Air Domain**
+1 evocation dc, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18. Lightning spells will use light spell power if its higher, and light spells will use lightning spell power if its higher. Turn undead works on elementals and grants your party a bonus to reflex equal to half your cleric level and electric resistance twice your cleric level for 20 seconds. You gain feather fall, cyclonic blast, and chain lightning as SLAs as you level.
**Animal Domain**
+1 spot, +1 listen, and +1 reflex every 2 cleric levels starting at level 2.
Turn undead works on animals and grants your party a bonus to constitution equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain 20 hit points per cleric level you have and add twice your cleric level to your hit points for each epic level you have.
At level 9, you gain 15% fortification bypass.
At level 14, you gain snow slide as an SLA (and it does not require wolf form)
**Chaos Domain**
+1 will for every 2 cleric levels starting at level 2.
Turn undead grants your party 1d20 points of universal spell power and 1d10 points of melee power, ranged power, physical resistance rating, and magical resistance rating for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain chaos hammer as an SLA.
At level 9, your spell critical chance is increased by 3%.
At level 14, you gain prismatic spray as an SLA.
**Death Domain**
+1 dc to necromancy spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18.
Turn undead does twice the normal amount of damage. Undead that fail their saving throw are destroyed (if the undead is immune to instant death effects, they take the damage instead).
At level 5, you gain death ward as an SLA.
At level 9, you gain necrotic ray as an SLA.
At level 14, you gain destruction as an SLA.
**Destruction Domain**
+1 melee and ranged power, increasing by 1 at level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
You can cast your cleric spells while under the effect of barbarian rage at full effect.
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to melee and ranged power equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, durability damage to your items is reduced by 75%.
At level 9, your weapons deal an extra (W) damage.
At level 14, your weapon strikes add a stack of Improved Destruction.
**Earth Domain**
+2 acid spell power per cleric level.
Your acid spells will use light spell power if it is higher and vice versa.
Turn undead works on elementals and grants your party a bonus to fortitude saving throws equal to half your cleric level, and points of acid resistance equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain melf's acid arrow as an SLA
At level 9, you gain stoneskin as an SLA
At level 14, you gain earthquake as an SLA
**Fire Domain**
+2 fire spell power per cleric level.
Your fire spells will use light spell power if it is higher and vice versa.
Your turn undead works on elementals and grants your party fire resistance equal to twice your character level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain scorching ray as an SLA
At level 9, you gain wall of fire as an SLA
At level 14, you gain firestorm as an SLA
**Good Domain**
+2 light spell power per cleric level. +1 heal for every 2 cleric levels.
Turn undead grants your party temporary hit points equal to five times your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain deific vengeance as an SLA
At level 9, you gain blade barrier as an SLA
At level 14, evil damage is reduced by 20%. You gain +4 on saving throws vs evil creatures.
**Healing Domain**
+2 positive spell power per cleric level
Turn undead grants your party healing amplification equal to your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain cure moderate wounds as an SLA
At level 9, you gain panacea as an SLA
At level 14, your healing spells are quickened as the Quicken feat (does not increase their cost)
**Knowledge Domain**
+2 to all skills
Turn undead grants your party intelligence equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain suggestion as an SLA
At level 9, you gain feeblemind as an SLA
At level 14, you gain half your cleric level as spell penetration. +1 to dc of all spells, increasing by 1 at level 16 and 20.
**Law Domain**
+1 to dc of enchantment spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12 and 18.
Turn undead grants your party wisdom equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain order's wrath as an SLA
At level 9, you gain greater command as an SLA
At level 14, chaos damage is reduced by 20% and you gain +4 to saving throws vs chaotic creatures.
**Luck Domain**
You gain +1 to all saving throws, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18.
At level 5, you gain displacement as an SLA
At level 9, you add 1d8 to the dc of your spells
At level 14, you avoid death once every 5 minutes, healing for 50% of your maximum health instead of dying.
**Magic Domain**
+1 to dc of evocation spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12 and 18.
