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【大工程】set2所有新卡大汇总 (包含图片)



Gravitational Pull Guardian Flower Trick 1 A Plant gets +2❤️. Add a random Galaxy Plant to your hand.
地心引力 守卫 花朵锦囊 1费 一株植物+2血,随机添加一张行星 植物进手牌

Plantern Guardian Tree Plant 3 3/3 When played: Destroy a Zombie Environment here.
灯笼 守卫 树类 3费 3/3 打出时 摧毁本线僵尸环境

1楼2017-04-08 13:56回复

    Spike Weed Guardian Environment 3 Do 2 damage to Zombies here before combat.
    地刺 守卫 环境 3费 战斗开始前对本线僵尸造成2点伤害

    Cosmic Nut Guardian Nut Plant 4 3/4 When played: Add random Nut Plant to your hand.
    宇宙坚果 守卫 坚果 4费,3/4

    Starch Lord Guardian Root Plant 4 2/5 When played: All other Root Plants get +1💚/+1❤️. Start of Turn: Add a random Root card to you hand.
    淀粉之主/公爵,守卫 根类 4费 2/5, 打出时所有根系+1/1,回合开始前随机添加一张根系牌进手牌

    Invincible Castle Guardian Environment 4 Plants here can't be hurt.
    无敌城堡 守卫环境卡 4费
    Galactacactus Guardian Cactus Flower Plant 1 2/2 Bullseye When destroyed: Do 1 damage to all Plants, Zombies, and Heroes.
    星际仙人掌 守卫仙人掌 花朵, 1费 2/2, 必中, 被毁灭时对全屏所有生物包括双方英雄造成1点必中伤害

    3楼2017-04-08 14:05

      Gravitree Guardian Tree Plant 6 6/7 Armored 1 When a Zombie is played, move it here.
      重力木 守卫 树类 6费 6/7 (这个数据一直有改动),1护甲,僵尸打出时移到此线

      Body Gourd Guardian Squash Plant 5 3/6 Team-UpAmphibious When played: Fill your Block Meter
      保镖葫芦: 守卫, 窝瓜, 5费 3/6 , 组队,两栖 打出时将格挡填满

      Pecanolith Guardian Nut Plant 6 -/7 When this attacks, it uses its Health instead of its Attack.When all other Plants attack, it uses its Health instead of its Attack.
      山核桃:守卫坚果,6费 0/7, 所有植物将用目前生命值等量的数值攻击,包括它自己

      Corn Dog Guardian Corn Animal Plant 2 3/2 Amphibious When a Zombie is played, this Plant moves there.
      玉米犬 守卫 玉米动物 2费 3/2 (好像改回3/2了) 两栖, 追踪新打出的僵尸

      Garlic Guardian Onion Plant 1 1/5 Team-Up When a Zombie hurts this, move that Zombie to the left. If it's a Vimpire, destroy it
      大蒜: 洋葱类: 1费 1/5,组队, 僵尸伤害它时往左边移,如果伤害它的是吸血鬼,吸血鬼被秒杀

      Health-Nut Guadian Nut Plant 3 -/4 When this attacks, it uses its Health instead of its Attack.
      健康坚果: 3费 3/4, 用当前生命值等量攻击

      4楼2017-04-08 14:17

        Lava Kabloom Environment 1 Do 1 damage to all Plants and Zombie here before combat.
        岩浆: 环境 1费, 本地僵尸和植物在战斗前受到一点伤害

        flying Banana Bomb Kabloom Banana Trick 1 Do 2 damage to a Zombie.
        1费 对一个僵尸造成2点伤害

        Invasive Species Kabloom Leafy Plant 3 2/4 This has +3💚 on Environments.
        3费 2/4, 在环境上+3攻击

        Mushroom Grotto Kabloom Environment 2 When a plant is made here, make a 1💚/1❤️ Puff-shroom with Team-Up in another lane.
        蘑菇洞穴 环境 2 费,

        Cosmic Mushroom Kabloom Mushroom Plant 3 2/2 When played: Add a random Mushroom card to your hand.
        宇宙蘑菇: 蘑菇类 3费 2/2

