继续 我复制的原帖关键词 国外(后来看网址下边应该是美帝)一个哥们问 How do i get Sony Litium Ion and Lithium Metal Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)? 还有好几个哥们儿也问类似的 could you help to send me the PDF of MSDS for the model of PS-Vita 1000 series Console with Wi-Fi + 3G (Model : PCH-1106 ZA01) ?? my email is xxxzzz@gmail.com(为了保护人家隐私我改了邮箱地址)or could you let me have the email contact with the support executives as my location is in Hong Kong? Many thanks!
那么重点来了 然后果然有美帝大触回复了我们最想要的消息 我还是复制原帖的内容吧 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Sony batteries are available from Corporate Product Safety. Our Telephone support executives can request one for you. The document can be printed and mailed or faxed. Alternatively, the data sheets are in a PDF file format and can be emailed to you. You can call them at:1-239-768-7547. Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm ET Saturday and Sunday from 10:00am – 8:00pm ET If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accepted Solution". 顺便说下 这是在索尼美国官方社区想到的