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IP属地:日本1楼2016-03-04 23:57回复

    IP属地:日本2楼2016-03-05 00:06
      19.Accurate orPolite?
      "How far is it to the next town?" The American asked a man standing by the edge of the road. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to reach his destination, he will politely say, "Just down the road." He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler, and therefore the wanted answer. So the American drives through the night, getting more and more angry, feeling "tricked". He thinks the man deliberately lied to him,for obviously he must have known the distance quite well.

      IP属地:日本3楼2016-03-05 00:07
        If conditions had been reversed, the American would have felt he was"cheating" the driver if he had said the next town was close when he knew it was really 50 miles further on. Although he, too, would be sympatheticto the weary driver, he would say, "You have a good way to go yet; it isat least 50 miles." The driver might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect.
        Whether to be accurate or polite leads to many misunderstandings between people of different cultures. If you are aware of the situation in advance, it is sometimes easier to recognizethe problem.

        IP属地:日本4楼2016-03-05 00:12
          20. Sweet and Low Alfred Tennyson
          Sweetand low , sweet and low,
          Wind of the western sea,
          Low, low, breathe and blow,
          Wind of the western sea!
          Over the rolling waters go,
          Come from the dying noon, and blow,
          Blow him again to me;
          While my little one, while my pretty one,sleeps.
          Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,
          Father will come to thee soon;
          Rest, rest on mother's breast,
          Father will come to thee soon;
          Father will come to his babe in the nest,
          Silver sails all out of the west
          Under the silver moon;
          Sleep, my little one, sleep, my pretty one,sleep.

          IP属地:日本5楼2016-03-08 11:58
            21 The Media
            How do you learn about topical events? Where can you find out about things which are happening every day all over the world? You can read newspapers, listen tothe radio or watch television. These three methods of communication bring daily news to millions of people everywhere. They are known as the mass media.

            IP属地:日本6楼2016-03-10 22:17
              The main job of a newspaper is to inform us about what is going on in the world.Newspapers are probably the least entertaining of the media, but they are the most informative. The news is gathered by reporters. The editor of a newspaper decides which items of news to publish and which page they will appear on. It is his job to make sure that the piece is not too long, that the story Isinteresting and that people will be able to understand it when they read it.

              IP属地:日本7楼2016-03-15 20:42
                TV and radio stations also have reporters. They interview people and their interviews are filmed. The news editor decides which pieces of film to use in the television news every evening. Radio interviews are tape-recorded. An important source of world news for the broadcasting media is news agencies. There are several worldwide news agencies which employ correspondents in different places all over the world to make reports. These reports are gathered at the agencies’ headquarters and then sent overseas by teleprinters.

                IP属地:日本8楼2016-03-15 21:12
                  One of the most important jobs of the news editors at the radio and TV stations is re-writing these reports, for they are originally written for people to read in newspapers and magazines. Written language is often much more formal than spoken language,therefore they have to be re-written so that they sound natural when the news reader reads them over the air.

                  IP属地:日本9楼2016-03-15 21:14
                    What is the Best Time to Exercise for Energy?
                    Energy levels ebb and flow through out the day, influenced by everything from your mood to your body’s circadian rhythms-daily fluctuations in things like heart rate, temperature,and blood pressure. Here are the pros and cons of exercising at various times of day.

                    IP属地:日本10楼2016-04-12 20:05
                      Morning: The main hurdlein the morning is dragging yourself out of bed. Once you’ve done that, however,there’s little else to distract you from the business at hand. That may be why people who work out in the a.m. are more likely to stick with it over time,which means they’re well on their way to reaping the long term energy boost that being fit brings.

                      IP属地:日本12楼2016-04-12 20:06
                        Lunchtime: Most people feel an energy dip between two and three in the afternoon. It’s not related toeating; it’s just part of the body’s natural cycle. Exercising in the middle ofthe day can smooth out the dip, because it increases the flow of epinephrine and norepinephrine-hormones that perk you up for a few hours after a session.But don’t skip lunch to work out. A light meal an hour before you exercise will give you the energy to get moving.

                        IP属地:日本13楼2016-04-12 20:07
                          Evening: In the late afternoon and early evening, people breathe easier because the lungs’ air ways are more open, muscle strength peaks since body temperature is higher. But, don’t work out too close to bed time for the resulting burst of vigor may make it difficult to fall asleep.

                          IP属地:日本14楼2016-04-12 20:09
                            Advertising reaches people through varied forms of mass communication. These media include newspapers, magazines, television, radio and outdoor signs. Advertisers buy space in newspaper and magazine to publish their ads. They buy time on television and radio to broadcast their commercials.

                            IP属地:日本15楼2016-04-12 20:16
                              One of the several advantages is that most adults reada daily newspaper, and many of them specifically check the ads for informationabout products, services , or special sales.
                              A mainadvantage of television to advertisers is that it brings sight, sound andaction directly to consumers in their home. And one advantage of advertising onradio is that people can listen to programmes while doing other things, such asdriving a car or working at home.

                              IP属地:日本16楼2016-04-12 20:18