        Lava Guava Kabloom Fruit Trick 5 Do 2 damage here and next door.Make Lava here and next door.
        岩浆石榴: 水果锦囊 5费

        Astroshroom Kabloom Mushroom Plant 1 1/1 Bullseye When a Plant is played, do 1 damage to the Zombie Hero.
        原子菇,蘑菇 1费1/1

        Banana Launcher Kabloom Banana Plant 2 -/3 Start of Turn: Add a Flying Banana Bomb in your hand.
        香蕉发射器: 香蕉 2费 0/3
        回合开始前加一个 香蕉飞弹进手牌

        Pear Pairadise Kabloom Fruit Environment 3 When a Plant is played here, create a copy of it with Team-Up here.
        梨子天堂, 水果环境 3费

        Molekale Kabloom Leafy Plant 4 3/2 When played: Transform all Plants into a random one that costs 1 more.
        摩尔甘蓝: 叶子类, 4费,3/2

        6楼2017-04-08 14:41

          Reincarnation Kabloom Flower Plant 1 2/2 Each turn this is in your hand, this transforms into a random Plant.
          转生花: 花朵, 1费 2/2, 每回合在手牌里都会随机变成一张其他的牌

          high-Voltage Currant Kabloom Berry Plant 1 1/1 This gets +1💚 when another Berry does damage.When played: Add a random Berry to your hand.
          高压酸莓: 莓子类,1费1/1,当其他莓子造成伤害时,+1攻击

          音爆花 花朵 4费 3/1
          打出时,对所有僵尸造成 场上植物数量x1 的伤害

          7楼2017-04-08 14:47

            Carbeanite Smarty Bean Plant 3 3/3 When played: Freeze all Zombies in Gravestones.
            碳化豆 豆类 3费 3/3

            Cosmic Bean Smarty Bean Plant 2 1/1 Team-Up When played: Add a random Bean Plant to your hand.
            宇宙豆 豆类 2费 1/1, 组队

            Laser Cattail Smarty Animal Plant 2 2/1 Amphibious Team-Up When played: Give other Plants in your lane +1💚/+1❤️.
            激光香蒲: 动物类 2费 2/1,两栖,组队

            Leaf Blower Smarty Leafy Plant 4 3/4 Amphibious When played on an Environment, bounce a Zombie.
            叶风机, 叶类 4费3/4 两栖

            Mars Flytrap Smarty Flytrap Plant 1 2/2 When this hurts the Zombie Hero, empty their Block Meter for 1 and fill your Charge Meter for 1.
            火星捕蝇草 捕蝇草类 1费 2/2 超稀有

            Melonpult Smarty Fruit Plant 5 3/4 Spash Damage 3
            西瓜投手:水果类 5费 3/4

            Sap Smarty Environment 2 Zombies here get -3💚.
            树脂:环境 2费 本线僵尸-3 攻击

            Tactical Position Smarty Berry Environment 2 When Plants here damage the Zombie Hero, draw a card.
            莓类环境 2费 对僵尸英雄造成伤害时,摸一张卡

            Bouncy Toy Smarty Environment 3 Plants with Amphibious here have +2💚.Zombies without Amphibious here have -2❤️.
            跳跳玩具: 环境 3费

            Deep Space Dragonfruit Smarty Dragon Fruit Plant 8 5/5 Splash Damage 5 Zombie Tricks cost 5 more.
            深海火龙果 龙,水果类 8费,5/5, 溅射伤害5

            9楼2017-04-08 15:18

              Sapfling Smarty Pinecone Tree Plant 4 5/3 When played: Make Sap on another Ground lane.
              树脂投手: 松果,树类 4费,5/3

              Shooting Starfruit Smarty Fruit Plant 5 2/2 This attacks all lanes.
              九回合这个+额外攻击=2x5x2=20点伤害 秒杀???

