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As many of you may know, this year marks the Clannad anime's tenth anniversary and because of the Anime Japan 2017 rumors, it raised the question of whether there will be a new project or not. Despite the lack of evidence to support these rumors, I believe there is still some room for speculation.
Just a few months before, the Clannad spin-off sequel Tomoyo After was recently released on Steam, which was why I thought they would a***te that if anything. Some have said that it doesn't make sense to correlate a Western release of a game with an anime adaptation, but I feel Planetarian's case could argue that. Planetarian had its initial release in 2004, then a Steam release in 2014, then got an anime in 2016. Even though it's an old game, it recently got an anime. Tomoyo After has similar dates with its initial release in 2005 and a Steam release in 2016. Then right after the rumors came out, Kud Wafter was officially announced to get an anime adaptation. The fact that it's also a spin-off supports the chances of a Tomoyo After anime happening.
It seems ideal to announce it when celebrating the Clannad anime's tenth anniversary, but there's no guarantee it'll happen in Anime Japan 2017. There have been concerns of whether it would be announced as a Clannad related project or not, because Tomoyo After is its own brand. But I think it would be a smart decision to announce it as such, because it could draw much more attention, especially to the anime fans who are not as familiar with the visual novels. Other than Harmonia, which is still relatively new, Key pretty much has anime adaptations of all their other projects, so I believe a Tomoyo After anime is very possible in the future.

IP属地:北京1楼2017-05-26 10:42回复
    仔细来看的话这分析确实很到位 能不能实现就是时间问题了

    IP属地:北京2楼2017-05-26 10:43
      我认为,key社很有可能在clannad十周年传出大新闻,但一切还都未成定数。有很多人关心智代after是否将与clannad联动(继续由京阿尼负责制作),因为智代的故事跟clannad as是分开的。在我看来,联动无疑是最好的决定,因为这样会吸引到更多的粉丝,尤其是对于那些对原作游戏不熟悉的cl动画粉。最后,除了harmonia以外,几乎所有key社作品已经成功动画化,所以我坚信智代也将不久之后重返荧幕。

      IP属地:北京4楼2017-05-26 21:59

        IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端26楼2018-03-08 14:59
          期待下今年的四月一日如果动画化我直播唱life is like a melody

          IP属地:北京34楼2019-02-10 16:47
            据资深人士说 大有概率就是在kud wafter上映时公布ta的动画化·····

            IP属地:北京38楼2019-05-20 16:52