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[国外资料汇总] Minoxidil Not Working? Buy Nanoxidil!


Minoxidil Not Working? Buy Nanoxidil!
2012年9月14日,作者:Minoxidil RR
September 14th, 2012 | Author: Minoxidil RR

1楼2016-01-27 21:30回复
    For those who stay in tune with the most recent hair loss news, it’s not big secret that a new product entitled Nanoxidil has been hyped up recently. Last year, several news articles spoke of Divine Skin Inc. and their creation of a new molecule which was said to be a close relative to Minoxidil. Nanoxidil was said to be stronger and more beneficial to hair than Minoxidil without causing as many of the negative side effects Minoxidil is known to cause. Many have anxiously awaited the arrival of this drug, and to my surprise, it is finally out on the market.

    2楼2016-01-27 21:30
      对那些与最新脱发新闻保持同步的人来说,一个叫做纳诺地尔的新产品广受追捧已经不是秘密了。去年,一些新闻标题提及Divine Skin公司开发了一个叫Nanoxidil的新分子,与米诺地尔非常接近。纳诺地尔据称效果更强,并且没有米诺地尔已知的那些副作用。许多人都焦虑地等待这款新药的上市,让我诧异的是,他最终上市了。

      3楼2016-01-27 21:30
        Nanoxidil is now being sold by DS Laboratories, Inc., and has received mostly positive reviews on Amazon.com. Overall, the product has received a 3/5 star rating with people pretty much either loving it or hating it. With only 9 reviews, it’s really too early to get a final verdict on whether Nanoxidil lives up to its hype or not. Only time will tell.

        4楼2016-01-27 21:31

          5楼2016-01-27 21:31
            I was very surprised to see that the product is already out on the market considering Divine Skin said clinical trials were needed before Nanoxidil would be available for sale. Apparently, the company has worked very quickly and put forth the necessary effort to get this stuff out in less than a year’s time.

            6楼2016-01-27 21:31
              让我意外的是,Divine Skin之前声称在上市之前会进行临床试验而需要等待较长的一段时间,但现在产品就已经出现在了市场上。显然,这家公司的动作很快,只花了不到一年的时间就完成了所有必要的大量工作。

              7楼2016-01-27 21:31
                Nanoxidil could be the next step for me as I continue to battle hair loss. I’m still debating whether or not I should try out Propecia or stick with using Minoxidil. My worry is that if I switch from Minoxidil to Nanoxidil, I may experience rapid hair loss during the transition. I’m also very worried about the sexual side effects Propecia is reported to cause. Who knows what I will do next. In any case, Nanoxidil sure does look pretty interesting.

                8楼2016-01-27 21:31

                  9楼2016-01-27 21:32