              10楼2017-04-08 15:23

                11楼2017-04-08 15:24
                  楼主在同学的drinking party 默默地喝着果汁回家更新

                  来自iPhone客户端37楼2017-04-09 07:34

                    Apple Saucer Solar Fruit Plant 2 3/2 When played: This gets Strikethrough if you made at least 6☀️ this turn

                    Astrocado Pit Solar Seed Plant 1 -/1 Start of Turn: Transforms into an Astrocado.
                    牛油核子 种子类,1费,0/1,回合开始时变成牛油果

                    Astrocado Solar Fruit Plant 5 5/3 Strikethrough When destroyed: Put an Astrocado Pit in your hand.
                    牛油果: 水果类,5费,5/3,穿透,被毁灭时添加一个种子进手牌。

                    Astrovera Solar Cactus Plant 8 5/5 When played: Add 10 Health to your Plant Hero and Heal them for 10.
                    芦荟: 仙人掌类, 8费,5/5, 植物英雄+10血上限,治疗10

                    Cosmic Flower Solar Flower Plant 3 2/1 Strikethrough When played: Add a random Flower Plant to your hand.
                    宇宙花: 花朵,3费 2/1,穿透

                    Cosmoss Solar Moss Plant 1 2/2 This has +1💚/+1❤️ for each Environment in play.
                    宇宙苔藓:苔藓类 1费2/2

                    Flytrapland Solar Flytrap Environment 4 When Plants here do damage, restore that much health to your Hero.
                    捕蝇草坪: 捕蝇草类,4费,

                    Sun-Shroom Solar Mushroom Plant 3 -/1 Team-Up Start of Turn: You get +1☀️ this turn and this transform into a Sunnier-Shroom.
                    阳光菇: 蘑菇 3费 0/1,组队,回合开始时,+1阳光,变成晴朗菇

                    Sunnier-Shroom Solar Mushroom Plant 3 -/3 Team-Up Start of Turn: You get +2☀️ this turn.
                    晴朗菇: 蘑菇,3费,0/3,组队,回合开始时+2阳光


                    39楼2017-04-09 09:54

                      Tactical Cuke Solar Fruit Trick 6 Destroy all Plants and Zombies on the Ground lanes.
                      战术黄瓜: 水果锦囊,摧毁所有地上的植物和僵尸

                      Wing Nut Solar Pea Nut Plant 4 3/7 Zombies can't do Bonus Attacks.
                      羽翼坚果,坚果,豌豆 4费 3/7

                      Zen Garden Solar Environment 2 End of Turn: If there are no Zombies here, make a -💚/1❤️ Sunflower with Team Up here.
                      禅花园 回合结束时,如果本线没僵尸,生成一株向日葵

                      Heartichoke Solar Flower Leafy Plant 4 3/4 When a Plant is healed, damage the Zombie Hero equal to the amount Healed.
                      心洋蓟 叶子,花朵,4费 3/4

                      40楼2017-04-09 11:45

                        Banana Peel Mega-Grow Banana Trick 1 Move a Zombie.Add a random Banana card to your hand.
                        香蕉皮,香蕉锦囊 1费

                        Banana Split Mega-Grow Banana Plant 4 4/4 When Destroyed: Make 2💚/2❤️ Half-Bananas next door.
                        香蕉圣代 香蕉 4费 4/4

                        Captain Cucumber Mega-Grow Fruit Plant 3 1/4 When a card is drawn, reduce its cost by 1.When this does damage, add a random Legendary card to your hand.
                        黄瓜队长,水果 3费 1/4

                        Clique Peas Mega-Grow Pea Plant 1 1/1 When played: Shuffle three Clique Peas into your deck. All Clique Peas gain +1💚/+1❤️.
                        豆子团:豌豆, 1费 1/1,打出时添加三张豌豆团进牌组,所有豆子团+1/1

                        offee Grounds Mega-Grow Bean Environment 2 Plants here do a Bonus Attack after combat.
                        咖啡地 豆类环境 2费

                        Half-Banana Mega-Grow Banana Plant 1 2/2
                        香蕉瓣(半),1费 2/2

                        Onion Rings Mega-Grow Onion Plant 5 4/4 When played: Set the 💚 and ❤️ of all Plants in your hand to 4.
                        洋葱圈:洋葱类,5费 4/4, 打出时手牌里所有植物变成4/4,保留特效

                        Pea Pod Planet Mega-Grow Root Environment 5 Plants in this lane have +5💚/+5❤️.
                        豆荚星球: 根系环境 5费, 本地植物+5/5

                        Pod Fighter Mega-Grow Pea Plant 5 3/3 When a Plant is played here or next door, this does a Bonus Attack.

