A new festive holiday themed update just went live, including awinter themed art overhaul, a new boss, holiday merchants and more!
Patch notes
Seasonal event
Winter themed sprites
A new early game boss
Mobs now have a chance to drop presents, containing a bunch ofnew seasonal items
New weather type - snow
Santa NPC
Travelling merchants now have a chance to arrive, selling avariety of new items
Informational items
Improved discovery system
Health pickup items
NPC shops
Pots can be found littered through-out the world, containg coinsand items
Weather systems
Bug fixes
Arced projectiles, such as bombs, now properly cause damage onimpact
Projectiles and particles lifetime base on real time, no longerlocked to fps
Fixed a crash caused by hitting "1" while not in aninventory screen
Fixed projectiles not correctly displaying particle effects