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to universal spell power equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds
At level 5, you gain chain missiles as an SLA
At level 9, you gain spell points equal to ten times your character level
At level 14, you gain universal spell power equal to twice your cleric level
**Protection Domain**
+1 to armor class, physical resistance, and magical resistance, increasing by 1 at level 5, 10, 15, and 20.
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to physical and magical resistance equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain nightshield as an SLA
At level 9, you gain radiant forcefield as an SLA
At level 14, you gain a bonus to armor class and physical resistance rating equal to your cleric level
**Strength Domain**
+2 strength and you are immune to strength damage
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to strength equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds
At level 5, your reflex saving throws are increased by strength instead of dexterity
At level 9, you become immune to knockdown effects.
At level 14, you always save from stun effects.
**Sun Domain**
+2 to fire and light spell power per cleric level
Turn undead summons a fire strike at your location
At level 5, you gain searing light as an SLA
At level 9, you gain flame strike as an SLA
At level 14, you gain sunburst as an SLA
**Trickery Domain**
+1 to dc of enchantment spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18
Turn undead grants your party charisma equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain invisibility as an SLA
At level 9, you gain mind fog as an SLA
At level 14, you gain charm monster, mass as an SLA
**War Domain**
+1 to damage with melee and ranged weapons, increasing by 1 at level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to melee and ranged power equal half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain proficiency in all martial and exotic weapons.
At level 9, your one handed weapons have a base damage die of 1d10. Your two handed weapons have a base damage die of 2d8. This will not decrease their base damage if its already higher.
At level 14, you gain holy sword as an SLA. Your tactical DCs are increased by half your cleric level.
**Water Domain**
You gain water breathing and +1 to swimming and +2 cold spell power per cleric level.
Your cold spells will use positive spell power if it is higher and vice versa.
Turn undead works on elementals and grants your party a bonus to will saving throws equal to half your cleric level and cold resistance equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain solid fog as an SLA
At level 9, you gain cone of cold as an SLA
At level 14, you gain greater creeping cold as an SLA
At level 2, a cleric will pick a domain which will give them free feats as they level.
**Air Domain**
+1 evocation dc, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18. Lightning spells will use light spell power if its higher, and light spells will use lightning spell power if its higher. Turn undead works on elementals and grants your party a bonus to reflex equal to half your cleric level and electric resistance twice your cleric level for 20 seconds. You gain feather fall, cyclonic blast, and chain lightning as SLAs as you level.
**Animal Domain**
+1 spot, +1 listen, and +1 reflex every 2 cleric levels starting at level 2.
Turn undead works on animals and grants your party a bonus to constitution equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain 20 hit points per cleric level you have and add twice your cleric level to your hit points for each epic level you have.
At level 9, you gain 15% fortification bypass.
At level 14, you gain snow slide as an SLA (and it does not require wolf form)
**Chaos Domain**
+1 will for every 2 cleric levels starting at level 2.
Turn undead grants your party 1d20 points of universal spell power and 1d10 points of melee power, ranged power, physical resistance rating, and magical resistance rating for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain chaos hammer as an SLA.
At level 9, your spell critical chance is increased by 3%.
At level 14, you gain prismatic spray as an SLA.
**Death Domain**
+1 dc to necromancy spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18.
Turn undead does twice the normal amount of damage. Undead that fail their saving throw are destroyed (if the undead is immune to instant death effects, they take the damage instead).
At level 5, you gain death ward as an SLA.
At level 9, you gain necrotic ray as an SLA.
At level 14, you gain destruction as an SLA.
**Destruction Domain**
+1 melee and ranged power, increasing by 1 at level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
You can cast your cleric spells while under the effect of barbarian rage at full effect.
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to melee and ranged power equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, durability damage to your items is reduced by 75%.
At level 9, your weapons deal an extra (W) damage.
At level 14, your weapon strikes add a stack of Improved Destruction.
**Earth Domain**
+2 acid spell power per cleric level.
Your acid spells will use light spell power if it is higher and vice versa.
Turn undead works on elementals and grants your party a bonus to fortitude saving throws equal to half your cleric level, and points of acid resistance equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain melf's acid arrow as an SLA
At level 9, you gain stoneskin as an SLA
At level 14, you gain earthquake as an SLA
**Fire Domain**
+2 fire spell power per cleric level.