                        Sprouting Expansion Mega-Grow Trick 2 All Plants on Height and Environments gain +2💚/+2❤️.
                        扩张: 锦囊 2费

                        41楼2017-04-09 11:59

                          Sweet Pea Mega-Grow Pea Plant 2 2/3 When played: Move a Zombie here.
                          甜蜜豌豆 豌豆 2费 2/3

                          Cosmic Pea Mega-Grow Pea Plant 3 1/1 When played: Add a random Pea Plant to your hand.This does a Bonus Attack after combat.
                          宇宙豌豆: 豌豆 3费 1/1
                          打出时随机添加一张 豌豆进手牌,战斗后额外攻击一次。

                          Moonbean Mega-Grow Bean Plant 3 2/4 When this does damage: Add two Magic Beanstalks to your deck.
                          月亮豆 豆类 3费 2/4,造成伤害时添加两张 魔法豆茎进卡组

                          42楼2017-04-09 12:14

                            Brain in a Jar Brainy Gourmet Trick ? Received from Zombology Teacher
                            罐头脑子: 美食,锦囊
                            来自僵尸学老师 (能力未写清楚,但是貌似是用了以后锦囊阶段+2~3脑子)

                            Brain Silo Brainy Environment 2 When a Zombie is played here, gain +3 Brains.
                            脑子仓库 环境 2费

                            Cosmic Scientist Brainy Science Zombie 2 1/3 Bullseye When played: Add a random Science card to your hand.
                            宇宙科学家 科学 2费 1/3 必中

                            Cryo Brain Brainy Gourmet Trick 2 Gain +1 Brain for the rest of the game.
                            冷藏脑子: 美食锦囊 2费
                            永久+1脑子 (类似耀斑大招,不过你可以带4个,跳费)

                            Neutron Imp Brainy Imp Science Zombie 4 4/4 When played on an Environment: This does bonus attack.
                            中子小鬼 小鬼,科学 4费 4/4

                            Raptor Grounds Brainy Environment 3 When a Zombie enters this lane, it does a Bonus Attack.
                            猛禽地: 环境 3费

                            Replicator Zombie Brainy Science Zombie 1 1/3 When a Zombie is played next door, this one transforms into a random Zombie that costs 2 or 3.
                            复制僵尸 (注意数据和图中大大不同)
                            科学 1费 1/3
                            僵尸在隔壁打出时会变身随机2费或者3费以上 (要你配合便宜的僵尸比如手机就是完美搭配,还可以摸卡)

                            Space Explorer Brainy Science Zombie 3 2/2 When played on Heights or Environments: Gain +2💚/+2❤️.
                            太空探索员: 科学 3费 2/2,
                            在环境或者高低打出时 +2/2

                            Teleportation Zombie Brainy Science Zombie 2 2/3 Zombies can be played during the Trick phase.
                            传送僵尸: 2费2/3,僵尸可以在锦囊阶段打出 (what the freak??!!!这玩个屁,传送还不够恶心??!!)

                            Transformation Lab Brainy Science Environment 2 Start of Turn: A Zombie here transforms into a random one that costs 1 more.
                            变形实验室: 科学 环境

                            43楼2017-04-09 12:41

                              Triplication Brainy Imp Gargantuar Trick 4 Add a random Imp, Gargantuar, and Zombie to your hand.
                              三三三: 小鬼巨人锦囊 4费
                              随机添加一张 小鬼,巨人,僵尸进手牌

                              Wormhole Gatekeeper Brainy Science Zombie 3 2/5 Start of Turn: A random Hero draws a card
                              虫洞守门员: 科学僵尸 3费 2/5
                              回合开始前,随机英雄摸卡 (???随机??!有时候植物摸僵尸不摸??!超稀有??!!怎么改的这么烂)

                              Zombology Teacher Brainy Science Zombie 2 2/2 When played: Add a Brain in a Jar to your hand.
                              僵尸学 老师 科学 2费2/2

                              44楼2017-04-09 12:46