A tale of two Chinas: Porsche owner abandons his luxury car in Beijing floods while the driver of a budget three-wheel delivery van refuses to leave his vehicle 两个中国的故事:洪水中保时捷车主弃豪华车,而三轮车司机拒绝离开自己的。
A man holding an umbrella trapped next to his vehicle on a flooded street in Beijing, China on Wednesday, July 20 北京一条街上,一名男子打着伞被困在自己三轮车边上。 A man attempts to pull his tricycle out of thigh-deep flood waters in China’s capital, Beijing, while workers try to keep out of the water in the background 深水中,男子用力拉着三轮车 英国每日邮报读者的评论: doowdivad, Dublin, 13 hours ago I would have thought that the poor chap’s umbrella was somewhat superfluous… 我觉得那个可怜家伙的伞有些多余的 Mustafa Leak, Sin City, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago the difference is that the man with the van has just had his lively hood destroyed, the porsche owner will just go and buy another one. 不同的是,三轮车司机的心情被毁了,而保时捷车主会去买另一辆 null, 14 hours ago The poor guy should go take the Porsche and live like a prince once flood is over. 一旦洪水结束,那个可怜的家伙应该去开走保时捷,然后过着王子般的生活 papercut2008uk, birmingham, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago that’s because the little van is the mans whole life and livelihood, the Porsche is just someones play thing and they are rich enough to replace or fix it. 三轮车是那名男子的一切,是他的生计,而保时捷只是车主的玩物,车主很有钱,完全可以换一辆,或者拿去修 Paulm69, Orgrimmar, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago How is this a tale of 2 China’s lol, this could easily happen here, or New York. And I don’t mean the rain. I see a man who seems reluctant to abandon what might be his livelihood where someone who has abandoned the trappings of wealth that when push comes to shove, won’t keep you alive. 两个CHINA的故事,哈哈 在英国,或者在纽约,也容易看到啊 我说的不是大雨 我看到有人不愿意放弃自己谋生计的工具 Lychee4U, Sepang, Malaysia, 15 hours ago welcome to monsoon season… 欢迎来到季风季节 CardiffGirl, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago Man with porsche can afford to leave it and just buy a new one. Man with van needs it to make a living. Not surprising. 保时捷车主有钱,可以再买一辆 而三轮车司机是需要那辆车来谋生计的 不意外 nancy32, none, United States, 16 hours ago the first 2 pics are actually heart breaking, people so rich that they abandon a car worth that much money with the doors open in floods and then the poor man standing with water up to his chest refusing to leave behind that strange looking tiny (probably worthless too) car – its a shocking thing 两张照片看了让人心碎 洪水中,富人放弃豪车,车门还是打开的。 而穷人站在水里,不愿意离开。 cynicaltaxpayer, perth, Australia, 16 hours ago China’s miracle economy, who cares? CHINA奇迹般的经济,谁会在意? AntiHero, Loondon, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago what a way to report a flood…tale of two china’s…floods happen everywhere and affects all rich, poor, those on benefits, those who live the towie life!! 两个CHINA的故事,到处都会发洪水,富人和穷人都会受影响 ric01, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago Tale of two Chinas? You’d get a similar thing in the City of London or Wall Street. DM, stop pretending this only happens in other countries – gross inequality is rampant in 21st century Britain too. 两个CHINA的故事? 在伦敦,在华尔街,你可以看到同样的故事 每日邮报,别装得好像只发生在其他国家一样 在21世纪的英国,不平等也是常见的