_夜莺与玫瑰 >NIGHT AND THE ROSE< _ “我的玫瑰是白色的,”那玫瑰树回答她,“白如海涛的泡沫,白如山巅上的积雪,” “我的玫瑰是黄色的,”他回答她“黄如琥珀上美人鱼的头发,黄如盛开在草地上未被隔断的水仙,” 他回答她说:“我的玫瑰是红色的,红如白鸽的脚趾,红如海底岩下蠕动的珊瑚。只是严冬已冰冻我的血脉,寒霜已啮伤我的萌芽,暴风已打断我的枝干,今年我不能再次盛开了”
_ THE NIGHT AND THE ROSE _ > as white as the foam of the sea.and whiter than the snow upon the mountain. < > as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden who sits upon an amber throne .and yellower than the daffodil that blooms in the meadow before the mower comes with his scythe. < > as red as the feet of the dove.and redder than the great fans of coral that wave and wave in the ocean-cavern .But the winter.has chilled my veins.and the frost has nipped my buds. and the strom has broken my branches.and I shall have no roses at all this year. <
_ THE STAR-CHILD _ 他又嫩又白,活像用象牙雕成似的。那鬈发儿,犹如水仙花环一样,嘴唇像红色的花瓣,眼睛像溪边的紫罗兰,身体像草原上未经割除的百合一样圣洁。 _ > he was white and delicate asa sawn ivory,an his curls were like the petals of a red flowers,and his eyes were like violets by a river of pure water,and his body like the narcissus of a field where the mower comes not. < _ 每到夏天风静的时候,他便躺在教士果园里的水井旁边,向井中看着自己的俏儿脸,顾影自怜,不时发出得意洋洋地大笑。 _ 他的脸竟像癞蛤蟆的脸一样丑陋了,身子也像毒蛇一样长出了鳞片。 _ > his face was as the face of a toad,and his body was sealed like a adder. <