Your fire spells will use light spell power if it is higher and vice versa.
Your turn undead works on elementals and grants your party fire resistance equal to twice your character level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain scorching ray as an SLA
At level 9, you gain wall of fire as an SLA
At level 14, you gain firestorm as an SLA
**Good Domain**
+2 light spell power per cleric level. +1 heal for every 2 cleric levels.
Turn undead grants your party temporary hit points equal to five times your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain deific vengeance as an SLA
At level 9, you gain blade barrier as an SLA
At level 14, evil damage is reduced by 20%. You gain +4 on saving throws vs evil creatures.
**Healing Domain**
+2 positive spell power per cleric level
Turn undead grants your party healing amplification equal to your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain cure moderate wounds as an SLA
At level 9, you gain panacea as an SLA
At level 14, your healing spells are quickened as the Quicken feat (does not increase their cost)
**Knowledge Domain**
+2 to all skills
Turn undead grants your party intelligence equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain suggestion as an SLA
At level 9, you gain feeblemind as an SLA
At level 14, you gain half your cleric level as spell penetration. +1 to dc of all spells, increasing by 1 at level 16 and 20.
**Law Domain**
+1 to dc of enchantment spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12 and 18.
Turn undead grants your party wisdom equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain order's wrath as an SLA
At level 9, you gain greater command as an SLA
At level 14, chaos damage is reduced by 20% and you gain +4 to saving throws vs chaotic creatures.
**Luck Domain**
You gain +1 to all saving throws, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18.
At level 5, you gain displacement as an SLA
At level 9, you add 1d8 to the dc of your spells
At level 14, you avoid death once every 5 minutes, healing for 50% of your maximum health instead of dying.
**Magic Domain**
+1 to dc of evocation spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12 and 18.
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to universal spell power equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds
At level 5, you gain chain missiles as an SLA
At level 9, you gain spell points equal to ten times your character level
At level 14, you gain universal spell power equal to twice your cleric level
**Protection Domain**
+1 to armor class, physical resistance, and magical resistance, increasing by 1 at level 5, 10, 15, and 20.
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to physical and magical resistance equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain nightshield as an SLA
At level 9, you gain radiant forcefield as an SLA
At level 14, you gain a bonus to armor class and physical resistance rating equal to your cleric level
**Strength Domain**
+2 strength and you are immune to strength damage
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to strength equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds
At level 5, your reflex saving throws are increased by strength instead of dexterity
At level 9, you become immune to knockdown effects.
At level 14, you always save from stun effects.
**Sun Domain**
+2 to fire and light spell power per cleric level
Turn undead summons a fire strike at your location
At level 5, you gain searing light as an SLA
At level 9, you gain flame strike as an SLA
At level 14, you gain sunburst as an SLA
**Trickery Domain**
+1 to dc of enchantment spells, increasing by 1 at level 6, 12, and 18
Turn undead grants your party charisma equal to half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain invisibility as an SLA
At level 9, you gain mind fog as an SLA
At level 14, you gain charm monster, mass as an SLA
**War Domain**
+1 to damage with melee and ranged weapons, increasing by 1 at level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
Turn undead grants your party a divine bonus to melee and ranged power equal half your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain proficiency in all martial and exotic weapons.
At level 9, your one handed weapons have a base damage die of 1d10. Your two handed weapons have a base damage die of 2d8. This will not decrease their base damage if its already higher.
At level 14, you gain holy sword as an SLA. Your tactical DCs are increased by half your cleric level.
**Water Domain**
You gain water breathing and +1 to swimming and +2 cold spell power per cleric level.
Your cold spells will use positive spell power if it is higher and vice versa.
Turn undead works on elementals and grants your party a bonus to will saving throws equal to half your cleric level and cold resistance equal to twice your cleric level for 20 seconds.
At level 5, you gain solid fog as an SLA
At level 9, you gain cone of cold as an SLA
At level 14, you gain greater creeping cold as an SLA